Extra 1: Sibling Rivalry

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"Seraphina! Get back here!"

"Then come and get me Felix!"

The little girl addressed as Seraphina stuck her tongue out at Felix before racing off through the field. Felix growled and chased after her.

"Felix! Don't leave me behind!" A small boy called as he ran after Felix.

"Obi! Don't follow them!" An older girl called after him.

"Then hurry up Frieda! I'm losing them!" The young boy addressed as Obi called back.

Four children. Frieda, Felix, Seraphina, and Obi. Frieda and Felix had golden blonde hair. Frieda had bluish, purple eyes while Felix had amber eyes. Clearly twins due to their similar appearances and appeared to be around the age of 10. Seraphina had dirty blonde hair with amber eyes and appeared to be about 8 years old. Then their was little Obi, who had chocolate brown hair and blue eyes. He was about 5.

"Mom is going to kill all of us if we don't get back to the house soon!" Frieda warned worriedly as she chased her siblings, catching up to Obi, grabbing his hand.

Felix, however, continued to make chase after Seraphina. He eventually caught up and tackled her to the ground.

"Take back what you said!" He growled.

"No! I won't! You're mean and a stupid titan!" She scoffed at him, narrowing her amber eyes.

Felix was clearly ticked at this and went to hit her, until someone called out.

"Kids! Come back! It's almost dark!"

Felix still had his fist in the air and then sighed, slowly lowering it as he got off of Seraphina. Frieda and Obi had caught up to them, Frieda taking notice of Felix's slow recoil. He looked at his twin with a saddened face before making his way back to the house. Frieda let out a sigh as she watched Seraphina brush off her skirts.

"You need to stop being mean to him," Frieda scolded.

"Why should I?" Seraphina retorted. "He's mean and thinks so highly of himself. I'm more mature than him."

"You're just jealous aren't you," Frieda commented which caught Seraphina off guard. "It's true he's the heir, but it's not just him. It's me, Obi, and Ophelia too. Ophelia hasn't even learned how to speak and you're giving her the stink eye. You're acting childish for someone who claims is more mature than Felix."

Frieda then picked Obi up in her arms and began to walk back to the house. Seraphina stood there bewildered and then huffed, slowly following behind.

Felix arrived back to the cabin and walked in to see his mother trying to set the table with Ophelia in her arms.

"Mom! Let me help!" Felix offered and raced over, taking the plates and cups from her.

"Thank you sweetie," she responded with a prideful smile.

The little girl in her arms made a giggling sound as she watched her brother. Ophelia was about a year or so old, having dark brown hair and amber eyes. Same eyes as him and Seraphina.

The mother then glanced out the window, seeing her other children approach the house. She wondered what made them race off earlier. It was expected that when one of the kids took off, the others followed but it was late and they knew better than to race off at this time. She sighed and then set Ophelia in her seat, moving to set all the food on the table.

"Momma!" Obi called when he entered, racing over to the older woman, hugging her skirts and leg.

She chuckled and leaned down, hugging her son.

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