Harry Hook X Reader [Quarantine]

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Harry Hook x Reader [Quarantine]

Sorry for not posting a whole lot, my body's been in autopilot with random breakdowns. Yay. Idk the age range of people who read this bull crap, but if you graduated/ going to graduate, whether its out of high school, into highschool, or into middle school (I really hope no fifth graders read this, no offence) CONGRATS! I know it's not the way you wanted, but stay strong! We will get through this.
    On that note, read this fanfiction about an unbelievably sexy pirate as your boyfriend in the same situation as you *finger guns*
    Fluffy lime? Maybe like 60% fluff, 30% lime, and 10% angst.

    They probably never told you the REAL reason the Isle exists. Sure, it's to keep the villains and princesses separate. That's how it STARTED. But an illness bloomed. It started in Auradon actually. It was extremely contagious, so they decided to take the infected people, and put them in the isle. So we would all be infected, die, then it would be gone. They just sit back, wait for the expendables to be exterminated, then wipe their brow in relief that it didn't kill the important people.
    I didn't really pay mind to the illness. It didn't seem . . . REAL. When Uma closed up, that's when it hit hard. Harry and I were stuck in our shared apartment, not daring to go outside unless we really had to. It's not that bad, we get the whole day together. But we were both going mad.


    I woke up under a pile of pillows and blankets. I shifted and pushed a few layers off myself. I stretched and rolled out my neck. I felt my face and noticed it was sticky. I frowned in confusion. I stood up and went to the bathroom mirror. My cheeks were shiny with a dried substance. My eyes were red, and so was my nose.
    'Oh god, I had another breakdown last night didn't I?' I thought with a groan.
    They were becoming a more common occurrence, with quarantine and all. I rinsed off my face and neck, trying to look like a somewhat functional human being. I tugged off my hoodie and sleep shorts, and decided to wear real clothes for once. I slipped on some leggings, a sports bra, and a tank top.
    "The more I wake up to you in lace underwear, the more I think you're teasing me on purpose."
    I spun around to see Harry, fully awake and shirtless. He had THAT smirk on his face that made mine in turn, pink.
    "W-Wait, the MORE you do?" I asked, my flustered-ness turning to embarrassed anger.
    "I know how to fake sleep Love~"
    He stood up and grabbed me by the hips, pulling me into him (A/N I swear, I'd be just fine in quarantine if he was quarantined with me). I whined and leaned against his chest. I felt his heartbeat and I felt myself relax about 10x more. His hands trailed up my back and to the nape of my neck. He stroked my hair and kissed the top of my head.
    "I heard you crying last night." he whispered.
    "S-Sorry . . . I didn't mean to wake you."
    "It's fine Love. I know how hard this is hitting you. But I'm here if you need to talk." He hummed.
My hands trailed to his biceps, letting myself melt. But my mind switched in a snap. My hands tightened around his arms.
"I don't want to talk." I said, looking up at him.
"Huh?" he said, looking genuinely confused at my reaction.
"I don't want to talk, I want you. I want you to make me forget what's happening to the Isle, I want you to make me forget my own name!" I said loudly. (A/N anyone get the reference? Anyone? I barely remember how the line goes😅)

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down to my height to meet his lips with mine.
"Love-" he started, but I wasn't ready to let up.
I walked forward, making him sit on the edge of the bed. I sat in his lap and kissed him again. He gave up on calming me down and grabbed my thighs in his hands, making me hum against his mouth. I could feel hot tears drip down my face again, so I kissed him harder. He pulled away with a sigh and swiped my cheek with his thumb.
"Y/N, you don't want this . . ."
"You don't know that!" I said desperately. (A/N this part FEELS like a reference, but I forgot where I've read it before.)
"I do, Love."
I felt my thoughts start to slip into places I didn't want them. I felt the collar of my tank top start to get damp from my tears.
"Please," I murmured, looking down. "I don't like this. I want to forget, even if it's for a second."
"I know you do Love." he said, pulling me into a hug. "I know you want to forget."
"I hate this." I said shakily into his warm skin. "I hate how Auradon sent the infected here, and let us die out. Just so they would be ok."
He rubbed my hips softly and let me cling to him.
    "Breathe Love." he said calmly. "Take a few deep breaths, and look at me."
    I relaxed my chest, and felt the shaking gradually stop. I felt my body loosen tiredly, and I sat back to properly face Harry.
    "There's my girl." he said with a smile.
    I giggled and he kissed my temple affectionately.
    "You want food?" he asked.
    "Fuck yeah!"

Harry Hook x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now