Ch. 94 - We Need To Talk

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I wasn't really myself after that day. I mostly kept to myself and didn't talk much to the others. I spent a lot of time with Annie though. I wasn't conformable being around anyone else, more in fear of someone bring up that day or wanting me to explain my behavior.

"You leave for Marley tomorrow," Annie commented as she finished folding some clothes. "You need to get a hold of yourself."

"I know. I'll be fine..." I murmured. "You're not going?"

"No. Bertholdt and I opted out," Annie replied. "We don't want to be involved anymore."

I nodded in understanding and continued to sit there.

"Have you been eating well enough or even sleeping?" Annie questioned and poked my side.

I flinched and she gave me a look. I sighed and then turned away.

"I'm fine," I replied coldly.

"Lies," Annie stated and sat down beside me. "You sure you'll be okay in Marley?"

"I'll be fine," I assured her. "I'll fit in and gain their trust. Easy."

"But you still need to make sure you stick with your allies," Annie commented. "And your boyfriend. Who you have barely talked to by the way!"

"I'll talk to him soon. I promise," I replied softly.

"Okay," Annie said and then hugged me. "Just stay safe."

She then got up and left the room. I sat there for a long amount of time and then eventually got up. I needed to find Reiner and talk to him. I checked his room and he wasn't there. I looked around the house for awhile but couldn't find him. I gave up and walked back to my room. I needed to pack somethings since we were leaving tomorrow.

I opened the door and to my surprise I saw Reiner standing there with a bag in his hand.

"Um...Reiner...." I spoke confused as I closed the door.

"I figured since you haven't been doing well I would help pack some things for you," Reiner explained and set my bag on the bed.

I nodded and then walked over to him.

"Could we talk?" I asked softly.

"Yes. Of course," Reiner replied.

"I just....I'm sorry I've been in a funk and everything. I just need to figure myself out which is hard since I'll be acting as a totally different person in Marley," I told him. "I...I love you Reiner but I think we should give each other some space for a little while in order to focus on the mission."

Reiner looked at me clearly disappointed by what I've said. He sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Okay. I understand," Reiner responded. "Just know if you ever need anything I'm here. I love you."

I gave a small smile and then hugged him.

"I'm sorry..." I murmured.

"It's okay," Reiner assured me. "We need to focus on the mission."

I nodded, but we stayed there hugging for a long time. Eventually we parted ways and I just laid on my bed until I fell asleep.

I appeared in my usual dream spot which meant Ada needed to talk to me. I looked over and there she stood, staring at me.

"Did I do something wrong?" I asked softly.

"No....You saw the future right?" Ada questioned as she walked up to me. "Then you know that there will be chaos and destruction. You need to find a way to put an end to it."

"How? I don't even know how it happens," I asked. "And I don't want rummage through Eren's head anymore."

"It was in his head (Y/N)," Ada pointed out.

It hit me.

"It happens because of him!" I screeched. "He's going to kill so many people. Innocent people. I don't...why....Is it because I've been a jerk to him or something!? Man needs to get over himself."

"I don't know but you need to stop him before he ends up doing anything," Ada spoke.

"The only thing I can think of is if I kill him..." I murmured. "I can't do that! I've already eaten one person. I don't want to do it again. Plus, the stupid King's will is gonna take me over if I get the Founder."

"Are you willing to make that sacrifice?" Ada asked me and I looked at her.

"So, you're serious," I stated. "The only way to stop Eren is to kill him."

I stared at her hopelessly and sighed.

"I can't do that right now. I need to focus on Marley and taking them down first," I told her. "I can't focus on boys."

"Letting Reiner go now was the right choice," Ada said. "He still loves you, but the world needs you."

"Yeah right. The world needs me," I retorted with a huff. "Is there any way I could break the First King's Will?"

"Not that I'm aware," Ada spoke. "But, if there were a way to destroy these walls along with the titans within them, the First King's Will wouldn't even make sense anymore. Or maybe you can even try to reason with Ymir herself."

"We're doomed!" I declared and sat down on the ground defeated. "Maybe there's a way for Historia to use the Founder through me....Like I'm a sort of key."

"I mean, it could be possible," Ada replied. "But I doubt it."

"I just want to live in peace with Reiner for as long as he has left....Is that too much to ask for?" I cried out. "You hear that Goddess Ymir!"

I was basically yelling at clouds that weren't even real. I was starting to hate myself at this point. A future of doom and the only way to solve it was possibly murder.

This is my apology chapter in a way because the last one was...not great. I'm sorrrrrryyyyyy

This one isn't any better but like....
I got nothing to say. I've caused chaos.

I'm worried the story isn't good anymore at this point because of what I've done.

But you know what, who cares. Here we go.

Also I know some peeps don't like Porco but hey....It's Porco lemme have this XD
I have no argument I can make in this situation. I just want Porco rn

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