Baby "Jayn"

By zirectionyou

930K 45.8K 9.2K

"Am Jayn" "Zayn, huh?" "How old are you?" "Twee" © zirectionyou Cover: @zuhayn More

ᑭ ᗩ ᖇ T [1]
"Am Jayn"
"Jayn awaysh doesh the dishesh"
"A-am sh-showwy shiw"
"Jayn can change by himshelf"
"Thank ywou"
"Well ywou shcaid me!"
"Whea ish heaven then?"
"Thewe not vewy niche"
"Jayn ish not fweeling vewy well"
"Am not hungwy"
"Am shtill fweezing"
"Am not a babwy"
"My thwoat huts"
"Who'sh going to count?"
"Will ywou hit Jayn if Jayn tellsh da twuth?"
"Jayn dwon't mish him"
"Looking fo Jayn?"
"Pweashe Leeyum?"
"P-p-p-weashe dwon't huwt Jayn"
"W-why ish he hewe?"
"Wake wup shweepy head!"
"Evewybody knowsh it. Wight Hawwy?"
"She dwon't be shcawed in dish big houshe?"
"Whewe ish da pawking lot?"
"Jayn'sh sho shcawed. Jayn want'sh to go home. Pweashe"
"D-dwon't g-g-go"
"No It'sh owkay. He looksh niche"
"Nawiall ywou look like a tomato!"
"Shet him in da dwungon!"
"J-Jayn dwon't l-like da d-dawk"
"Jayn ish putting back"
"Jayn likesh to eat da wed onesh in the end"
"Oh yesh! Who want'sh candy? Jayn want'sh candy"
"Liaw liaw pantsh on fiwe!"
"Dwon't shleep pweashe"
"Looksh like shpagwhetti!"
"Loueh shcweamsh like a gwiwl too"
"Am Jayn not Jeej"
"Da button and jip ish hawd to do"
"But what if he doesh?"
"Iwiffewent, annoywing, and immwashuwe!"
"Pinky pwomishe!"
"Monshtewsh dwon't weal"
"Shwambwled eggsh!"
"Yuck Loueh ywou did da kishy!"
"Jayn doeshn't have mum and dad"
"Jayn doeshn't know how to come down"
"Shay goodbye, Woaw"
"Jusht one mowe kish, kiddo"
"Jayn dwon't have a family now"
Q&A- pawt 1
"Jayn meansh no. Vewy bad. Aunt hash bad luck"
"Am not cute, am shmol, and cool, and shcawy"
"Nobody, Jayn'sh a big boy"
"Da moon ish cwying"
"Twee! Five! Twenty! One! Two! Five! Twenty! Twenty!"
"No Loueh ywou shaid dwon't shleep let'sh have fun"
"Jayn'sh tummy'sh hungwy"
"She knowsh Jayn'sh name"
"Leeyum'sh got a beawd"
"Jayn'sh da leaf man!"
"Buddy wash sho niche and cute and it licked Jayn'sh hand"
"Hawwy'sh cute"
"Vwooooom, vwooom"
"Nam! Jayn mish you vewy much"
"Leeyum ish besht, we can't fogot him"
"Bwack cwawon"
"Jayn wanna shee new teet!"
"Jayn hate you"
"Jayn neve leaving. Jayn shtay!- Pweashe"
"Jayn knowsh"
"Loueh! No peeking"
"No, Jayn'sh lollipop!"
"Don't deshtwoy!"
"Why ish Leeyum shad?"
"Sho big!"
"How many ish 2 and 2?"
"Qwick! Nawiall eat pancakesh"
"Jayn wich fo mummy"
"Nawiall have mum and dad?"
"Loueh and Nawiall awe losht"
"No fight"
"But don't shay yesh"
"Come on, let'sh go to Mandosh"
"Jayn hate doctow!"
"Hawwy'sh making me"
"Yesh, Jayn sheen Babwbie befowe"
"If Jayn fall, you catch"
"You on Jayn'sh team?"
"Jayn won't"
"Bawe nechessechitiesh! Babipoba bapadiboo"
"It'sh okay, Nawiall"
"Sho many kidsh"
"Jayn don't have fwiendsh"
"I want to go home"
"It'sh the wed button"
Q&A - pawt 2
"They pwomise to come fasht!"
"And Jayn like to play with fwiendsh"
"Jayn not going, wight?"
"We not family now"
"I don't want to shleep alone"
"Go away, am shleepy"
"Shh, shleep good"
"Okie dokie!"
"No, Jayn shtill mad"
"Am not hypew"
"You not like my long haiw too"
"Put Jayn down"
"Hish name ish Fweddie"
"No it's Jiam'sh colowing, Niall"
"My shtwawbewwiesh"
"Michtew shkleton gonna help Jayn"
"I'm Lightning McQueen"
"What ish a ghost?"
"They kish Jayn good night"
"I'm giving you shtinky eye"
"let'sh make Jayn shiwt diwty"
"Who ish Jamesh?"
"Jayn love Lindon"
"Boysh, apwan"
"I say Jayn look okay"
"But Jayn wanna"
"Jayn hate Wali, she left"
"You not shmoke"
"I have bad dweam"
"I'm going with Liam"
"Don't go, please"
"I dweam all boys awe gone"
"I want Jiam"
"Jonannah, Fechitie, Lottie, Dizzy, Febe and Dowis"
"Jayn didn't sleep with Lamlam"
"Jayn don't want a new Jiam!"
"It dichappeaw"
"It cold outside"
"Thank you! Jayn's team won!"
"Zayn the best"
"I sneejing"
"I think I sick"
"If kiddo go, then Zayn go too"
"Ice cwream!"
"Don't be mean"
"The twee!"
"I'm going to Santa!"
"Santa nice, Louis!"
"I like Fwojen"
"But I saw hand"
"I like me too"
"Is supwise bleak?"
"I want supewhewro bear"
"Like Louis?"
"What's a yeawr?"
"Where did the giwrl go?"
"Ziam said he missed me!"
"I now eat all me veggies"
"Look! Stars!"
"Book two"

"He gonna do magic again"

3.3K 198 27
By zirectionyou

Chapter 96

Louis tried to keep up with Matt's story, something about how he fell from the stairs once, but his mind was occupied with other things. Simon had called to tell them to book free next Tuesday. They would be appearing on a talk show to promote the new album. The fact that Pete hadn't been the one to call was weird. Simon didn't often call one of them just to give information. And then Simon's reactions had been off when Louis explained to him that he was in kindergarten with Zayn.

Louis ran a hand through his hair, feeling his worry grow. Simon had acted completely weird, saying things like 'this early?' and 'it's settled then'. Now, the even weirder part came: he wanted Louis to meet up immediately. As on right now in this moment.

Clearly, Zayn had refused to let him go so Louis called Harry, and he was on his way to Simon already. Why a meeting so suddenly?

"Loueh," Zayn whispered, eyes darting over to Matt. Louis pushed his own inquisitive thoughts away. "Hmm?"

"Jayn finish food," he said, pointing to the empty lunchbox. The kid could go from frightened to curious to adorable in a matter of seconds. His hazel eyes skimmed around the room and Louis smiled, leaning forward as well. "What do you what to do?" he whispered back.

Zayn shrugged, looking at someone on another table. Louis turned to where he was looking and saw a few girls and boys sitting on a yellow table, talking loudly.

"Loueh! You'we not listening," Matt said, huffing. Louis smiled at him. "No, no I was. What are we going to do after we eat?"

"Well, Carly reads for us," the black haired boy (whose name was either Sam or Steve) explained.

"That ought to be exciting," Louis said, grinning at Zayn. But Zayn wasn't grinning back, only looking gloomily down at his sneakers. "Jayn wanna go home."

Louis' smile dropped and he sighed, disappointed that Zayn still seemed to show no interest. How would he be here alone for so many hours?

"We don't go home now, silly," Matt said, pointing to a girl around eighteen sitting with a few kids. "We awe going to listen to Magichan with the magic wand."

"It'sh weally inteweshting," Eric piped up. Zayn looked at Carly curiously. "A story about magicians seems so cool," Louis added, looking at Zayn. "Dontcha think, Zayn?"

Zayn shrugged again, slumping on his chair as he waited.

Half an hour later, everyone had finished their lunch and were now gathered on the carpeted floor in a large room. Many were lying on pillows, forming a half circle towards an armchair. The teenager, Carly, sat down with a large red book.

"Loueh, shit," Zayn said, patting the space beside him. Louis coughed, looking around to see if anyone thought he was cursing. On the other hand, everyone here might be familiar with the children babbling shut everyday. Louis crossed his legs as he sat down beside Zayn, waiting for boredom to envelop him. Zayn was sitting with Eric on the other side, but didn't seem interested in striking up a conversation. Actually, Zayn hadn't said anything at all to the other kids unless he was spoken to.

He leaned forward and poked Louis' ankles that were sticking out from under his jeans. "Jayn want to go play with toys. Toysh awe cool."

"I promise we can go play with the toys after this. Listen," Louis whispered, nodding at Carly. Zayn eventually began to pay attention, finally seeming interested in something. While the kids were focusing on Carly, Louis pulled his phone out and sent a quick text to Harry.

: what did he want? Everything okay?

Seconds later, his phone vibrated, the sound off.

: I think so, I don't really know. It's confusing.

Louis frowned. What was confusing?

: what do you mean? What did you talk about?

Louis felt even more worried by Harry's answer.

: We talked about Zayn.

"Loueh, put phone away and lishten," Zayn whispered urgently. "He gonna do magic again."

Smiling fondly at how interested Zayn was, Louis nodded to him before turning back to the screen, an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. But the phone was snatched out of his hands.

"Loueh lishten," Zayn repeated.

"And then in the room was the rabbit that had disappeared," Carly said dramatically and everyone gasped. Zayn's jaw dropped and he couldn't sit still, jumping up and down. "The wabbit!"

"Zayn, is it okay if I go now?" Louis asked gently. Zayn's head snapped to him and he shook his head furiously. "No, no, shtay. You pwomished."

"Yes, I did," Louis mumbled with a sigh.

After a whole story and a puzzle game later, children were finally starting to be picked up. Eric had left early because he was going to his grandma's and now Louis was sitting on the floor, watching as Zayn played with Lego blocks. He had been pretty quiet with the other kids, though Matt was a chatty boy and had managed to make Zayn speak up a few times.

"Zayn, do you have blue?" Matt asked. Zayn hesitantly looked down at the last blue brick in his hands. "Yesh." He gave it to Matt who grinned widely as he set the last piece on his building, which consisted only of green and blue's while Zayn's were a mix of colors.

"Matt, you're father's here to see you," Amy said, one of the people who were working here. She smiled at Louis. "Oh Louis, right? You're still here?"

Louis smiled back, nodding at Zayn. "The lad doesn't want me to leave."

"Aww, cut him some slack, it's his first day," Amy said. Zayn wrinkled his nose at that.

"Zayn, don't let anyone deshtwoy this," Matt told Zayn, pointing to the building. "My dad's here to get me."

Zayn looked up sadly and then turned to Louis, a desperate look on his face. The same heart sinking feeling enveloped him like it did when Zayn showed completely different comprehension of something as simple as a dad coming to pick up his kid.

"Bye Zayn," Matt said before moving on to Sam and then the other kids he knew.

"Bye Matt," Zayn said quietly, before quickly turning to Louis. But Louis had been acting for this and it was time to set things straight.

"I know what you're going to say, and I know what you are thinking," Louis started, looking down at Zayn gently. "There's something you need to know, Zayn." He rubbed his arm reassuringly. "Not all dad's are bad."

Zayn frowned, clearly confused. "But why my daddy bad?"

"Because he was a bad person. Matt has a good dad?" Louis told him, pushing Zayn's hair away from his eyes since a few strands had escaped the headband.

"But-but that'sh not faiw," Zayn said, struggling as he got out the words. Louis' heart ached for him, and the pouty and sad face made it even more heart wrenching.

"I know," he said softly. "I know, but that's how it is. Matt's dad is nice to him and he likes his dad. Many kids have nice dads and many have bad dads."

"And Jayn have bad dad," Zayn said, looking down with a sniffle.

"Hey, hey, no crying," Louis said, lifting Zayn's chin up. "No crying because of bad dad, okay?"

Zayn nodded, wiping his tears away. "When we go home? Who coming to pick me up?"

Louis hadn't really told him that one of the drivers could come in a minute to pick them up. He pulled his phone out with a smile, deciding to give the kid the kindergarten package. "Who do you want to pick you up?"

Zayn thought a little, his face lightning up. "Niall."

"Okay then, Niall it is," Louis said, sending the guy a short text. He then looked back at Zayn with a small smile. "Ready to come back here tomorrow?"

Zayn looked at the green and blue building, a thoughtful look on his face. "Yesh, but you come too."

Louis pursed his lips. This would have to go for another day it seems. "Last time, okay?"


Hola everyone! Here is a picture of how I imagine Matt:

and Eric:

:- QOTC: Have you noticed any changes in Zayn after the time jump? What has changed in a month?

Also, thank you to everyone who answered!! You guys just literally made my day. I have a science test tomorrow, but I just wanted to post this chapter for you lovelies 😘😘😘😘😘


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