Ch. 24 - Beginning of the End

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Today was our last day of working as training corps recruits. A lot of us got cannon cleaning duty on top of the wall as our final job. Of course all of us were thrilled.

I stood there along with Thomas, Eren, Sasha, Connie, Mina, and Samuel. I was cleaning the cannons our with some sort of scrub brush and when I noticed Sasha approached with some meat.

"Go put it back, Sasha," Eren warned.

"Yeah. You'll get in serious trouble. With all the land we've lost meat is very valuable," Mina stated.

"It's fine," Sasha said and began to hide it away in a box. "Once we take back our land, we will be able to raise cows and sheep again. There will be enough meat for everyone."

Everyone then began to say they wanted a slice and I just smiled, enjoying my final day as a recruit. Soon I'll wear the wings of freedom.


A six year old version of me ran throughout the house with a blanket as a cape.

"Watch out titans. The Survey Corps is here," I yelled as I hopped onto a chair.

All the sudden I was yanked down by my cape and looked over to see my father.

"Why are you wearing such ridiculous things and saying such ridiculous things as well," Rod Reiss scolded as he set the blanket on a chair.

"Because the survey corps are really brave," I said with stars in my eyes. "They risk their lives to explore outside the walls. I wanna be able to do that one day!"

"That's preposterous," Rod responded and grabbed my hand, dragging me to my room. "I didn't spend these years raising you so that you'll throw away all my hard work for your future."

"My future?" I questioned.

"One day you're going to be just like Frieda," Rod commented and leaned down in front of me. "Don't you want to be just like your sister?"

"Yeah! Frieda is amazing and so kind," I responded, smiling happily.

"Good. Now, no more of this Survey corps crap," he stated and left me alone again.

I went back to where I was and grabbed the blanket, tying it around my neck again.

"No one stops the survey corps," I murmured.

End of Flashback

I chuckled as I thought of that memory. I always did have a small interest in the survey corps since the beginning.

As I was still deep in my thoughts lightning flashed before us and the Colossal Titan appeared.

"It...can't be," I muttered.

We didn't have time to think as the Colossal began to sweep the wall, destroying our cannons. We all jumped off the edge to avoid getting hit, but Samuel wasn't lucky.

"I've got you Samuel," Sasha yelled and then shot out her ODM gear, snagging him in the leg to stop him from falling.

"Is it just me or does that thing look bigger?" Connie asked. "I thought back then they said it could only peak over the wall."

"It's definitley huge," Thomas commented.

"What are we waiting for?? This is our chance!" Eren yelled and shot off.

"Wait. It's useless!" I yelled, but he was gone.

I knew there was a person in that thing. I'm not that naive and I've read about all the titans. The Colossal is always extremely huge and can be very destructive when used properly. There was no chance for any of us to be able to get close to him due to it's heat. It's able to produce a large amount of steam.

Next thing I know, Eren is back saying it just disappeared. I'm not surprised he disappeared. Yes, I'm not gonna keep calling it it when I know what it is.

"Back to headquarters. We need to start preparing for Trost's evacuation," a superior yelled and all of us headed back to get ready.

Wait. My family. Were they okay? I didn't care which group I was put in, I was going to make sure my family was safe.

We got assigned our groups and I was put in some squad with people I barely know. I told them I need to check for my family and didn't allow them to say no. I flew off and went to the house. It was intact luckily. I knocked and immediately opened the door.

No one was home. Did they evacuate?

I left the house and began to just search to make sure people were getting to safety. I heard yelling and went in that direction. I came upon Tina and Xavier.

"Mom! Dad!" I called and landed in front of them. "You need to get out of here."

"But we lost Quinn in the crowds of running people," Tina cried, clearly worried for her daughter.

"I'll find her, but you have to promise me you will leave now. I will get her," I replied and then ran off.

I shot my ODM gear into a building and shot into the air.

"Quinn!" I called. "Quinn! Where are you?"

"Where's your squad?" A fellow recruit asked at one point.

"Who cares!" I yelled, clearly scared and frustrated. "I need to find my sister."

I soon spotted a titan and they seemed to be entranced by something. I immediately went in that direction and soon spotted Quinn. I shot my gear and flew as fast as I could. I looked and saw someone kill the titan, but it was going to fall forward onto my sister. I used as much gas as needed and dove to the ground, grabbing Quinn and hitting the ground rolling as far away from the titan.

My gear fell off in the process, but I held Quinn tight to protect her. When the momentum stopped, I began to move and winced feeling my body ache from the hit.

"(Y/N)?" Quinn questioned.

"I'm here. You're safe," I spoke softly, stroking her hair. "I'll protect you."

I then heard more footsteps and looked up to see a titan approaching. I forced myself to stand with Quinn in my arms. I went to click the trigger of my gear but then turned to see it scattered on the ground. It was going to take time to put it on to make an escape.

Time was not on our side.

"Quinn. I love you okay," I said softly and began to back away from the titan. "No matter what, keep your eyes closed."

Quinn nodded and she buried her face into my neck. I began to run. To where, I'm not sure. I had to find a place to hide. I ran and the titan got closer. What didn't help was there was another one approaching as well.

This was to be the end. This was the beginning of the end of humanity. So I closed my eyes and held Quinn close to me.

"I love you sissy," Quinn murmured.

"I love you too," I replied weakly and closed my eyes.

Next thing I hear, is the sound of blades slicing through flesh, and rumble of two titans falling around me.

I opened my eyes and we were alive.

"(Y/N)!" I heard someone yell and I spotted both Reiner and Annie running toward me.

Tears filled my eyes. Never have I been more happy to see them.

Ha you probably thought I was gonna kill her family, but no. They deserve love. Leave Tina, Quinn, and Xavier alone. They best family.

Anyway, hope you liked the chapter!

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