122 - Don't Disrespect Me

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Days passed after I took the crown. I've been slowly helping the poorer districts and parts of the cities, along with making sure the Military police is keeping themselves in line.

One of the bigger issues currently going on is where Eren belongs. I currently have him in a room in my house, guarded well and he isn't allowed to leave. I didn't want to treat him like some animal or criminal and throw him in the dungeon.

The scouts are wanting answers and are wanting custody of Eren in order to test a few theories in order to reclaim Shiganshina. I like the idea of using him, but I could also do it myself. Throwing myself into harms way when I need to lead my people isn't the smartest decision though.

I wanted to see all those others again, from the 104th. Many were actually thinking about joining the Military police and should be stationed in Stohess.

"My Queen? Are you listening?" One of the high military police officers asked.

I was currently in a boring meeting about who knows what. The paperwork and meetings with social climbing men were the worse.

"No. I'm not. I think we can finish this discussion another time. I have other business to attend to," I spoke and left the room, ignoring the calls of disagreement.

I walked to my room and changed into black trousers and a long sleeve white shirt with a blue vest. The feeling of casual clothing felt great on my skin after days of nothing but dresses and formality. I snuck out of my house and went to the stables. I looked around to see what horse I wanted, only for a dark grey dappled horse to catch my eyes. I walked towards the stall, meeting eye to eye with the horse. I lightly reached my hand out and they pressed their nose against it.

"Faye...." I murmured.

Wait....A name? How do I know this name? I've never met this horse before....Have I. In that moment I pushed those thoughts aside and saddled up on Faye.

Once ready, I took off out of the capital.

"My Queen! Come back!"

I ignore the calls and just pushed forward. The feeling of freedom and wind in my hair felt amazing. Joy filled my heart as I smiled, racing out of the capital and towards Stohess.

I arrived soon enough and galloped towards the military police headquarters. I dismounted off of Faye and grabbed her bridle as I walked to the gates.

"Hey. No unauthorized citizens are allowed past here," one of the soldiers stated.

"How about the Queen of the walls?" I asked seriously and they just laughed.

"Sure. Come back when you become Queen," one of them spoke with chuckles.

"No Queen would dress like that peasant girl," the other stated.

"Mhm. So, what I'm hearing is as soon as my soldiers from the capital have caught up to me, if I'm Queen I can send you to jail," I commented.

"Yeah, sure. Not that that will ever happen," the first one said again, wiping a tear from his eye from laughing so much.

"Alright," I replied with a wicked smile as I could hear the hooves of horses heading this way.

Soon five interior police arrived on horseback with rifles on their backs, stopping just behind me.

"Oi. Can you take care of this girl? She's parading around claiming to be the queen,"one of the guards said.

My soldiers ignored them and just dismounted their horses, walking to me.

"My Queen. You shouldn't be out of the capital," my head guard of the interior spoke.

The guards were dumbfounded and eyes widened.

"Well, the Queen wanted some fresh air, Hansen," I simply replied. "Do me a favor. Arrest these men for treason. They have disrespected my name and denied me access."

Hansen nodded and motioned to the others to grab the guards.

"No! Please! My Queen we were only joking!" One pleaded as the other cowered.

"Think of that as you sit in jail for three months. If you learn your lesson sooner, maybe you'll be released earlier," I said as they were dragged away.

"You're making quiet a scene," Hansen pointed out.

"I don't take shit from those who disrespect me. Give me a few hours and wait here till I return," I ordered as I handed off the bridle of Faye to him, walking into headquarters finally.

I walked around for a bit, not seeing many soldiers. I soon went to the training yard to see a few of the newer recruits cleaning their rifles. My eyes scanned the area and soon picked out a group in the corner. Marco, Jean, Bertholdt, Annie, and Reiner.

Marco was the first to see me and his eyes widened.

"(Y/N)! I mean, your majesty," Marco spoke, unsure what to do in this situation.

The rest of the recruited military police heard this and immediately saluted me.

"At ease," I told them as I walked over. "It's so good to see familiar faces."

"Good to see you as well," Marco replied.

Soon I looked to the others, flashes of people filled my vision. They looked so similar to them...but older...I blinked a few times, rubbing my eyes as I tried to get rid of the vision.

"Are you alright?" A calming voice spoke as I soon came face to face with Reiner. "Is something wrong?"

All I could do as I stared at him was smile.

"No. Everything is perfect," I replied, glad to see him again.

Hey homies 😋

What's popping?

How you like that bread of a chapter?

I'm sorry I'm talking weird lol
Love y'all

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