Ch. 45 - Risk It All

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When the second impact happened, all of us raced to the top of the tower. When we arrived, part of the top was broken off and we saw Gelgar and Nanaba set down the unconscious bodies of the other two soldiers. Not unconscious....dead.

"Lynne and Henning....They both died on impact," Gelgar stated.

"It's him!" Connie said suddenly. "That one that walked off towards the wall. That Beast titan did this."

When he said those words I froze. I looked over to the wall and sure enough, there he was. The Beast Titan. I was sickened by his presence, but all the sudden Connie began to ramble.

"A group of titans are heading this way! More than twice the number from earlier," Connie yelled.

"What did you say?!" Gelgar asked caught off guard.

"Their timing is too perfect, like it's part of some strategy," Nanaba commented.  "I have a feeling they've been toying with us since the start..."

"That sneaky bastard," I muttered and clenched my fists.

The sound of a deep screech played in our ears and titans began to attack the tower. Nanaba and Gelgar immediately reacted and began to fight the titans once again. All we could do was watch.

The side tower eventually crumbled beside us and it seemed they were almost out of gas. They weren't gonna make it. I then looked over and saw the stables destroyed.

"Faye....did she make it..." I mumbled as I walked to the edge.

"(Y/N). Be careful," Ymir scolded.

I looked at the stables as close as I could and I couldn't see Faye anywhere. I was relieved but there was no guarantee she was still alive.

Next thing I see, is our last hope dying at the hands of titans. Nanaba and Gelgar. They fought valiantly and I will not forget them.

"Damn it all to hell!" Connie yelled in frustration. "Do we gotta wait around now until the tower falls and we get eaten? Is there nothing we can do about it?!"

"I want to keep fighting too," Christa declared. "If only I had some sort of weapon, then I could fight and die alongside them."

"Christa...You're still saying things like that?" Ymir questioned her. "Don't you dare use their deaths. They didn't die so you'd have an excuse to get yourself killed."

"That's....that's not what I..." Christa stuttered.

"You're not like Connie and the other scouts! They don't want to die, but you don't even care," Ymir interrupted her before she could say anymore. "All you want to do is die in a way that makes you seem like a hero.

"That's not," Christa tried to argue but Ymir wasn't having it.

"Enough Christa. Live a life for yourself," Ymir scolded and then looked over to Connie. "You still have that knife."

"Huh? My knife?" Connie asked.

"Yeah, hand it over," Ymir said, holding her hand out.

"Wait!" I yelled and everyone froze.

I knew what she was doing. I knew Ymir's nature and she was going to risk everything, turning into a titan. I can't let her do that. Reiner and Bertholdt will take her. I don't want her to be taken away...Christa... Historia deserved happiness. She deserved to know Christa's true name and live a happy life. She's already done so much for me. I'm not letting her do this.

"Connie. Give me the knife," I said sternly.

"What?!" Connie said even more confused.

"(Y/N)!" Ymir hissed as she looked at me. "Don't-"

"Stand down Ymir! That's an order!" I shouted at her.

She froze in place. I was not acting as my usual self. This was someone entirely new. Someone who was not willing to let her friend risk her life anymore.

"Give me the knife Connie," I ordered and held my hand out.

He gave it to me and I walked to the edge.

"What're you going to do with it?" Connie asked.

"Well, I'm going to fight the titans with it," I said and turned back to look at them.

"(Y/N)....what?" Reiner said confused. "What're you thinking?!"

"For too long people have been dying around me and I haven't been able to do much about it! Today that ends!" I declared.

I walked up to Christa and kissed her forehead.

"Christa....Take back your true name and live as who you are. Don't just throw it all away, sister," I told her.

"(Y/N)...." Christa said, confused of how I knew this and at my behavior.

"Ymir...If all goes to shit and it's the end for me. You know what to do," I whispered.

Ymir sighed and nodded. "I'll do as you command."

"Live a life for yourself. Even if that includes another," I told her and walked to the edge of the tower.

I stood upon the edge and turned to stare at everyone. I looked down at the knife and sighed. I could do this. I believed in myself. I can save them. I can save them.

"Reiner....I love you," I said with a smile as I stared at him.

I then leaned back and fell from the tower.

"(Y/N) NO!" Reiner screamed, running to the edge.

"(Y/N)!" Christa cried as well.

The feeling of falling reminded me of that time Reiner threw me from the cliff and then he saved me. He was such an idiot. But this time, it was up to me to crawl my way out. I then slashed my hand, drawing blood.

Lightning began to spark around me as I began to take my form.

I will fight for those I care for! For they care for me and they deserve to live!

The big reveal! Titan time!

How do you think everyone will react?

Also, (Y/N) gonna be so badass fighting some titans.

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