Harry Hook x Reader [Kitten]

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Harry Hook x Reader [Kitten]

So sorry about that, I have a crap ton of unfinished drafts so I'm just trying to complete them and get them out of my google docs

Why does the title sound kinky?? (it's not I swear)
Harry went to auradon before the barrier went down, but after the VKs, leaving poor reader chan alone
Teeny bit of angst, then fluffy floof
(I was VULGAR in this, I'm lowkey stressed and pissed so maybe that's why)

I was pissed. Pissed at my dad, pissed at Auradon, pissed at the existence of monarchy, and everything else in this corrupt, fucked up, world. I was alone, all fucking alone because of people being fuckasses. I was the daughter of Scar, so guess who had a harsh temper, and was so good at holding grudges it could be considered a skill. These qualities didn't go well with being abandoned. Clearly, if the person who also had these traits, my father, was dead.
    I inhaled deeply and slammed my head into the table. I heard a faint chuckle a few feet away. Someone's hand ran through my hair and I sighed, feeling everything relax.
    "Everything alright Love?"
"Hmm, I feel like dying, and killing something at the same time."
I heard a snicker as the hand continued petting me.
"I've always thought there was something scary about lions, but all in all, they're just big cats."
I growled slightly and jerked my head to the side to look at the man. Harry Hook shifted his hand away from the back of my head and to my cheek. I grinned and shut my eyes, feeling pure bliss expand in my chest.
I threw a glass at the wall, opening my mouth in a silent scream. My chest rose and fell as my breathing somehow managed to force its way in and out of my lungs. I leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor, holding my knees, begging for someone to hold me.
    I looked around the dark and trashed room, remembering the time when it was clean, and filled with light. I glanced at the window and managed to pull myself up. I pushed open the blackout curtains and opened the window. The scent of smoke, trash, and general oxygen filled up the room, somehow making it smell fresh.
    "God fucking damn it." I whispered. "This is why you don't get attached dumbass, people are horrible, and they'll always think of themselves before you."
I sat on the windowsill and swung my legs over so I was facing the outside. I jumped off and landed on the balcony below. Slipping down the rest of the building and landed on the ground in a catlike pose. I inhaled the polluted air and let out a sharp breath out my mouth, before walking down the street.
    "Please don't . . . please don't leave me." I whispered.
    "Believe me Love, it's not like I want to." he said, pulling me into his embrace. "I swear, the second I can, I'll come back for you, ok?"
    I drowned myself in his scent, while I could, feeling that rare sense of security that I only got from him.
    I kicked open the door and could have sworn I saw dust kick up from the floor of the empty shop. Auradon took everything. Uma, Harry, Gil, afterwards, everyone just left. We stumbled around like a headless chicken for a few days, then people just stopped coming to the shop. Dust was everywhere, the floorboards screeched at the slightest bit of pressure from not being touched in so long. I walked across the room and sat at the bar. I sighed and banged my fist on the bar and knocked the dust off.
    "God, what kind of ghosts live here, huh?" I muttered. "Haven't got much action huh?"
    I glanced down at the wood to see a few drops of water.
    "Son of a-" I muttered while wiping the tears away.
    I hiccuped a little and held my head in my hands.
    "Ugh, what the hell is wrong with me."
    "Nothing, Love."
    My hands flew to my mouth as I let out a muffled scream. I spun around in my chair and looked at the door. Harry Hook stood there, leaning against the frame.
    "Why's the place so empty? Don't tell me you turned everyone into sharkbait, Love."
    I was too stunned to say anything as I looked at him. I gripped the edge of the table as the shock was slowly being replaced by anger. He walked up to me and placed his hand on the side of my face. I snapped and smacked it away, standing up harshly, before running into the backroom.
    I speed walked through the empty room and threw open a window at the very back. I grabbed the top of the sill, pulled myself through, and started running. I could hear his footsteps behind me, not nearly as fast as they were before he left, which pissed me off more.
    I jumped and caught onto a branch, half climbing, half jumping up the tree.
    "Y/N, what the hell has gotten into you?" I heard him call from down below.
    I heard him trying to coax me down, but I tuned out everything he said.
    "Y/N, I'm sorry! I really am! I-I came back to take you to Auradon."
    I laughed at that.
    "Oh yeah, suuuure, become a domesticated house cat." I muttered.
    "To be fair, you did run up a tree to get away from me." I heard from behind me.
    I screamed and spun around, almost falling off my branch. Harry grabbed me and held me in place.
    "LEMME GO!" I screamed, trying to get out of his grasp.
    His hand snaked around the back of my head and held me tighter as I struggled and scratched at him. He kissed me. I hit his chest lightly, trying to use any form of resistance that I had. I tried so hard to stay mad at him.
    "Fuck you," I muttered against him.
    "That's a nice greeting."
    He pulled away, yet not loosening his iron hold on me. He definitely knew that I would  jump out of the tree if given the opportunity.
    "Love, listen to me. I tried to come back, I really did, but-"
    "But? But what? What was stopping you? Did you really get domesticated by those fuckasses like Mal and the others did?"
    He chuckled a little.
    "What?" I muttered scornfully.
    "Nothing, you just haven't changed a bit. You may look like a lion, but you're still just a kitten on the inside."
    I flushed bright red at this.
    "What the hell is that supposed-"
    His hand stroked my hair in a calming manner that made me shut up instantly. My eyes fluttered shut as I leaned into his hand in bliss.
    "T-that's not fa-air." I gasped.
    "Oh yes it is." he said.
    My hands shook as I fought against the urge to melt completely.
    "Listen to me Love," it wasn't like I had a choice at this point. "I tried for almost a month to come back for you. I even went to Mal for help. Unless it's her friend, she won't do shit. She doesn't care about anyone besides her little circle. I had to wait. I am so sorry I couldn't get here sooner, I really am."
    My eyes were going fuzzy as I was basically getting high on attention. Harry laughed at my dazed expression.
    "That touch deprived huh Love?"
    "Shut up." I muttered, leaning into his hand a little more.
    "Yes ma'am."
    I rested my head against his shoulder and took a deep breath, feeling his scent flood through me and give me the comfort and security I hadn't gotten for so long.
Ayyo if there are any readers in canada, can you take me? I fucking hate this country.
    I keep talking to my parents about wanting to yeet off to canada and they just:
    "You can't run away from your problems, you have to stay and fight."
    "If everyone thought that way then nothing would get done."
    "Other places have problems too, it's not just america."
    Which like, fuck of, I just want to run off to Canada where I can live peacefully and not fear my existance. Not everyone thinks the way I do, and I'm well aware that america isn't the only place with problems, it's just got a lot of them, and I want to live in the cold.
(I would like to mention that I wrote this A/N on January 6th, and as I mentioned before, this was in my drafts sooooooo, we better now but I still wanna live in canada)

*inhale* OK HOOMANS
Wear a mask
Wash your hands
Stay safe
And love yourself <3

Harry Hook x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now