Ch. 29 - Survey Corps

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Since we joined the survey corps, the next day we immediately got on horseback to head to their headquarters. I hadn't ridden a horse in forever. Not since Xavier came and got me. It was nice.

We arrived at headquarters and we were about to be given a tour by Section leader Ness. We got to visit the stables and we know where all the rooms are now. There were more people from the training corps than I thought, but I'm not surprised since they weren't there when Trost was breached. They have yet to experience the horrors of titans.

"Oi! Mikasa! Armin!" Someone called.

I looked over and saw Eren run over to Armin and Mikasa. I smiled in amusement and began to walked over with everyone else.

"What? Everyone is here. So, that means you're all joining the survey corps," Eren questioned once he saw us.

"Why else would we be here dummy," I stated with a smile.

"Oh. So that means Annie, Jean, and Marco all joined the military police," Eren commented.

"No," Jean said and approached us. "Marco is dead."

"What? That can't be. This has to be some sick joke," Eren said in denial.

"It's true," I stated.

"Not everyone gets a dramatic death," Jean responded. "And he died alone. So no one knows what happened."

I didn't want to think about this anymore and luckily Section leader Ness called for us.

"Oi! You're uniforms are here," he announced and we all went over, grabbing our new jackets and green cloaks.

I stared at the cloak and then lightly put it on. It was the real deal this time and not just some blanket. I smiled and gazed at all of my friends.

Later, we were all standing in the stables talking.

"So, you guys are going on the expedition as well," Eren commented.

"That's right," Armin stated.

"Thw next few days they'll be teaching us about all the formation things and give us some extra training with horseback riding," I announced.

"Hey Eren," Jean said and looked over at him. "I heard that when you turned into a titan. You tried to kill Mikasa."

"No. He was trying to get a fly," Mikasa commented.

"I didn't ask you," Jean said. "Mikasa, it looks like that wound on your cheek is pretty bad. When did you get that?"

Mikasa began to try and hide it with her hair. It was obvious that it was because of Eren. He had lost control and attacked her. We all heard about it.

"I heard it's true. When I turned into a titan I tried to kill Mikasa," Eren revealed.

"So, that means you don't remember," Jean commented. "Which means you had no idea about this titan power till recently and don't have the means to control it."

Jean then turned to look at the rest of us.

"Did you hear that? Humanity and our lives depend on him. We'll probably just end up dying like Marco without Eren even realizing it," Jean inquired with a sigh.

"Why are you asking these questions now?" Mikasa accused.

"Because not everyone is like you, Mikasa. Not all of us are willing to die for Eren's sake with nothing in return," Jean stated, turning back to face her. "We should know what we're dying for. Otherwise we will hesitate when the time comes. We want something in return from him. So, let me see what he has to offer. And whether it's worth my life."

Jean then grabbed Eren by the shoulders. "We're all counting on you."

After that, we all headed to our rooms to get a good nights rest. I laid down in my bunk with Sasha and sighed. I glanced around the girls room longingly.

I missed Annie.

The next morning, we got up to get lesson on how the formation works.

We all sat down in a room with section leader Ness and looked at the board that had a map of the formation.

"The outer most people are the flanks. They're in charge of spotting titans. Then the positions between those and the center are the relay spots. Which is where most of you will be. Your job is to relay information to the center, either by use of flares or messengers. Then there is the center, which is the most protected places. Back of the center especially. The front of the center is where the commander is and behind that are the supply wagons," Ness explained. "You'll each be given your own map that gives your position and others on the day before the expedition."

This system seemed really well thought out. It minimizes the amount of contact you make with titans.

"Now. We'll go over flares," Ness exclaimed. "Green is what is fired when the commander shows which direction we'll head to avoid the titans. Red is used to relay that there are titans spotted in that area. Black is for abnormal. Purple is for emergency and Blue is for a retreat. Pretty simple."

Once our lessons were done we could go to lunch and then do whatever. Unless you had chores. I got stable cleaning duty, hilarious.

I sat down with Ymir and Christa, beginning to eat my lunch.

"It's so weird. That Eren is a titan," Christa commented. "And he didn't even know."

Ymir seemed tense but only for a second.

"Yeah. It's odd," Ymir responded and ate some bread. "What do you think princess?"

"I think Eren isn't the only one who can turn into a titan," I stated, but didn't look at them. "It only makes sense that he can't be the only one."

"It...It could be possible," Ymir inquired and shrugged her shoulders. "But, you never know."

I nodded and then finished eating my lunch. I stood and began to head off.

"I'll see you guys later. I've got some chores to take care of," I announced.

"See ya," Ymir said and Christa waved goodbye.

I smiled and then headed out toward the stables. But I couldn't help feel that I'm being followed.

Ymir getting nervous. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Anyway, the expedition is soon. Gonna get crazy.

And I wonder who is following you ;)

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