Harry Hook X Reader [Night Terrors]

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Harry Hook x Reader [Night Terrors]

Night terrors are a disorder, you wake up screaming, and it's intense fear. So it's a bigger deal than nightmares. They also happen earlier in the night, so you aren't calling Harry at four in the morning.
***s h o r t***

    A blood curdling scream echoed through the walls of my apartment asI sat bolt upright. My eyes wide and my heart pounding. The gruesome image not getting out of my head. I gasped for air as tears filled my eyes. I frantically reached for my phone and pressed Harry's contact.
    "Hello?" I heard him say.
    "Hi, I'm sorry to wake you up. Can you come over please?"
    "Ok? Is everything alright?"
    "I'll tell you when you get here."
    I hung up the call and tugged on a hoodie. I heard a knock at the door and ran to open it.
    "Y/N? What happened?"
    I hugged him tightly, scared to let him go. My hands made fists as I felt my tears soak through his shirt. He wrapped his arms around my frame and I sighed, feeling relieved that he was here. One  of his hands rubbed my lower back and the other held the back of my head gently.
    "I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up but I needed to see you." I mumbled into his shirt.
    "It's fine Y/N, if you were that upset then I could care less about sleep."
    He picked me up and sat on the edge of my bed. My legs were on either side of his hips, facing him. I had my arms wrapped around him tightly and my face buried in the crook of his neck.
    "You wanna talk about it?" Harry said, making the memory flood back to me.
"Mmm," I muttered, "I had a night terror."
I felt Harry stiffen.
"And in the dream, you were there, and you were sword fighting me. In the bad way. Like every strike was to kill. And I was doing defence because I didn't want to hurt you."
"That's the scary part." Harry joked, making me laugh slightly.
"Anyway, you stabbed toward my heart and I didnt block fast enough, so I got a cut. Not stabbed, but the tip of your sword did hit me. Then I was separated from my body, and I stopped defending, and started trying to kill you." I whimpered. "I was like a ghost, being forced to watch us kill each other. Then . . . you missed and I went forward and I . . ." My voice broke and Harry held me tight.
"I'm sorry Harry." I sobbed. "I'm so sorry."
Harry chuckled lowly as I placed my hand where I hit, over his heart.
"It was just a dream Love," he said. "You don't have to apologise for something you didn't actually do."
"I'm going to anyway, so deal with it." I said into the crook of his neck.
Harry chuckled and lied backwards, so I was on top of him.
"I bet with your screams the neighbors thought I was already here~"
I burst out laughing in spite of myself. I could feel Harry's smile. A genuine smile, not a smirk. He kissed my head.
"Can you spend the night?" I murmured.
"Of course," he said.
We fell asleep, and my head was filled with happy dreams, for the rest of the night.

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