Baby "Jayn"

By zirectionyou

934K 45.8K 9.2K

"Am Jayn" "Zayn, huh?" "How old are you?" "Twee" © zirectionyou Cover: @zuhayn More

ᑭ ᗩ ᖇ T [1]
"Am Jayn"
"Jayn awaysh doesh the dishesh"
"A-am sh-showwy shiw"
"Jayn can change by himshelf"
"Thank ywou"
"Well ywou shcaid me!"
"Whea ish heaven then?"
"Thewe not vewy niche"
"Jayn ish not fweeling vewy well"
"Am not hungwy"
"Am shtill fweezing"
"Am not a babwy"
"My thwoat huts"
"Who'sh going to count?"
"Will ywou hit Jayn if Jayn tellsh da twuth?"
"Jayn dwon't mish him"
"Looking fo Jayn?"
"Pweashe Leeyum?"
"P-p-p-weashe dwon't huwt Jayn"
"W-why ish he hewe?"
"Wake wup shweepy head!"
"Evewybody knowsh it. Wight Hawwy?"
"She dwon't be shcawed in dish big houshe?"
"Whewe ish da pawking lot?"
"Jayn'sh sho shcawed. Jayn want'sh to go home. Pweashe"
"D-dwon't g-g-go"
"No It'sh owkay. He looksh niche"
"Nawiall ywou look like a tomato!"
"Shet him in da dwungon!"
"J-Jayn dwon't l-like da d-dawk"
"Jayn ish putting back"
"Jayn likesh to eat da wed onesh in the end"
"Oh yesh! Who want'sh candy? Jayn want'sh candy"
"Liaw liaw pantsh on fiwe!"
"Dwon't shleep pweashe"
"Looksh like shpagwhetti!"
"Loueh shcweamsh like a gwiwl too"
"Am Jayn not Jeej"
"Da button and jip ish hawd to do"
"But what if he doesh?"
"Iwiffewent, annoywing, and immwashuwe!"
"Pinky pwomishe!"
"Monshtewsh dwon't weal"
"Shwambwled eggsh!"
"Yuck Loueh ywou did da kishy!"
"Jayn doeshn't have mum and dad"
"Jayn doeshn't know how to come down"
"Shay goodbye, Woaw"
"Jusht one mowe kish, kiddo"
"Jayn dwon't have a family now"
Q&A- pawt 1
"Jayn meansh no. Vewy bad. Aunt hash bad luck"
"Am not cute, am shmol, and cool, and shcawy"
"Nobody, Jayn'sh a big boy"
"Da moon ish cwying"
"Twee! Five! Twenty! One! Two! Five! Twenty! Twenty!"
"No Loueh ywou shaid dwon't shleep let'sh have fun"
"Jayn'sh tummy'sh hungwy"
"She knowsh Jayn'sh name"
"Leeyum'sh got a beawd"
"Jayn'sh da leaf man!"
"Buddy wash sho niche and cute and it licked Jayn'sh hand"
"Hawwy'sh cute"
"Vwooooom, vwooom"
"Nam! Jayn mish you vewy much"
"Leeyum ish besht, we can't fogot him"
"Bwack cwawon"
"Jayn wanna shee new teet!"
"Jayn hate you"
"Jayn neve leaving. Jayn shtay!- Pweashe"
"Jayn knowsh"
"Loueh! No peeking"
"No, Jayn'sh lollipop!"
"Don't deshtwoy!"
"Why ish Leeyum shad?"
"Sho big!"
"How many ish 2 and 2?"
"Qwick! Nawiall eat pancakesh"
"Jayn wich fo mummy"
"Nawiall have mum and dad?"
"Loueh and Nawiall awe losht"
"No fight"
"But don't shay yesh"
"Come on, let'sh go to Mandosh"
"Jayn hate doctow!"
"Hawwy'sh making me"
"Yesh, Jayn sheen Babwbie befowe"
"If Jayn fall, you catch"
"You on Jayn'sh team?"
"Jayn won't"
"Bawe nechessechitiesh! Babipoba bapadiboo"
"It'sh okay, Nawiall"
"Sho many kidsh"
"He gonna do magic again"
"Jayn don't have fwiendsh"
"I want to go home"
"It'sh the wed button"
Q&A - pawt 2
"They pwomise to come fasht!"
"And Jayn like to play with fwiendsh"
"We not family now"
"I don't want to shleep alone"
"Go away, am shleepy"
"Shh, shleep good"
"Okie dokie!"
"No, Jayn shtill mad"
"Am not hypew"
"You not like my long haiw too"
"Put Jayn down"
"Hish name ish Fweddie"
"No it's Jiam'sh colowing, Niall"
"My shtwawbewwiesh"
"Michtew shkleton gonna help Jayn"
"I'm Lightning McQueen"
"What ish a ghost?"
"They kish Jayn good night"
"I'm giving you shtinky eye"
"let'sh make Jayn shiwt diwty"
"Who ish Jamesh?"
"Jayn love Lindon"
"Boysh, apwan"
"I say Jayn look okay"
"But Jayn wanna"
"Jayn hate Wali, she left"
"You not shmoke"
"I have bad dweam"
"I'm going with Liam"
"Don't go, please"
"I dweam all boys awe gone"
"I want Jiam"
"Jonannah, Fechitie, Lottie, Dizzy, Febe and Dowis"
"Jayn didn't sleep with Lamlam"
"Jayn don't want a new Jiam!"
"It dichappeaw"
"It cold outside"
"Thank you! Jayn's team won!"
"Zayn the best"
"I sneejing"
"I think I sick"
"If kiddo go, then Zayn go too"
"Ice cwream!"
"Don't be mean"
"The twee!"
"I'm going to Santa!"
"Santa nice, Louis!"
"I like Fwojen"
"But I saw hand"
"I like me too"
"Is supwise bleak?"
"I want supewhewro bear"
"Like Louis?"
"What's a yeawr?"
"Where did the giwrl go?"
"Ziam said he missed me!"
"I now eat all me veggies"
"Look! Stars!"
"Book two"

"Jayn not going, wight?"

3.3K 205 120
By zirectionyou

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTE 103

Zayn jumped up excitedly as Emma told him that the boys were here. Zayn hurried towards the wardrobe where Louis was already kneeling on the ground with a huge smile on his face. "Hey buddy!"

Zayn tackled him in a hug, Louis smelling like tea and a sweet smoky sent. "Jayn mish you."All the boys were here to pick him up and Zayn pulled back to clap his hands. "Yeah all you came!"

"We thought we could uh come too today," Liam said distractedly, his smile half-hearted. Zayn looked at Louis who swallowed heavily, but smiled. "Get dressed and then we have to go someplace."

"Whewe?" Zayn asked excitedly.

"Hi Louis!" Eric said with a grin. He waved at the boys and they waved back. "So you're the infamous Matt," Harry mused.

Eric giggled. "No, am Ewic!"

Zayn rolled his eyes like Matt did when he was annoyed. "Jayn ashk whewe we going?"

"You'll see," Niall told him, no smile apparent on his face. Zayn looked at them in confusion as he pulled on his jacket. Will walked over to them, avoiding the boys shyly. He walked over to Zayn and whispered in his ear. "You fogot Ziam."

Eric, who was leaning in, said loudly. "I can bwing him, wait."

"So, where's Melaine?" Louis asked, seeming to be the only one who was acting a little normal.

"It's Mell-uh...mellawie," Zayn said, still struggling with her name. He stomped his feet in frustration. He had practiced so much, but he could still not get it right!

Harry smiled slightly and picked his shoes out. Zayn put them on quickly and then pulled his beanie over his head, the boys staring at him longingly. "What?"

"You'll find out soon," Niall mumbled. Harry nudged him and he turned around angrily. "What!? This is your fault anyway."

"He tried his best, Jeff's just an insensitive-" Louis took a deep breath, his calm smile back on his face as he looked at Will and Zayn. Zayn began to wonder it that smile was even real.

"Ish evewything okay?" he asked quietly. Liam kneeled down and tied his shoelaces. "Ignore them." He smiled and kissed his forehead. "How was your day?"

"We played with biwdsh in da pawk," Will said quietly. Zayn grinned and nodded. "We went on a twip thewe."

"That sounds fun," Liam said as he helped Zayn take on his bag. Zayn looked at the other boys who were whispering to each other, annoyed looks on their faces. "Awe they fighting?"

"No no, we don't fight. They're just distressed, that's all." Liam said and smiled uncertainly. He looked at Zayn, his honey brown eyes so intense. They even seemed teary.

"Leeyum, you cwying?" Zayn asked, face set in a worry. Liam's smile dropped. "No."

"You look shad," Zayn said as Eric came running back with Ziam and Zayn's drawing.

"Liam's just tired," Harry said gently. He put Ziam in Zayn's bag.

"Will come! Lily is taking ouw toysh. Bye Jayn!" Eric waved.


Harry reached for the drawing Eric had put in Zayn's hands, but Zayn pulled back. "No it'sh a shupwishe!" He said happily. He smiled proudly.  "I made thish." He turned the drawing around for all the boys to see, very proud with his handiwork.

The boys just stared at the drawing hollowly as if it was horrible. As if everything was horrible. Zayn's smile dimmed when nobody reacted. "Ta-da! It'sh you, boysh."

"That's very...nice," Harry said hoarsely and cleared his throat. Zayn frowned.

"Great job," Louis commented with a thumbs up.

"We need to go," Niall reminded everyone, his voice bitter.

"We're not your- why would you draw us?" Liam stood up quickly, looking hurt.

Zayn's shoulder slumped. "Becaushe I love you and Matt wash dwawing hish favowite people and Jayn thought-" Zayn's voice faded, eyes stinging as he looked down, arms sinking since  nobody seemed to like the drawing much. And Liam's reaction was even worse. Zayn put it in his bag and shouldered it, the boys quiet.

"We're you favorite people," Niall said. It wasn't a question, merely repetition. "I'll be in the car, just come out."

Zayn followed him. Louis held his hand out for him to grasp like he always did, but Zayn brushed it off, sniffing as he climbed into the car.


"What we doing hewe?" He asked dully as they stopped in front of a huge building.

"Remember the family that came yesterday?" Niall said quietly. Zayn nodded. "They wewe niche."

Niall smiled sadly and looked at him. "That's good." He reached forward and kissed Zayn's cheek, pulling him in a tight hug.

"Awe you mad at Jayn?" Zayn asked the boys since they seemed so detached.

"Of course not," Harry said gently.

"Remember Zayn, you'll be fine, okay?" Preston said as he looked back at him, and even he looked sad.

"Why everyone shad!?" Zayn asked in frustration. He turned to Louis quickly, eyes widening. "Loueh...Jayn not going away, wight?"

Louis didn't answer, only opened the car door and stepped out. Zayn was unsure, but he thought he heard him say, 'bloody idiot'. Thinking that Louis was calling him that, Zayn shut up, face falling. He jumped out into the crisp air and looked up at the sky since it seemed like it was about to rain.

"You guys can do the exchange, I'll be here," Niall said, his voice cracking. Liam nodded. "Yeah me too."

Harry turned to Louis with a desperate look as they faced the building. Zayn curled his palms into fists, his heart beating. The boys were scaring him.

"What ish happening?"

"We're scaring him," Liam said. He sighed and ran a hand down his face. He hunched down and picked Zayn up.

"Leeyum, ish evewything okay?"

"Not everything," Liam said, holding him tightly. "We're going to tell you the truth. You promise not to cry or run?"

Zayn nodded vigorously. "Jayn want twuth."

Liam rubbed his eyes. "Uhm we have a boss."

"A bosh?" Zayn asked and tilted his head.

"Liam," Niall said warningly.

"No, tell him. He needs to know this isn't what we want," Louis said, biting his lip. He pulled out his phone.

Liam swallowed and nodded. "So this boss of ours wants you to go to another family."

Zayn's eyes widened and he clutched to Liam. "He sho mean! Jayn not going away." He turned towards the other three boys in wait for them to back him up. Nobody said anything. Zayn's heart sank. "Jayn not going, wight?"

"Zayn, you need to understand that we don't want this," Harry said softly. He looked down at the ground, his face hidden from view by his long hair.

Zayn didn't even know what to say. They were dropping him, giving him away. Giving him to another family.

"Zayn please-" Liam said as Zayn wiggled to get free from his hold. Zayn turned furiously towards Louis. "You pwomished! You lie and lie and lie to Jayn!" He jumped down as Liam was forced to let him go.

Zayn's eyes stung as he grabbed his bag from the backseat of the car. He turned around and pulled the drawing out. "Jayn don't want to go, I want to be with you." He pointed to the drawing. He didn't even get the chance to explain who was who.

"We want to be with you too," Niall said miserably and leaned in to hug him. Zayn pushed him away. "Then why you not doing anything!?"

"Zayn, they're-they're really nice people. They have really wonderful daughters and you will have sisters again," Liam said, choking on his own words. "You'll even have a mum and a dad again, a good dad."

Zayn threw the bag and collapsed on the ground, starting to cry. They couldn't leave him. He wanted to be with them, he wanted to play with them, he wanted to wake up to pancakes and Maria, he wanted to fight with Louis over the remote, he wanted to run around the house as Niall tackled him for hugs and kisses, he wanted to lie in bed with Liam and watch Cars again and again and he wanted to play hide and seek with Harry. He wanted them to be his family.

"Zayn,please undersatnd. Simon, our boss, he's very mean about this," Niall said and kneeled down. He placed a hand on Zayn's shoulder, but Zayn shrugged it off. He couldn't help but be afraid. He was going to lose them. The only people who actually cared about him were going to leave him because of their stupid boss.

Zayn wiped his wet cheeks, sobs escaping his mouth. Harry squatted down and wiped his cheeks, a pained look on his face. "Don't cry, we'll visit you as often as possible."

His words weren't that reassuring when it looked like he was about to cry himslef. Louis' phone rang. "We have to go," he said thickly.

Harry held out his hand for Zayn to take, but Zayn bit it hard and kicked him away. "Go away, Jayn not go thewe."

Harry pulled back with a grimace. "Zayn-"

"NO!" Zayn yelled and pushed Harry away with all his strength.

"Guys we gotta go," Louis said with a sigh. He walked forward and picked Zayn up. Zayn struggled and kicked him hard, more tears forming in his eyes. They couldn't force him into this.

"We love you," Louis said as he began walking towards the buidling quickly. "But you don't seem to love us."

"B-b-becaushe you leaving Jayn," Zayn hiccuped and buried his face in Louis's shoulder angrily, seeking comfort from him for the last time. He was given none.

"Do you trust me?" Louis asked, holding him tightly so that he couldn't escape. Zayn wondered if slapping Louis would be a good move. "Jayn want to wun away. Jayn not going to them!"

"Where would you run to?" Louis asked softly as he entered the elevator, the boys right behind him.

Zayn's eyes lit up and he wiped his wet face quickly. "Mawia! Mawia can adopt Jayn."

"She can't look after you," Louis said simply. Zayn's smile dropped and tears reappeared in his eyes, his heart beating in fear. "Loueh pleashe, Jayn don't want to live with them."

"Trust me," Louis said, his blue eyes staring intensely into Zayn's. Zayn wasn't sure if he could.

"I promised you soemthing, and I don't break my promises," Louis said gently. The doors binged open and they walked down a hall. Zayn clutched Louis' arm tightly, his nails digging into his jacket. The hall opened into a room where the family from yesterday was sitting on the couch, a man with brown hair standing beside them.

"Jayn hate you Shimon!" Zayn yelled as he tried to kick Louis. His eyes burned, his throat hurt, his head hurt, and the painful of all, his heart hurt.

Simon grimaced and Louis covered Zayn's mouth with his hand. Zayn's shoulders slumped as the tears kept coming, his chest moving erratically with his muffled sobs. He felt Louis swallow heavily. "He's a little upset."

"I'm sure he will settle," the mother said, though she was looking at the boys worriedly. Zayn pinched Louis' hand that covered his mouth, but with no strength. He was exhausted.

"I brought the adoption papers," Simon said with a smile, nodding at the boys.

"Don't worry, we'll take good care of him," The father said. He stood up and tried to take Zayn in his arms. Zayn lashed out with his legs and Louis held him tighter. Simon glared at him. "Zayn, be nice now."

Zayn looked at Liam, but he was scowling down at the ground, hands clenched tightly into fists. Harry's eyes were trained on the papers that were lying on the table, blood present on his lip from biting it too hard. Beside him, Niall's face was slack, no emotion displayed. He noticed Zayn looking and smiled sadly. "I'll come to visit every day, I promise. You can trust my promise, I promise that too. Fuck, I just-" Niall cleared his throat and seemed to gather his words. "Don't worry kiddo, you won't lose me. Ever."

Zayn glared at him. That was also probably not true. Maybe they had adopted more kids and done the same thing to them before.

"Mr and Mrs. Boone have signed the papers, it's your time boys," Simon said and held out the pen for them.

Zayn didn't know who to hate more, the boys or the man in front of him.

Sad chapter :( everything will wrap up soon 😕

Comment your thoughts and I'll double update! I always love to hear what you guys have to share 💕



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