Ch. 77 - Moving On

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The titan had now reached the wall and the cannons continued to fire upon it. But, the wind suddenly changed and it began to blow all the hot steam towards us.

"Ah! Hot!" Sasha cried out.

"This doesn't look good," Jean commented.

"We have to go with our plan," Levi responded.

"So you're saying, that in order to defeat the titan, we'll stuff gunpowder into it's throat and hope it's enough to blow up its nape?" Levi asked Erwin as we discussed the plan.

"Correct," Erwin confirmed.

"With heat that it's producing, I imagine it'll ignite without a detonator," Levi commented. "So, as long as it hangs its wide mouth open like an idiot.."

"An explosion against its nape won't have the desired effect. Which is why the explosion needs to go off on the inside," Erwin explained. "But the target may be protecting itself by dragging it's face in the ground. For all we know, it might not have a mouth to open. That's the gamble this time.

The titans hand slowly came up and grabbed onto the side of the wall. The other hand did the same and it began to pull itself up onto the wall. The titan looked terrifying and that's because it didn't even have a face. It had no eyes, half of a tongue, and just some teeth. It was disgusting and what was worse, was it's insides were falling out and onto the city.

The citizens obviously began to panic once they say the giant ass titan. I don't blame them. I would have run away too if I had just saw this pop out of no where. The Garrison was retreating now, which meant it was up to the Scouts now.

I grabbed a bucket and began to douse myself with water to help with the heat. Once Eren transformed, we readied the barrels to fire at the titans hands to make it go unbalanced.

"Let the attack....Commence!" The commander ordered and shot a red flare into the air.

Armin and Sasha both let go of their barrels and they shot straight into the titans hands, causing it to loose grip. This made it fall down to where it's head was closer to the wall. That means Eren was up now.

"Eren!" Commander Erwin yelled.

Eren's titan raced passed all of us and headed to the titan's mouth. He ran straight up to it and shoved a whole sack of gunpowder into the titans throat. This caused a devastating explosion. The titan began to ripple and all the sudden exploded into pieces. Many of the pieces flying towards the city.

"All troops! Finish it off using your ODM gear!" Erwin commanded.

All of us raced off, slicing pieces of the titan to make sure nothing regenerates. But, we needed to find the part of the nape. It would look different than all of the others. I soon spotted it, and immediately shot my hooks, flying towards it.

"Sorry, father," I spoke and then slashed through it.

When I did this, I felt memories flash through my head of my father pleading with his own father, Uncle Uri assuring he would be fine, and my sister claiming she would go against the ghosts of our family's past. They all did their best and I will never forget them. But, this needed to end.

After destroying that piece of the titan, an explosion went off and shot me down towards the city. I landed in a giant wagon of hay and sighed.

"Close call...." I murmured and began to stand up.

I looked around and saw people gathering to see if I was okay. Nothing was broken and I have a titan's healing power so I'm good to go. I stood up and stared out at the people.

"I am, (Y/N) Reiss," I spoke to them. "I am the true ruler of these walls!"

After that, the Garrison and Scout regiments did their best to clean up the titan mess. They sent scouts out to see if there were any survivors by the chapel. In my head, I hoped Uncle Kenny would be okay, but I knew.....there was little hope for that to happen. I would still have his memory and that's what matters.

Since I was to be Queen now, I got my father's house deep within the Walls. I was going to turn this place into my own vision. I would start with the staff. I had called a meeting in the dining room for all staff to attend.

"Greetings! I know I don't know many of you, but you have served my family for years. I'm sure many wee cruel to you and I wish to not force you to stay," I announced to them. "If you would like to quit, then I will send you off with some money to help you before finding a new job. If you end up staying, I would be most grateful and hope we get along in the future."

Only a few staff members in the end, ended up leaving. I hold no ill will towards them. I'm just glad they were honest. I appointed Reya head maid who would be in charge of all staff members, that way I had nothing to worry about around the house. I turned Frieda's room into Historia and Ymir's room and I renovated my own room to make it seem more like the recent me. The me I liked more.

Ymir, Historia, and Annie would be living with me. Yes, Ymir and Annie will having soldier duties, but right now I'm not having that. After that titan attack, they need a break. I turned one of my siblings rooms into Annie's room and then renovated the rest. As much as I wanted to hold onto the last bits of my siblings, it was time to push forward and focus more on the future. My coronation was going to be in a few hours.

Once I obtain this position, I can save everyone.

What's this??
Another chapter! Le Gasp!

We got rid of the titan and now we gonna be Queen. Heck yeah.

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