Extra 4: Nostalgia

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Frieda was currently snooping around her parents room. It wasn't really for a negative reason, she just wanted to know more about her parents but they didn't talk about it much. So she's taking things into her own hands.

As she opened the closet and admired a few of her mother's outfits, she noticed a box in the far corner. She kneeled down and scooted it closer to her now that her curiosity was peaked.

When she opened the box, she gazed over the array of items. A locket, a scouts jacket and cloak, a hairbrush, and a red armband. Frieda gently wrapped her fingers around the red armband and stared at it curiously.

"What're you doing?" A voice called.

Frieda's eyes widened as she had been caught but when she looked over, she was faced with her twin, Felix.

"I'm.....looking through our parents' things..." she guiltily admitted.

"Aren't you supposed to be the mature one," Felix commented. "You're fourteen."

"So are you," Frieda shot back. "I'm just curious as all. Why would mom have these things in a box together?"

"I don't know, but you should put it back," Felix responded.

"But what back?"

They froze and turned around to see their mother standing there.

(Y/n) POV

I looked at my two eldest and then noticed the box on the floor. I let out a small sigh and approached them.

"Snooping is rude you know," I told them.

"I tried to stop her!" Felix immediately said, defending himself.

"Hey!" Frieda cried out and stuck her tongue at him.

"Alright, alright. Please calm down," I told them.

All the others kid's were down for a nap and I really didn't want any of them to wake up.

"Would you like to know about the stuff in the box?" I asked softly.

Frieda stared with wide eyes and nodded eagerly. Felix just shrugged and tried to act disinterested but I knew he was curious.

"Alright," I said and then sat down next to Frieda on the floor.

I took the locket in my hands and held it up to her.

"This was a gift from my adopted parents in Trost," I told her. "Xavier and Tina. You've met them a few times when you were younger. They have a child of their own as well, Quinn. She was just born around the time I left."

"Why did you leave?" Frieda asked curiously.

"Because I went to join the training core. I wanted to fight and not sit around while the world crumbled around me," I told them. "That's also where I met your father. First time we met we were sparring together....I totally kicked his ass."

"Cool!" Felix said as he soon joined us on the floor.

"Then, I went to join the scouts," I explained and the held up the scouts cloak. "My friends from the training core became my family and we all went into the scouts together. Well, all except Annie.....and Marco."

"Where was aunt Annie?" Felix asked.

"She joined the Military Police. At the time, Annie, Bertholdt, and your father.....were not in the right mind. I did whatever I could to help them. I won't go into detail but let's just say I succeeded," I said and they nodded.

I didn't want to explain such details to my children. They now lived in a world of peace. Maybe when they're older I'll tell them everything.

I then gently picked up the hairbrush.

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