Baby "Jayn"

By zirectionyou

930K 45.8K 9.2K

"Am Jayn" "Zayn, huh?" "How old are you?" "Twee" © zirectionyou Cover: @zuhayn More

ᑭ ᗩ ᖇ T [1]
"Am Jayn"
"Jayn awaysh doesh the dishesh"
"A-am sh-showwy shiw"
"Jayn can change by himshelf"
"Thank ywou"
"Well ywou shcaid me!"
"Whea ish heaven then?"
"Thewe not vewy niche"
"Jayn ish not fweeling vewy well"
"Am not hungwy"
"Am shtill fweezing"
"Am not a babwy"
"My thwoat huts"
"Who'sh going to count?"
"Will ywou hit Jayn if Jayn tellsh da twuth?"
"Jayn dwon't mish him"
"Looking fo Jayn?"
"Pweashe Leeyum?"
"P-p-p-weashe dwon't huwt Jayn"
"W-why ish he hewe?"
"Wake wup shweepy head!"
"Evewybody knowsh it. Wight Hawwy?"
"She dwon't be shcawed in dish big houshe?"
"Whewe ish da pawking lot?"
"Jayn'sh sho shcawed. Jayn want'sh to go home. Pweashe"
"D-dwon't g-g-go"
"No It'sh owkay. He looksh niche"
"Nawiall ywou look like a tomato!"
"Shet him in da dwungon!"
"J-Jayn dwon't l-like da d-dawk"
"Jayn ish putting back"
"Jayn likesh to eat da wed onesh in the end"
"Oh yesh! Who want'sh candy? Jayn want'sh candy"
"Liaw liaw pantsh on fiwe!"
"Dwon't shleep pweashe"
"Looksh like shpagwhetti!"
"Loueh shcweamsh like a gwiwl too"
"Am Jayn not Jeej"
"Da button and jip ish hawd to do"
"Iwiffewent, annoywing, and immwashuwe!"
"Pinky pwomishe!"
"Monshtewsh dwon't weal"
"Shwambwled eggsh!"
"Yuck Loueh ywou did da kishy!"
"Jayn doeshn't have mum and dad"
"Jayn doeshn't know how to come down"
"Shay goodbye, Woaw"
"Jusht one mowe kish, kiddo"
"Jayn dwon't have a family now"
Q&A- pawt 1
"Jayn meansh no. Vewy bad. Aunt hash bad luck"
"Am not cute, am shmol, and cool, and shcawy"
"Nobody, Jayn'sh a big boy"
"Da moon ish cwying"
"Twee! Five! Twenty! One! Two! Five! Twenty! Twenty!"
"No Loueh ywou shaid dwon't shleep let'sh have fun"
"Jayn'sh tummy'sh hungwy"
"She knowsh Jayn'sh name"
"Leeyum'sh got a beawd"
"Jayn'sh da leaf man!"
"Buddy wash sho niche and cute and it licked Jayn'sh hand"
"Hawwy'sh cute"
"Vwooooom, vwooom"
"Nam! Jayn mish you vewy much"
"Leeyum ish besht, we can't fogot him"
"Bwack cwawon"
"Jayn wanna shee new teet!"
"Jayn hate you"
"Jayn neve leaving. Jayn shtay!- Pweashe"
"Jayn knowsh"
"Loueh! No peeking"
"No, Jayn'sh lollipop!"
"Don't deshtwoy!"
"Why ish Leeyum shad?"
"Sho big!"
"How many ish 2 and 2?"
"Qwick! Nawiall eat pancakesh"
"Jayn wich fo mummy"
"Nawiall have mum and dad?"
"Loueh and Nawiall awe losht"
"No fight"
"But don't shay yesh"
"Come on, let'sh go to Mandosh"
"Jayn hate doctow!"
"Hawwy'sh making me"
"Yesh, Jayn sheen Babwbie befowe"
"If Jayn fall, you catch"
"You on Jayn'sh team?"
"Jayn won't"
"Bawe nechessechitiesh! Babipoba bapadiboo"
"It'sh okay, Nawiall"
"Sho many kidsh"
"He gonna do magic again"
"Jayn don't have fwiendsh"
"I want to go home"
"It'sh the wed button"
Q&A - pawt 2
"They pwomise to come fasht!"
"And Jayn like to play with fwiendsh"
"Jayn not going, wight?"
"We not family now"
"I don't want to shleep alone"
"Go away, am shleepy"
"Shh, shleep good"
"Okie dokie!"
"No, Jayn shtill mad"
"Am not hypew"
"You not like my long haiw too"
"Put Jayn down"
"Hish name ish Fweddie"
"No it's Jiam'sh colowing, Niall"
"My shtwawbewwiesh"
"Michtew shkleton gonna help Jayn"
"I'm Lightning McQueen"
"What ish a ghost?"
"They kish Jayn good night"
"I'm giving you shtinky eye"
"let'sh make Jayn shiwt diwty"
"Who ish Jamesh?"
"Jayn love Lindon"
"Boysh, apwan"
"I say Jayn look okay"
"But Jayn wanna"
"Jayn hate Wali, she left"
"You not shmoke"
"I have bad dweam"
"I'm going with Liam"
"Don't go, please"
"I dweam all boys awe gone"
"I want Jiam"
"Jonannah, Fechitie, Lottie, Dizzy, Febe and Dowis"
"Jayn didn't sleep with Lamlam"
"Jayn don't want a new Jiam!"
"It dichappeaw"
"It cold outside"
"Thank you! Jayn's team won!"
"Zayn the best"
"I sneejing"
"I think I sick"
"If kiddo go, then Zayn go too"
"Ice cwream!"
"Don't be mean"
"The twee!"
"I'm going to Santa!"
"Santa nice, Louis!"
"I like Fwojen"
"But I saw hand"
"I like me too"
"Is supwise bleak?"
"I want supewhewro bear"
"Like Louis?"
"What's a yeawr?"
"Where did the giwrl go?"
"Ziam said he missed me!"
"I now eat all me veggies"
"Look! Stars!"
"Book two"

"But what if he doesh?"

6.9K 364 55
By zirectionyou

Chapter 41

Harry was the first one to jump into the pool, the splash loud and wet. He had been right, nobody was here except a man and his son. (who looked about nine year old, but Zayn wasn't sure).
Even so, the toddler couldn't help but wrap his arms around himself, glued to the spot in front of the wardrobe doors. Louis tugged at his hand which was holding his shoulder tightly. "Come on, Zayn. It's okay, you'll just get in and nobody will notice."
Zayn bit his lip, shaking his head. He didn't want to get in, and he didn't want to turn in case anybody noticed his back. Niall kneeled down and looked him in the eye. "Nobody's going to judge you, or think of you indifferently," he said softly. He pulled Zayn's arms away from himself. "Come on, there's no need to be afraid."
"What doesh indiffwintly mean?" Zayn asked, and Niall smiled. "It means treat you in another way."
"Zayn, come on." Harry grinned, and Zayn bit his lip. As the boys walked forward, Zayn trotted behind them. Should he tell them now, or...?

As they neared the edge of the pool, Zayn walked up to Louis and tugged at his shorts. "Loueh." he whispered.
"Hmm?" Louis looked down at him.
Zayn motioned him to bend down, and Louis kneeled. "What?" he whispered. Zayn swallowed, leaning forward and whispering in his ear. "Jayn'sh afwaid of watew."
Louis' eyes widened slightly and he gave the toddle a look. "Why didn't you say so before? I could've done it when you stepped through the door."
Zayn tilted his head. "Dwone what?"
Louis broke into a grin, and swept the toddler off of his feet. Zayn let out a small squeal as he clung to Louis' neck. It wasn't until Louis walked towards the steel stairs which led to the pool, that Zayn realized what he was going to do. He clutched the lad's neck tightly. "Loueh no!"
"Loueh yes!" Louis countered. "You're going to face your fear today, Sky Pirate. I thought pirates weren't afraid of the water!"

"Am not Shky! Am afwaid!" Zayn screamed as Louis climbed down the stairs. He would've kicked the lad, but had the fear of being dropped lingering at the back of his mind. Zayn held on for dear life as Louis stood in the swimming pool, the water reaching just under his waist. It didn't even touch Zayn, who by the way was clinging to Louis like a koala bear, legs wrapped around his stomach. "Jayn doeshn't wanto. Jayn don't wanto. Jayn don't wanto. Jayn doeshn't wanto."
Louis laughed. "It's not that bad, Zayn."
"No, no, no." Zayn squeezed his eyes shut, refusing to look at the drowning water.
He heard sloshes as someone approached them. "Zayn's afraid of the water." Louis explained, and Zayn heard the person guffaw and he scowled, opening his eyes. Definitely Niall. "Am shcawed of dywing." Zayn told them, his arms and legs beginning to hurt from too much muscle being used as he held on tightly. "Jayn doeshn't like to die. Jayn knowsh shomewone who died," the toddler confessed sheepishly.
Niall's expression completely changed into a softer one. "Was it your mum?"

Zayn stiffened . How did he know? He couldn't help but blurt out a "No, it washn't mum."
"Oh," was all that Niall said, and Zayn remembered his mother always scolding him for lying and how Liam and Harry had been upset with him.
"Am showwy." he said, burying his head in Louis shoulder.
"For what?" Louis asked softly, and Zayn but his lip, "Fo lying. Yesh it wash...mum." he couldn't help but squeak the last part, pressing his nose to Louis' shoulder blade as his eyes began to sting.
"It's okay, Zayn." he felt a warm and wet hand rub his back, and Zayn squirmed away. "You'we wet, Nawiall."
The lad grinned, and Zayn yelped as water stung in his eyes. Niall laughed, and Zayn pouted. He looked around, eyes scanning the swimming pool. "Whewe ish Hawwy? Whewe ish Leeyum?"
"Nobody is here to save you now, muwhahahaha." Louis laughed, putting Zayn down. Zayn, however had arms and legs wrapped tightly around him and had no plans on letting go anytime soon. He yelped as his bottom touched the water, making him shiver and clutch Louis even more tightly.
"Zayn, it's fine. It's not even that deep, look." Niall showed him how the water only reached to above his knees and Zayn shook his head firmly. The lad tried to pry him away from Louis but Zayn was stuck to him like a leech. "No." he said firmly as Niall pulled him. "Come on!" Louis whined, dropping his arms that had been previously holding Zayn up. Now it was harder for Zayn to stay glued, but he used every strength left in his body. He would not take risks by going in the water and accidentally drowning, or getting eaten by a shark, or maybe swallowing a fish. Nope, nada. No water.

"Okay, I'll just swim with you then." Louis said, attempting to cross his arms over his chest but ended crossing them over Zayn's back. Zayn narrowed his eyes. "Am gowing to tell Hawwy ywou'we being mean to Jayn."
Louis' jaw dropped. "Are you...blackmailing me?"
Zayn stuck his nose up in the air, sending a silent prayer to God to let him live longer. "Jayn doeshn't know what dat meansh, but it shoundsh evil...and black. Sho yeah, am blackmoving ywou."
Niall laughed loudly, and Zayn wondered when he didn't laugh. "Am telling Leeyum about ywou too."
The laughter stopped, and Zayn smiled proudly. "You're annoying." Louis whined, and Zayn scrunched his brows together curiously. Annoying.

Suddenly, someone bursted out of the water beside them and Zayn screamed, nails digging into Louis' back. Harry grinned widely, the 'dimple' prominent and looking more like a half moon than ever. Zayn breathed a sigh of relief. "Hawwy, Loueh ish annoywing."
"I am not!"
"Yesh, ywou awe!"
"Zayn, are you afraid of the water?" Harry chuckled.
Zayn nodded sheepishly, and Harry held his arms out. "You can sit on my back."
Zayn's eyes widened. "But what if Jayn fallsh?"
"He won't." Harry promised.
"But what if he doesh?" Zayn pressed.
"Hawwy will save him."
Zayn giggled. "No, it will be late and da shawk will eat him wup."
"There's no shark in a swimming pool." Niall told him, and Zayn pursed his lips. Oh how uneducated the blonde haired lad was.

"Come on, you can trust me right?" Harry said, patting his back. Zayn reluctantly unwrapped his arms from around Louis, and moved his body towards Harry.
But suddenly, Louis lifted him up and set him down. Zayn screamed as he touched the water, his shorts soaking wet. He squeezed his eyes shut as his small arms wrapped around the nearest thing he could find. Niall's leg.
"Zayn, you're standing in the water." Louis laughed, and Zayn reopened his eyes and looked down. Indeed, his feet were touching the pool floor. Zayn wriggled his toes and tilted his head. An idea came to his mind and he smirked as he splashed water on each of the boys, except Harry. Not because he was tall and the water wouldn't reach his eyes, because that would be embarrassing. Nope, not because of that.
"You little." Louis reached forwards to grab him, but Zayn turned around and tried to run. "Da watew ish annoywing." Zayn frowned. As he walked carefully, curiously inspecting his toes, he noticed that his feet were starting to float and he panicked. He turned around to walk back, because he definitely didn't want to drown, but that's when his eyes landed on the shark fin that was coming towards him. Zayn screamed, covering his eyes with his hands, heart pounding fast in his chest. That was it, he was dead.

Suddenly, the nine year-old emerged from the water. He was wearing a triangular grey hat, and was clutching his stomach as he laughed loudly. Zayn tried to steady his racing heart as his shoulders slumped in relief.
"Ywou shcawed me!" Zayn yelled at him, lower lip trembling as he looked around for the boys.
"That was the point." The boy laughed. "You should've seen your face."
"Go away." Zayn huffed.
The boy stuck his tongue out and swam away. Zayn tilted his head, and he poked his own tongue out.
Zayn turned around and saw Harry coming towards him. He threw his arms around the lad's waist and hoisted himself up like a koala bear again. "Jayn wash gowing to shink. Jayn doeshn't want to be in da watew."
Harry furrowed his brows. "But you could wear armbands, they'll keep you afloat."
Zayn lifted his head up. "Awmbwandsh?"

Harry smiled and nodded. "Come on, let's borrow some."
Zayn shook his head. "Jayn won't go in the watew."
"Want to ride on my back?" Harry asked, and Zayn shook his head.
"I promise I won't let you fall."
Zayn bit his lip and nodded. "Owkay, but if Jayn diesh, ywou awe not Jayn'sh favowite."
Harry chuckled. "Okay."
Zayn slowly unwrapped his arms and legs, and lowered himself to the ground. Harry grabbed his legs and pulled him up on his back, Zayn grabbing his hair in a tight grip.
"Uh Zayn. You can grab my shoulder instead." Harry grimaced, and Zayn shook his head. "No, It'sh owkay. Jayn ish shafer like dish."
"But you're pulling at my hair, Zayn." Harry pressed, and Zayn frowned. "Doesh it huwt?"
Louis laughed, and Zayn turned his head to the sound of the laughing devil. Niall and he waded towards them, amused looks on their faces.

"No no, it doesn't hurt. Pull his hair a little more Zayn, in case you fall."
Niall laughed as Zayn did what Louis had suggested, and Harry gritted his teeth. "Louis."
Louis laughed. "Okay, okay. Zayn it hurts." he walked forward and picked on Zayn's hair. "Ow!" Zayn scowled, and Louis shrugged. "I'm doing what you're doing."
"Are you giving up and going home?" Niall pouted, and Zayn shook his head. "Hawwy'sh going to give Jayn awmbwandsh."
"That's nice, come on let's get them." Louis said, pointing towards a basket full of orange and yellow small plastic pillows.

Zayn poked the armband, smiling widely. "Jayn won't shink?"
"And for extra measures..." Louis pulled the swimming ring down Zayn's head. "This will definitely prevent you."
"Thank ywou!" Zayn said excitedly, trotting towards the edge of the pool. Gulping hardly, the toddler sat down, feet splashing in the water.
"Aren't you going to go further?" Niall asked and Zayn's eyes widened slightly. "Go in da watew!?"
Louis gave him a look. "You're using floaties and swimming ring to sit on the edge of the pool."
Zayn nodded firmly.
Harry laughed as he walked forward and sat down beside the toddler. "Wouldn't it be cool to play in the water like them?" He pointed to the two children playing in the pool, a boy and a girl.

Zayn leaned forward and whispered, "He shcawed Jayn."
"He did, did he?" Harry whispered back, and Zayn nodded furiously, pointing to the boy. Harry pushed Zayn's arm back down as the boy's father noticed. "It's rude to point."
Zayn frowned. "But it's wude to shcawe too!"
"Okay okay, but I'm going for a swim. Want to join me?" Harry asked softly, and Zayn bit his lip and nodded, eyeing the water. Harry smiled and grabbed the toddler by the waist, under the swimming ring and hoisted him into the water. Zayn grabbed his arm tightly, squeezing his eyes shut. "Ish a shawk coming?"
"Nope, alls clear." Harry replied, watching from the corner of his eyes as Louis and Niall argued over something, hands flying.
Zayn reopened his eyes and smiled crookedly. "Jayn'sh not shinking."
"No, you're not." Harry smiled, letting go of his arm. Zayn's eyes widened and Harry rubbed his shoulder comfortingly. "It's fine, I'm here. We're not even on the deep side."
Zayn giggled, and Harry blinked. "What?"

"Look!" Zayn pointed to Louis and Niall, before frowning at his finger, his other hand pushing the arm down like Harry had just done.
Harry couldn't help but smile with affection and coo inside himself. Zayn was too cute for his own good.
"Hawwy!" Zayn said again. "Look qwikly." He held out a fist in Nouis' direction and Harry laughed. Zayn grinned toothily. "Am not pointing!"
Harry finally turned to see Louis and Niall still arguing. Louis groaned over something and Harry chuckled. He gets annoyed so quickly. He turned his attention to Niall who crossed his arms.
"Why awe thewe fightwing?" Zayn laughed. Harry shrugged, eyes widening at what happened next. Niall's eyes glinted mischievously as he unfolded his arms and pushed Louis into the pool. Louis emerged up from the water, sputtering as Niall laughed loudly. Harry bursted into laughter, finding Louis' disheveled, wet hair and confused look hilarious and adorable. Zayn was laughing too, the light shining on his eyes and Harry noticed a speck in them. A beautiful speck that made the toddler's eyes look even more stunning and beautiful than they did before.
"Yesh Loueh, dat wash wewenge fo being annoywing!" Zayn laughed loudly, and Harry chuckled, a warm feeling spreading through his body.

😒 Calm before the storm...
Happy late Eid to all the Muslims! 😊
😏 Happy late harrylouyear to all the larry shippers!


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