Extra 3: Chaotic Playdate

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(Y/n) POV

"They're almost here! I can feel it!" Seraphina called out excitedly as she raced around the house.

I chuckled in amusement at her daughter's hyperactivity.

"Calm down. It's not like we haven't seen them before," Felix muttered.

"Yeah, but it has been awhile," Frieda spoke up, defending her sister.

Felix huffed, not wanting to argue with his twin and sat down.

"Reiner. You better be ready soon, according to Seraphina's senses," I called out to my husband.

"I'm ready, don't worry," Reiner spoke as he entered the kitchen, moving over to me, planting a kiss on my forehead. "It's hilarious to think that a moment ago she was tired."

"Mhm. Bustling with energy now. Who wouldn't be since we're having guests," I stated with a smile, kissing his cheek.

"It's too bad I can't stay since Eren and I have some things to take care of," Reiner huffed in annoyance.

"Well, isn't that the reason Mikasa and their kids are coming over," I pointed out. "It'll be nice to spend some girl time with her while our children actually get to hang out with other kids besides themselves."

"True. I suppose the situation is a blessing and a curse," Reiner commented and wrapped an arm around my waist.

Soon there was a knock at the door and Seraphina squealed in excitement as she raced over to get it. She flung the door open and smiled.

"Uncle Eren!" Seraphina cried out as she jumped at him.

Eren chuckled and made sure to catch the young girl so she wouldn't fall. Next to him stood Mikasa with a little girl in her arms and a young boy clinging to her skirts.

Eren hugged Seraphina happily before setting her down and leading his wife and kids inside the house. The rest of the children gather together as Reiner and I joined to greet them.

"Eren, Mikasa," I spoke happily as I hugged each one of them.

Eren smiled, showing happiness in his turquoise eyes as he was glad to see us again. He was sporting his usual short hair look while Mikasa had long, beautiful raven colored hair again.

"Oh, look at you Ezra. You've grown so much," I complimented the young boy who clung to Mikasa.

Ezra had his father's brown hair, but his mother's eyes. He almost looked like a carbon copy of a small Eren. He was precious.

Ezra just nodded and replied with, "I'm this many now." He then held up seven fingers and a small smile graced his face.

I smiled as I lightly ruffled his brown hair before turning to Mikasa and the bundle in her arms.

"This must be Carly," I spoke softly as I gazed down at the baby.

She had her mother's black hair and her father's bright, turquoise eyes. She was very beautiful.

"Yes, she's almost a year old," Mikasa commented as she gave me a small smile, glad to see us as well.

"I apologize for breaking up the greeting party, but Eren and I need to go," Reiner spoke up.

All of the kids responded with an 'awwwww' as they were sad they had to leave.

"We'll be back later, I promise," Eren spoke up, hoping to lift their spirits. "Behave for your mother's, all of you."

Eren kissed Mikasa's cheek before exiting the house. Reiner followed behind him after giving one last hug to me.

That left Mikasa and I with seven children. What could go wrong?

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