Ch. 19 - Conversations

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Everything seemed to cool down after Jean and Sasha's cooking riot. Training in Trost wasn't terrible and I was able to visit my family more often. It was nice seeing Xavier and Tina. It was especially great when I got to spend time with Quinn. I loved having siblings and being a sibling again was one of the best feelings ever. Except this time I would be the one watching over her.

Reiner still hadn't been able to visit yet. He's been very distracted and busy lately between training. We were learning more stuff about Garrison cannons of we ever end up in that branch of military. I still hadn't made up my mind.

There was no way I was going to the Military Police. One way or another they would eventually find out who I really am.

Garrison isn't terrible. You just patrol the walls and only fight when necessary. Some of the Garrison are lazy booze heads or they're actually really dedicated.

Then there are the scouts. I've been beginning to lean in that direction lately. I would have freedom in the scouts and go outside the walls. Be free of the worries of humanity and only worry if I'll live to see the next day. I know those things are scary to think about, but for some reason I liked that idea.

The only people I've confirmed who are going to the scouts are Eren, Armin, and Mikasa. Eren has been set on it since day one. I don't blame him. He's had a traumatic past as well. Although, he needs to learn to get less cocky and have his anger issues under control.

I currently was helping Quinn and Tina hang laundry while Xavier was away. It was weird to be doing calm chores like this. I lightly slipped a piece of cloth over the line and straightened it out.

"We still haven't been able to meet any of your friends," Tina commented.

I nodded before replying, "Some of them spend a lot of time training or are being lazy. They're nice people, I promise."

"You also speak so fondly about Reiner," Tina stated cooly, which caused me to blush.

"Well, I owe it to him since he's been so kind to me after all this time. At first I hated him," I responded with a chuckle. "But then, after a training exercise went wrong, my life flashed before my eyes and I finally realized he wasn't that bad."

"You're speaking of the time you saved that Christa girl right," Tina questioned as she remembers this event from one of my many stories.

"Yes. She's something else. She feels so familiar to me and her presence is always reassuring. Sending her away with those buffoons, I wouldn't allow it," I stated and I felt Quinn hug my leg.

I smiled down at her and picked her up into my arms.

"You're very kind (Y/N)," Tina murmured and then kissed my forehead. "I hope one day you share your life story with me. I always knew you came from something dark and distant. Your eyes said it all the night you arrive with Xavier. You can't fool me."

I sighed and shook my head lightly. "One day maybe. It is painful," I replied softly and then set Quinn down. "I need to head back. I promised to go hunting with Sasha later."

"Alright. Have fun," Tine said with a smile.

"Bye sister!" Quinn called after me as I left them.

I giggled in amusement and then headed off back to the headquarters to meet up with Sasha.

When I finally arrived, I couldn't find Sasha anywhere. That was until I checked the barracks rooms. I found her in her bed, looking like a sick dog curled up into a ball.

"You have food poisoning...don't you. What did you get into this time," I scolded with a huff.

"Nooooo. Don't scold me while I'm in pain," Sasha whined and gave me pleading eyes.

I sighed. "Fine. Get better then," I murmured and closed the door.

I headed down the hall. Now what was I supposed to do for the rest of the day. I was trying to think as I turned a corner, then it hit me.

Not like an epiphany, but I a person. And not exactly hit, more like ran into. I fell on my butt and stared up at them.

"Why am I not surprised it's you," I said, staring up at.....Ymir.

Ymir smirked and helped me up. "I was about to check on Sasha."

"No need," I commented as I brushed myself off. "She's still not doing good."

"Alright," Ymir said and then glanced around. "Can I talk to you about some things? It's very important."

I had never seen Ymir this serious. So I nodded and followed her through the barracks. What could she possibly want to talk about?

That's right! I live!
You probably thought I was dead but I'm not.

Also, I'm sorry I haven't updated till now. I just hope you enjoyed.

Also also, I am so grateful for all of you guys and your comments. You are truly all the best.

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