Ch. 109 - Love and War

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It's officially been two years now since I've been in Liberio and I just got released from the hospital not long ago. I needed to start training again, but I don't have time for that. Marley is at war with the Eastern Nation.

Wars take time. Wars take years. How much longer will I have to wait for an opportunity?! It's already been two years. I can't keep doing this forever.

Currently we were in a war room meeting. All of the Warriors were here. Pieck, Zeke, Reiner, and I. Without the female, jaw, and colossal titans they have to think of new strategies.

"Our goal is to take out these two bases before hitting the final one. Fort Slava. If we can take down Fort Slava and sink the Mid-East Allied Forces fleet in its port, we'll win," Commander Magath declared. "There weaponry has advanced over the years, creating weapons that could cause issues for the Warriors. That is why we will use you once we know we have the upper hand."

He then pointed to the map, directing our attention to the first base.

"Pieck. Ada. You, Panzer unit, and a battalions of Eldian soldiers will take this base out while Reiner, Zeke, and another battalion take out the other," he explained. "The rest of the army, along with the Marleyan officers and Warrior Candidates, will begin building trenches around Fort Slava, trying to chip at their forces until the rest of you can meet up with us. Are we clear?"

"Yes sir," we replied.

"Commander Magath. Apologies for speaking out of term but..." I began nervously. "Wouldn't it be dangerous to throw the candidates onto an open battle field?"

"No. They'll be getting experience," he responded. "If they're smart. They'll survive and it will help us finally pin point who will inherit the Armored Titan and who will inherit yours. Dismissed."

All of the Warriors left the war meeting room and I was a bit distraught. The thought of them throwing kids onto a battle field was ridiculous. I was furious, but I knew I couldn't let it out.

"I can't believe we're going to war," I muttered. "We'll never be able to take down Marley at this point, and it's not like we can just throw the war. They might turn around and kill innocents while we're gone."

"We'll just have to endure, (Y/N)," Zeke responded. "Once we have the advantage, we'll be able to sweep them. Then come home and set in a plan. We've waited long enough."

"Agreed," Pieck replied.

"But...Falco and the others should not have to endure this with us," I stated. "They're young. They could get killed!"

"They'll be okay," Reiner promised and set a hand on my shoulder.

I gazed back at him and nodded. We then rounded the corner, meeting up with Colt and Porco.

"What's the deal?" Porco asked immediately.

"We're all taking down the Easterner's bases," Zeke responded. "You two will be going to the main base, Fort Slava, with the majority of the army."

"We depart in two days," Pieck informed them. "The Warrior Candidates will be coming with us."

Colt didn't seem really pleased to know his brother would be put in danger. I knew because I felt the same way.

"Uh. (Y/N)," Porco spoke up. "The kids are waiting for you out in the courtyard."

"Ah, thank you," I replied with a smile. "I'll head that way now."

I waved bye to everyone and headed off towards the courtyard. I walked over and saw them cleaning their rifles. They must have just finished with shooting practice.

"Oi!" I called to them with a smile. "How are you all doing?"

They looked over excited and immediately dropped what they were doing, racing over to me.

"(Y/N)!" They yelled and all tackled me to the ground.

I fell back as I was overtaken by the four children. I laid there chuckling and began to sit up, all of them sitting around me.

"So, Porco said you guys were waiting for me?" I questioned.

"Oh yeah!" Gabi said and then turned to Zofia. "Give it to her."

Zofia held out what appeared to be a bracelet with several items on it.

"It's a charm bracelet," Zofia explained as she handed it to me.

"Wow...." I murmured and took it from her. "But, why? I don't really deserve this."

"It was your birthday while you were in the hospital," Udo explained. "We decided to chip in together to get you something, even if your birthday was awhile ago."

"You do deserve it, (Y/N)," Falco pointed out.

I smiled and pat his head, lightly ruffling just hair.

"Thank you. All of you," I replied and put the bracelet on.

"Uh...(Y/N)?" Zofia began. "May I ask you a question?"

"Sure! What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Does Vice Captain Braun have a thing for you?" Zofia questioned.

I nearly choked on my own spit when those words left her mouth.

I umm...I'm not sure.." I replied, clearly flustered and nervous. "Why would you even ask?"

"He was the most distraught when you were in bad shape," Zofia mentioned. "Plus, he's always keeping an eye on you."

She then proceeded to point a finger up towards one of balconies of Marley Warriors headquarters. I glanced over and did see that Reiner was watching. He didn't seem bothered that we had noticed though. I let out a huff and looked back at the kids.

"Fair point," I stated. "But that doesn't mean he has a thing for me?"

"You must be really good friends then," Falco pointed out. "He was almost crying when he broke into your house and saw you the way you were."

"Okayyy. Let's not bring up the past anymore," I replied.

"My cousin definitely likes you (Y/N)!" Gabi said excitedly. "If you marry we would be family!"

"Gabi! That would all ride on if she harbors the same feelings towards him," Udo pointed out.

They all then turned to me, staring at me with those curious child eyes.

"Well, do you?" Gabi asked.


I was feeling generous today. So, here you go! Also evil since it's technically a cliffhanger. My bad.

Anyway, so war is on the way and I'm not sure how many chapters I want to do for that. Cause war takes time, obviously, but I don't want it to seem continuous and boring.

I would appreciate some possible ideas for the war arc type deal, fighting the Eastern and eventually getting to Fort Slava. I would be much appreciative that way I have a few references and figure out how I should do it. Pls send me comments for the assistance! I would be very grateful.

Anyway, thank you for reading! I assure another chapter will come out in a few days!!

Love you guys! 💘💖❤

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