Ch.1 - A Normal Life?

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It's been a year now, of me living in the Trost District. I liked it here, even if it was overrun by people. Well, that wasn't going to be the case for much longer. People are being sent to work in the fields, or apart of the scouts to try and win back our home. Both options sounded horrible. Lucky me, somehow, I was still privileged and given a home to stay in.

Xavier is a great man. He works hard and even has gotten himself a baby on the way from his wife. Her name is Tina. She's really nice, and treats me as if I was her own child, even though I'm not. There were a few other people who use to live with us when the walls had first fallen, but they were able to find places of their own eventually.

"(Y/N)! Can you come help me with the chores," Tina called from the other room.

"Coming!" I called and got out of bed.

I changed into some grey pants and a baby blue, long-sleeve shirt. I made my way downstairs, and was greeted by both Xavier and Tina. I gave Tina a careful hug, so that I don't hurt her belly.

"Could you go hang out the laundry on the roof for me, sweety?" Tina asked kindly.

I nodded and then grabbed the basket, heading outside. I walked out and headed up the stairs. I began to hang up all the clothes on the close lines. Once I was finished, I noticed a girl with a hoodie wandering around the alleys. I went downstairs and left the basket at the front door. I headed in the direction of the girl and she eventually stopped.

"What do you want? I have no money," she said and turned to look at me.

"I don't want anything," I replied and thought for a moment. "Would you like some food?"

"You don't even know me and you're offering me food?"

"It's the least I can do."

"Do you have enough for three?"

"We have some small pieces of bread."

The girl then nodded and followed me back the house. I walked inside and noticed Xavier and Tina were in the other room, so I snuck over to the small food pantry. I grabbed three bread rolls and snuck back out of the house.

"Here," I said holding them out to her. "What's your name?"

"Annie," she replied and already bit into one of the rolls.

"(Y/N)," was my response. "Will I see you around more?"

"Possibly, but in a year, I'm going to join the training corps."

"Training corps?"

"It's where you train to become a soldier," she stated. "And to kill titans."

As I heard the word titans, I began to get flashbacks to when my family was killed by that attack titan.

"I'm gonna join," I announced.

Annie just shrugged and said, "I'll see you there then. Don't expect me to be nice. I was only being nice because you gave me food."

I nodded before saying, "Understandable."

She then walked off and I headed back inside. I set down the basket and then began to do the dishes.

"Thank you for working on the dishes for me?" Tina said sweetly as she walked back into the room.

"No problem," I replied, smiling up at her.

When Xavier finally came back into the room, I turned to him to talk.

"Xavier. I want to do be a part of the training corps next year," I announced.

I heard a plate dropped into the sink, and turned to see Tina in shock.

"But that would mean, training to kill titans," Tina stated.

"My family was killed by a titan," I revealed and met her sad gaze.

"You aren't our child and this is a choice you want to make," Xavier stated. "We'll support you, but are you sure you truly want this?"

"Xavier!" Tina shrieked in shock at his words, not liking the idea of me going away, with the possibility of dying.

"This is something I want to do. This what I want," I said proudly.

"Then that is what you'll be doing," Xavier said. "But you'll still be with us for the next year. Just know that we love you."

"I love you guys too!" I replied and smiled happily.

"Oh (Y/N)!" Tina cried and leaned down, hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry for making you cry," I murmured.

"It's alright. I shouldn't stand in the way of the path you want to take."

"Thank you.... mom..."

It's kinda short, but that's okie

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