Ch.18 - A Visit

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I woke up to get breakfast downstairs in the barracks cafeteria. I was awake before a few others, but that was normal. I got dressed and headed downstairs, my stomach growling. Man, by the sound of it, it sounded like I hadn't eaten in forever. Overdramatic much, stomach?

There weren't many good options for breakfast, so I just got some oatmeal. I sat by myself and was eventually joined by Annie.

"Who's squad are you apart of today?" Annie muttered and glanced over to me.

"Marco's. You?" I questioned.

"Jean's," Annie responded. "Aren't you visiting your family afterwards?"

"Yeah. I pray that nothing dramatic happens," I stated as we continued to eat.

Of course, that wasn't the case. Jean's squad went into Squad Sasha's area and that caused a bit of drama. I didn't get into it. It was between Jean, Annie, Armin, Sasha, Connie, and Reiner, and I was not getting involved. Last thing I saw was Reiner breaking up Sasha, Connie, and Jean after they did interesting karate poses.

I got changed into civilian clothes and was about to leave to visit my family, but was stopped when a beefy blonde stood outside the girl's barracks door.

"Can I help you?" I asked. "I thought the squads were still arguing."

"I'm supposed to visit your family with you, but Sasha and Connie are dragging me into trying to hunt down a colossal boar," Reiner apologized.

"It's okay. Do you guys want help?" I questioned.

"No. I bet it's going to take days before we actually find the things, so go on without me," Reiner replied and ruffled my hair.

I rolled my eyes and then hugged him. "Alright. Be careful."

Reiner hugged me back and then pulled away, leaving me in the doorway. I then headed off towards Xavier's house. I walked down the familiar streets and went up to the house I had left almost three years ago. I lightly knocked and waited.

The door opened and my eyes met the amber eyes of a short girl, with black hair. I smiled and they closed the door on me. I stood there awkwardly and sighed.

"Welp. Quinn doesn't remember me," I stated. "That's for sure."

The door opened again and I saw a woman with blue eyes, along with long black hair. It was my mom, Tina. She smiled and immediately pulled me into a bone-crushing hug. I chuckled and hugged her back.

"I missed you so much (Y/N)!" Tina cried as she began to tear up.

"Please don't cry," I begged as I pulled away to look up at her.

She nodded and then chuckled as she wiped her wet eyes. I looked down to see Quinn clinging to her mom's leg.

"Hi Quinn. I guess you don't remember me," I greeted with a smile. "I'm (Y/N). I'm kinda your adopted sister."

"Sister?" Quinn questioned and glanced up at her mom.

Tina nodded, smiling as she said, "Yeah. She's like your sister."

"Sister!" Quinn shouted and then pounced on me.

I was startled at first, but caught her in my arms.

"Well, aren't you spunky," I joked and giggled with her.

"Where sister been?!" Quinn questioned as she stared into my eyes. Basically staring into my soul.

"I've been training to be a soldier, Quinn," I replied and set her down. "To fight those meanie titans!"

Quinn's eyes widened and yelled, "Cool!"

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