Harry x Drunk! Reader [Drink]

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Harry x Drunk! Reader [Drink]

*Nervous laughter* I went on a one day road trip for Thanksgiving and it's currently night, and I was typing this on my phone, NOT REALIZING THAT THE REFLECTION WAS ON THE CAR WINDOW, so yeah.

Ok umm, trigger warning???
Drugging/attempted drugging

Yall are at a legal drinking age

Harry POV

Uma was having a party, for what reason? I don't know. Everyone from the crew was invited, and everyone from the crew came. I mean she WAS their boss.
I was sitting at the bar, keeping an eye on Y/N. She was giggling like a maniac as she sipped from her drink, surrounded by boys. She was innocent, and maybe a little naive, so she didn't really know about how much she could take.
"Relax Harry, I've been watching her, she's fine." Uma said.
"I know, but something's not right." I muttered. "She hasn't had that much. But it looks like she has."
Uma frowned and looked at her. She looked like if she stood up, she'd fall immediately.
"You're right . . . she hasn't."
She stood up, tripping over her own feet. One of the surrounding people caught her and balanced her upright.
"I'll be right back." I heard her say, a little slurred.
She managed to walk into the backroom, leaving her drink on the counter. I watched them stare at the drink, one of them picked it up, and I could have sworn I saw them slip something in. They set it back down and played it and acted as if nothing happened.
"You saw that too right?" Uma whispered.
I looked at her.
"It wasn't just me?" she asked again.
"No I saw it too, let me handle it." I said quietly, standing up.
I walked over to the end of the bar, where they stood.
"Hey Harry." one of them said. "Having fun? Uma really knows how to throw a party."
I stared at him. I grabbed the drink that was sitting on the counter and held it up.
"This yours?" I asked, trying to catch him in a lie.
    I almost saw him pale, he knew I saw him.
"Yeah, why?"
He was a good liar, but that didn't change anything.
"Alright. Drink it."
The small group glanced at each other nervously. He looked at me, his poker face beginning to falter.
"Why? I've been drinking it all night." He said.
I glared at him and threw the drink in his face.
"DUDE WHAT THE HELL?" he shouted, trying to get the liquid off of him.
"I'm not fucking blind dipshit." I spat. "I know a pig when I see one. And Uma knows too."
Uma tapped him on the shoulder, making him jump and whip around.
"Go find Y/N and get her home safe." She said to me. "I'll deal with him."
I growled slightly and walked into the backroom to find her.
She was sitting on the floor trying to open a plastic water bottle, her face scrunched up as she tried to break the seal.
"Need help?" I asked, kneeling down next to her.
"I don't *hic* like alcohol." she said quietly, handing me the bottle. "I feel like shit."
I chuckled and popped the cap off.
"See? I couldn't even *hic* do that!" she said, falling backwards and sighing.
"Don't worry Love, it's ok. You sound surprisingly sober."
"Ehh, my senses are *hic* dulled but *hic* I can thing."
"Think, so-*hic*-rry
"Did you know what was happening?"
"What was *hic* happening?"
I bit my lip and shook my head.
"Nevermind it's not important. Do you want help getting home?"
"Thank *hic* you."
I helped her up and she stumbled a bit. I caught her and she hummed, grabbing her head.
"Oww. I'm never *hic* drinking again."
"I don't blame you Love. Can you walk?"
"I think I'm *hic* fine."
She took a few steps before her knees gave out on her. I quickly caught her before she hit the floor.
"Shit." she mumbled.
I picked her up bridal style and she immediately relaxed.
"We'll go out the backdoor ok?"
"Mmhm." she hummed.
I carried her out of the shop, she had told me where she lived before, which made things easier. I balanced her a little in front of her door as she grabbed her key. She opened the door and I picked her up again.
"Mm, can you stay?" she mumbled.
"Are you sure?"
She clung to my shirt slightly.
"Please I-I don't want to be alone when I'm like *hic* this."
She looked genuinely scared. I held her tighter and pecked her forehead.
"Don't worry Love, I won't leave you."

*inhale* As a woman, I've been taught to not leave my drink unattended, to not accept drinks from anyone I don't know, to never go to the bathroom alone, never go to a bar alone, etcetera. These are all good things to be taught, but it's sad that they have to be taught in the first place.
Sorry for the slight rant, but I needed to say it, given that the story ties in it.
Alright humans,
Wash your hands
Wear a mask
Stay safe
And love yourself <3

Harry Hook x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now