Ch. 63 - Emotional

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I laid cuddled up with Reiner in front of the fireplace and stared at the dancing flames. I sighed and snuggled up as close as I could to him, realizing I needed to go. I whined and Reiner chuckled in amusement.

"You'll see me again before you know it," Reiner murmured as he played with my hair.

"Yeah right. I'm going to miss you every day," I replied and sat up.

Reiner sat up as well and kissed my shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waist held me close to him.

"Everything will be okay," Reiner responded and kissed my cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too," I said and turned around, kissing him on the lips.

I forced myself to pull away from him and gathered up my clothes. I dressed myself and Reiner got dressed as well. I grabbed my gear and threw on my borrowed Garrison corps cloak. I was finally dressed and ready to leave. But, I didn't want to....

I stood by the door and Reiner walked over to me. He grabbed one of my hands and brought it up, kissing my knuckles. I smiled in amusement and then hugged him desperately. Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks as I held onto him and he hugged me back, holding onto me as if I was just going to disappear.

"I'll be waiting for you (Y/N)," Reiner murmured.

I nodded and then kissed his cheek.

"Look after Bertholdt and tell him that I miss him. Once all this government and political stuff is taken care of, I'll get in contact with Annie and we'll try to save you all," I told him.

He smiled at me and then passionately kissed me, before pulling away.

"You're truly a Goddess, (Y/N) Reiss," Reiner softly spoke as he stared at me. "Now go before I stop you."

I nodded and then raced out the door. I wiped my tears away as I ran and then I transformed into a titan. I sped back to Trost as fast as my abilities could go. I arrived, but hid my titan in some wooded area not too far away and then used my gear to scale the wall.

I snuck back to Trost headquarters as best as I could and covered my head with my hood. The sun was beginning to rise and I needed to be quick. I entered headquarters and put the gear back where it was originally. I then snuck back into my room and changed back into the nightgown I originally had so no one would be suspicious.

I laid down in my bed and just stared at the ceiling. I didn't feel tired and tears welled up in my eyes again. I missed Reiner already. Was I really that emotional? I sniffled and wiped my eyes along with my nose. I tried my best to fall asleep but had no luck.

I ended up laying there alone for a few hours and then I heard a knock at the door. I sat up and hugged my pillow close to my chest.

"Come in," I called and the door opened.

Who came through that door was not who I expected? Of all people, why was he here?

"Morning," Eren said as he walked in with a tray of food.

I just stared at him and set down the tray of food on the desk beside me. He then took a seat in the chair that was next to my bed.

"I'm guessing you're surprised," Eren stated.

I just shrugged and moved my pillow to the side before grabbing the tray of food. Bread and some oatmeal. It was at least something.

"Have you been crying?" Eren asked.

Did this guy know when to but out of my business?

"Yes," I replied and went back to eating my food.

"Why?" Eren continued to question.

"Are you that insensitive!?" I hissed at him. "Let me be!"

"I'm just asking a question," Eren said, trying to defend himself.

It was then silent for a long time as I went back to eating. I knew he wanted to say more, but knew not to open his mouth.

"I keep seeing the same girl. The one I saw from the vision I had, when we were at the forest," Eren suddenly revealed. "Who is she?"

"Describe her," was my response as I stared over at him.

"She has long, black hair and these purple, blue eyes. She has fair skin," Eren described.

"Frieda," I replied. "Her name...was Frieda."

"Why do I keep seeing her?" Eren asked.

"She's a past user," I responded. "Sometimes shifters are able to see past holders."

"Can you?" He questioned.

"Sorta," I answered. "It's complicated for me."

"They're going to move us soon, somewhere secluded inside Wall Rose so that Hange can conduct her experiments," Eren informed me. "They don't want anyone to try and take us again."

"So, it's become us now?" I asked. "I thought everyone just cared about you."

"No...I mean, they care because they need me to help save humanity. But, our friends, they care about you too," Eren spoke. "The survey corps also want to try and learn anything they can from you. They want to work peacefully with you."

"Do you think the survey corps can keep Historia and I safe?" I asked. "From humans."

Eren seemed thrown off by this question and replied, "I don't know."

I set the tray to the side once I'd finished eating and sighed, flopping back onto the bed.

"We don't know it yet, but all of us are going to be in danger soon..." I spoke. "And it won't be because of titans."

Another chapter!


Eren trying to gain some trust now and chat with (Y/N)

Season 3 stuff will be kicking off soon and I can't wait to write it!

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