Ch. 134 - Secret Plan

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"What's the final details?" Annie asked as we all sat around.

Zeke, Pieck, Ymir, Annie, Reiner, Porco, and I all sat in my abode. I currently was holding Felix in my arms since he started crying when Reiner and I left the room. Frieda was fast asleep. She was a pretty docile baby. Porco was helping me entertain Felix. It made me happy.

I was afraid Porco and I would have issues after....the incident...but he's been very kind and he's a person I really trust.

"What will happen is the Beast, Cart, and Armour titans will take control on the ground, surrounding the area where the Tybur's will be having their announcement. Ymir will control the top of the buildings, that's where some of the militants will be if they suspect an attack will occur. With everything under our control, I will try and reason with the people," I explained.

"How will you do that?" Zeke questioned. "And what of the higher ups?"

"They will all be seated to the left of the stage, controlled with the rest of the crowd," I told them. "Just trust me when it comes to the talking."

"You were so set on taking them all out," Ymir commented. "You're not doing that now?"

"Don't worry. Theyll get what's coming to them," I responded as I held Felix close to me.

"We need to go. Some of the generals want to talk more about Paradise with Reiner and the rest of us Warriors should be there as well," Pieck pointed out.

"I'll take Felix out today since he seems to be troubled," Porco offered.

"Won't that be suspicious," Annie pointed out.

"Don't worry. I'll just he's a cousin or something," Porco reassured.

"I'll go with you as well, for extra protection," Annie responded. "Ymir can stay here with Frieda."

"Yes! I love Frieda," Ymir stated. "She reminds me a lot of Historia and you, (Y/n), even though she has Reiner's DNA as well."

Reiner huffed and wrapped an arm around my waist. "She'll never like me," he whispered.

"No. She won't, but that's okay cause I like you," I told him.

He smiled in response and kissed my forehead.

Soon the Warriors began to leave one by one. I handed Porco over to Felix and sighed.

"I'll see you later Felix, I promise," I told him and then looked at Porco. "Thank you."

"It's my pleasure," he responded as he held onto Felix. "Figure some fresh air could fix him up a little."

I smiled at that response and nodded before following after the others. Once we arrived at headquarters, I waited out on the balcony as they talked strategy with the others. I was needed nor highly trusted. I needed to talk to Eren. He would be a key asset in this whole plan, but I don't want the others knowing he is here.

Soon the meeting was done and we began to watched the young warrior candidates race.

"The brass heading up this project are pretty intelligent," Zeke commented as he arrived with Colt.

"Like entrusting this mission with four kids," Pieck replied with a sigh.

I rolled my eyes. These idiots don't care about kids, they just want people they can manipulate.

I was beginning to drift off until something peaked my interest.

"Falco just passed Gabi," Reiner pointed out.

"He's ahead," Colt said proudly.

The race soon ended and Falco had one. Zofia and Udo began to celebrate with him since no one had ever beaten Gabi. I chuckled in amusement.

"They're only celebrating one little win. Jeez, they've got no idea," Reiner commented unhappily.

"No matter how well Falco does at this point, he'll never surpass Gabi," Colt stated.

"He doesn't need to, since there's two titans they want to definitely pass down to them now," I pointed out.

"Oh, yeah," Colt replied, a bit embarrassed he forgot. "Sorry (Y/n)."

"It's alright," I responded with a smile and began to walk off. "Now excuse me gentleman and lady. I have a few errands to run."

I soon headed off, walking towards the hospital to visit Eren again. I walked over and sat down beside him. I noticed the baseball along with a glove.

"Zeke knows you're here," I asked, gazing at him.

"He does," was his reply before he looked towards me. "He may be my brother, but I trust you more than family."

"How can I be sure I can trust you fully," I questioned him, now having doubts.

"Because you're the one with a way that'll save millions of innocents and also allow eldians to continue their line of blood," Eren responded. "One day...I want a son...or long as it's with Mikasa."

"I knew it," I stated with a smile. "Once this is over, you two can live peacefully, wherever you want."

"Thank you," Eren replied with a smile.

"You know," I began to speak. "You look way better without facial hair. This look isn't doing you too much justice."

"Oh really," Eren said with a chuckle. "What about the long hair."

"Hmmmm...Maybe it'll look good if it's pulled back," I commented and chuckled as well.

After joking around a bit, it became serious.

"So, I've already given the rest of the people our plan, then there's my secret other part of the plan," I began to explain. "You'll hide underneath the Marley militant stands on the right side of the stage or on stage it's stage left. I'm going to give two signals. One will be for them to transform and the other will be for you to transform. Not only the lightning will kill them, but the rest of your transformation will. If there are survivors, kill them."

"You really want them dead...." Eren murmured in surprise. "The others don't know."

"No...they don't," I replied. "What do our other friends know?"

"They know to take over the harbor and help out the shifters," Eren replied.

"Good. That's all they need to know," I replied. "This this last chance we have to save the world from war...once and for all."

Another chapter babyyyy!

Things getting serious!!!!!

I can't wait and I'm the author lol

Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it!

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