Mirage / Dino x Reader ( More Than Just A Partner )

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Three years ago I made a decision that changed my life forever. I was always a girl that had to listen to her parents. Have good grades, don't party, be home before eight, don't drink, don't smoke.  My parents wanted me to become a doctor. I was smart enough for that school, but to me that was boring.  I wanted action so I decided to join the army. When I told my parents about my decision they were furious. They gave me a choice. Become a doctor or leave. I pack my things and left. So my training began. I must admit that at first, it was hard. But with my hard work, it paid off. I become the best in my group. Five months after I start my training I was picked to become the partner of the transformer.  At first, I was really excited. How many are chosen to become a partner with a robot from another galaxy? But when I meet my partner all excitement disappeared. Mirage the Autobot that got me as a partner hated me. Why? I was a girl, a small girl, not good at my work and too talkative. It was true I was small but I was not too talkative. It was hell with him. He was the transformer that always taught that he is right. He is a robot with a lot of pride. He never listened to me. It was always his way or nothing. Until I lost my temper. I was always a girl that could control her temper. I lived with strict parents. But Mirage broke my buttons. Let me tell you I was screaming. When I finished Mirage was looking at me like I was a ghost. But to my surprise, he apologized to me. He and I began to work together and finally, I felt that I had a partner. Soon we became the best at our work. Now three years later and he is still my partner. But now there is a new problem. I fall in love with him. I couldn't help it. It just clicked. Of course, he doesn't know. Why? Because I don't want to lose my partner. I love to work with him. I can't imagine working with someone else than him. I was in the middle of my training with headphones in my ears when I felt someone behind me. As soon as I spin around the person was on the floor. The person that I  knock on the floor was Mirage in his human form. My legs were on each side of his body. With my left hand, I was holding him down. But with my right hand, I was ready to punch. Mirage smiled.

Mirage: ''Easy their lioness.''

Me: ''What are you doing here Mirage? I taught that Optimus called you for a meeting.''

Mirage: ''He did. But the meeting was short.''

Before I knew he was on top of me. He was holding my hands with his left hand. I know what he was about to do.

Me: ''Mirage no.''

He began to tickle me. That was my weakness. I was trying to get him off me but he was too strong. I was crying.

Me: ''Mi...Mirage! Stop! Please!''

Mirage: ''Pretty please?''

Me: ''Pretty please!''

He stopped. But that's when our eyes meet. He had amazing blue eyes. Those eyes and his red hair went soo well together. He began to lean in. What is he doing? Before he could kiss me I kicked him off me. Then I quickly stood up.

Mirage: ''Y/N wait.''

Before he could finish, I took my stuff and left. What just happened?

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