Ch. 126 - Missed Them

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Fort Slava.....The final stand is upon us. All we have to do it take out this place along with the harbor.

It was about a three months trip due to us have to travel with equipment and many soldiers. When we arrived it was nightfall and slowly filed ourselves into the trenches the Eldian foot soldiers had been working on for who knows how long. This war has been long. It is doesn't just end in one day.

Pieck and I met up with Commander Magath.

"You were successful in your endeavors I take it. If you haven't, then coming here was a mistake," he stated.

"We were successful Sir," I responded.

"The base has been taken over as planned. Any news on when the rest of the Warriors will be here," Pieck questioned.

"They will be arriving by noon tomorrow, traveling by zeppelin," Magath replied. "The plan tomorrow is we'll have a full charge in the morning, sending out many soldiers to try and take out anyone they can."

"That's suicide if there's heavy artillery out there," I warned, not liking the idea. "Isn't there anything else we could do? Use Pieck and I."

"There sacrifices will be necessary. Don't question me ever again," he threatened and I kept my mouth shut. "We will not resort to using the Warriors until we absolutely need to. Reason being is because they've created anti titan weapons, making them more dangerous than ever. Braun and Jeager will arrive and drop down a ton of titans to take out a portion of the fort. Once that happens we'll focus on taking out the fleet next, cleaning up whatever left of the fort."

"What will we be doing sir?" Pieck asked.

"You will need to protect Zeke once he arrives. Until then, as the attack is initiated, you two will join in. Plan may change depending on tomorrow. We need to find a way to take out the railroad tracks without losing one of you. Dismissed," Magath spoke and we left.

We walked along the trenches, looking endlessly for.....

"There!" Pieck spoke up.

I looked over eagerly and then raced over.

"(Y/n)!" Four kids yelled.

Those yells were from Zofia, Udo, Gabi, and Falco. I ran to them and hugged them all close, very close to crying.

"You're all okay!" I spoke happily as I smiled.

"Of course. We're fighters!" Gabi said confidently.

They all nodded and I smiled, ruffling each one's hair.

"Glad you're both here," Another voice spoke and I looked up seeing Colt.

"Colt. Good to see you," I said and moved over hugging him.

We had eventually gotten close over time since we saw each other so much due to the Warrior program.

"How was the fight at your fort Ada," Colt questioned.

"It's (Y/n) actually..." I responded.

"Oh right. My apologies. After calling you that for a year or so it's been hard to change," Colt replied and rubbed his neck embarrassed now.

"It's alright. I'm not picky," I told him and pat his shoulder. "I get adjusting is hard. Took me long enough to get use to living here."

Colt nodded and then we both glanced over as we heard a chorus of yawns from the young warrior candidates.

"Looks like it's time to sleep," Pieck stated with a small laugh.

"No one sleeps in war!" Gabi retorted, clearly tired. "Time to fight."

"Don't worry. All is quiet right now," Udo observed. "You can sleep for now."

"No one sleeps in war.....unless they're really tired," Gabi spoke and then all of them leaned against each other, falling asleep.

I smiled in amusement and looked at Pieck.

"We need sleep to and to get up early. If Magath's plan goes even more south than I want it too, we're both going to step in," I told Pieck.

"You're getting bold now," Pieck stated and smirked. "I like it, but don't go overboard. You have to keep your head level."

I nodded.

"Let's get some sleep," I say and we walked off to another spot, falling asleep.

I don't seem to dream a lot anymore, ever since that coma I just sit in 'the field.'

Instead of near the walls like I'm use to, the grass was all around, covering the trenches and I could see the structure of Fort Salva as well. I enjoyed the feeling of peace I had here now since I saw Frieda. I know that this place isn't dangerous.

"Huh....Kinda lonely..." I murmured. "I miss people....Reiner....It's been almost a year.....this war is awful...but at least it won't last as long as usual wars which rage on for years. Just like the one the First King had against Marley....."

"You're right," I voice spoke and I looked up to see the actual Ada. "War is awful. I was glad I was able to sneak into the walls when they were made."

"What made you do it? Being half Marley and Eldian royalty?" I questioned.

"Well, no one knew....but have my abilities....I knew that it was where I needed to be. If I didn't end up there, you wouldn't be where you are today," Ada pointed out.

"You're correct," I said with a smile.

"I know how you feel....I loved a man once," Ada spoke. "We had many many children because I knew I needed a way for this legacy to continue in order to one day save these lands."

"What was he like?" I asked.

"Handsome.....rugged...brave....I miss him," Ada murmured becoming sad.

"Are you unable to see him?" I asked her.

"No. I'm trapped here in your mind and in Ymir's path," she spoke. "I'll never be freed...Until these powers disappear from this world...."

"Ymir's path?" I questioned.

"Not your friend, but the Founder Ymir, this first titan goddess essentially. She was just a child, but now she's trapped....and we are trapped with her....we don't know why she won't give anyone a chance to help...or to change at least," Ada stated.

"Well.....Maybe one day we'll find out..." I said and smiled at her.

She turned and nodding, smiling back.

"Now wake up. You have a war to win!"

I'm so sorry!!!!

I feel so bad for making you all wait for so long and this is completely my fault since I've had the intent to be writing more, but it didn't happen.

I apologize for everything and can only pray for forgiveness, by also using this chapter to help.

I hope you liked it.

We gonna see Reiner soooooooooooon

Such a fine ass man.

Okay. Well, thank you for reading. I'm sorry and I love you guys.

I know I've taken long to release chapters, but I promise to be better.

You'll probably get a lot of chapters soon since I'm gonna be stuck in a car for 10 hours at some point this week and that seems to motivate me a lot.

Use the Force and have Hope that another new chapter will be out in a few days.

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