Ch. 96 - Fight For Your Life

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The sun rose as I happily slept in bed. Cozy in warmth of the blankets. I never wanted to get up.

"(Y/- I mean Ada!" Pieck called from downstairs. "Come on! We need to go!"

I shot up in bed and looked around. Oh right. I wasn't at home. I was in Liberio. Pieck's house to be more specific. I raced to get dressed, throwing on a gray pair of slacks and a cream colors top, along with a beige jacket that Pieck gave me. They also gave me a yellow armband. Apparently, I'll get a red one once I prove myself. I raced downstairs and saw Pieck's parents eating breakfast.

"Goodmorning," I greeted politely. "Sorry for all the ruckus."

"It's alright," her mother replied.

I then began to pull a pair of boots on as fast as I could but only end up tripping onto the ground.

"Impressive," Pieck teased and helped me. "You'll be an excellent Warrior."

I rolled my eyes and then her and I raced out the door, heading for the internment camp zone line. Pieck held up a piece of paper to the officer there.

"Good to see you Ms. Pieck," he greeted and checked the paper. "Ah, I see you're bringing a guest."

"Yes and we're running a little bit behind," Pieck responded with a smile.

"Everything seems in order anyway. Don't get into trouble," he said and handed back the paper.

"We won't," I said and then we took off.

Apparently we were heading to the Marley headquarters. There I will have to prove myself. We arrived and stood in the training yard where I saw a bunch of kids off to the side. They didn't really concern me at the moment since I felt so tired from running. I fell to my knees and just decided to stay down there. Pieck seemed tired as well but at least she had the sense to stay standing.

"On your feet devil!" I heard someone yell and I immediately stood up.

It was the officer from yesterday. Pieck informed me his name was General Theo Magath. He's been training Warriors for years, even when Zeke was a kid. Pretty weird. Do people just not retire?

"Today you'll be facing an opponent who has been training for countless years to get a titan ability to fight for our nation," Magath told me. "If you're able to beat him in hand to hand, then your worth considering to fight as a Warrior. That doesn't mean any of us like you. I don't care if your descendants were from Marley, you still have eldian blood in you from those centuries of being stuck in the walls. Barely any Marley in you."

"Yes sir!" I replied instantly trying to keep my cool.

"Galliard. Get your ass over here," Magath called and walked off.

I looked up and noticed Reiner, Zeke, and someone else watching from a balcony of sorts. The kids I saw earlier were also staring towards me. I was so nervous now and I became more nervous once I saw my opponent. He had blond hair with undercut style which was pushed back and had eyes that pierced right through my soul. Well, I'm probably screwed.

"You got this Galliard!" Some of the kids called from afar.

Come on! Even kids were rooting against me. To be fair, I don't even know them. I looked at Galliard and then got into a fighting stance, which he did as well. It seemed to be a stand off at first and then I made the first move. I punched at him only to be blocked and I followed it up with a kick, which also got blocked. He punched at me in return and I ducked, swiftly moving out of range. This was going to be a hard fought battle.

He was angry now, I could tell, since I was putting up more of a fight than he anticipated. I decided I could use that against him. He ran at me and grabbed my arm, which he recieved a string elbow to the ribs for. His grip didn't cease so I went to punch him, but he grabbed my hand with his other hand. It was a battle of strength at that point. I made a sudden move and headbutt him, pulling away from his grip. He grabbed his nose and his grey eyes bore into me with fury.

I stared him down, waiting for him to attack. He punched at me which I blocked but he kept doing it as if he was boxing. He then went to kicked but I ducked underneath, sweeping his leg. He fell to the ground and then grabbed my leg falling down. He crawled on top of me and he began to try and pin me down. If I lose I die! If I lose I die. I yelled in frustration and then kicked him in the dick. He gasped in pain and I took advantage of it.

I got out from his grip and then put him in a choke hold. He moved to stand up and since he was taller than me, my feet came off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his torso and held on like my life depended on it. Which it did. He began to try and throw me off, but his attempts were futile. He then was bold and fell to the ground so I would get crushed. I groaned in slight pain and he escaped my grip.

He got up and went to grab me, but I instantly reacted before he could. I punched him in the face and he fell to the ground. I stood there panting and waiting for him to get up. He wasn't dead as I notice him begin to struggle to get up, but he just couldn't do it.

"Alright. Ms. Prinz won," Magath stated and the walked off. "I have other things to attend to."

Pieck raced over to me with the red armband.

"Congratulations!" She cheered and gave me a hug. "Although, I think Pock will probably hate you now..."

"Well, it was either death or life, and I'm not ready to die," I replied as I pulled away from the hug.

I watched as people began to help Galliard up and headed off to where I assumed a sort of med bay was. I felt bad, but I gotta do whatever it takes to survive.


We kicked asssssss! Hell yeah!
Hanging with Pieck. We beat up Porco. We're a warrior now. What more could we want?!

Porco definitely not happy probably so, there's that.

Anyway, school been boring.
For any of those worried about my health and tiredness or whatever I said earlier, I promise that I'm taking care of myself. I appreciate the concern though, you guys are awesome.

You guys are literally so supportive and I love reading your comments and just the best. Like all the emotions. I feel so blessed!

Also, I hope you liked the photo I had at the beginning XD

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