Harry Hook x Neko! Reader

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Harry Hook x Neko! Reader
*slams head down on desk and screams*
I got this idea after my cat slapped me in the face with his tail.
Since it's the fourth of july, and there are a shit ton of illegal fireworks where I live, it sounds like large scale popcorn. Cool.
H/C=hair color
*pretty damn short*

    "UMA WHAT THE HELL?!" I shouted, looking over my shoulder at my new limb.
    "Sorry!" she said with a smile.
    My ears twitched in annoyance as I glared daggers at the pirate. She had 'accidentally' turned me into a neko with the wrong incantation. My H/C tail swished back and forth with a mind of its own, and my ears swiveled around, sensing new sounds. I dragged my tongue against my teeth and felt my fangs.
"I'm really sorry Y/N, but it's not permanent. It should only last for 24-48 hours."
" . . . should?"
Uma sweatdropped at my expression and waved her hands frantically.
"I don't know! This hasn't ever happened before!"
I groaned and rubbed my temple. Harry walked out front the back room and froze at the sight of me.
"Uh . . . Y/N? What happened?"
My ears flattened and my tail curled around my thigh in embarrassment.
"I accidentally turned her into a neko." Uma said, biting back a laugh.
Harry rolled his eyes at her and walked over, rubbing the side of my ear, making me purr. I blushed at the noise and covered my face.
"Y/N, you can go home with Harry if you're uncomfortable with working today. It's my fault after all . . ." Uma said.
I nodded as Harry took my hand and led me out of the shop. My ears were pressed firmly against the top of my head and my tail had stopped swaying.

Time skip, brought to you by my snake scaring the crap out of my friend

Harry opened the door to our apartment. He pet my ears and I started purring again. He retracted his hand but I grabbed it and placed it back on my head. He chuckled and rubbed my head much to my satisfaction.
"Thought you were embarrassed to purr?" he teased.
I didn't respond as I pressed my head into his hand more. My tail wrapped around his other wrist and he rubbed it between his fingers. My purring was louder than before as Harry continued to pet me. I pulled away and nuzzled into his chest.
"I kinda like you like this." he said with a smirk.
I slapped his side with my tail and snuggled into him. He tugged my tail and I let out a squeak.
"D-Don't do that! It feels weird." I mumbled.
He kissed my ear and it flicked slightly. I fell asleep gently, feeling oddly tired.

~E X T R A~

When I woke up, my ears, tail, and fangs were gone. Earlier than expected, but I wasn't complaining. My tail was getting annoying. Harry kissed me gently when he saw me.
"Aww you're back to normal." he said with a fake pout.
I stuck my tongue out and crossed my arms playfully.
"It was weird and uncomfortable." I said.
"Yeah but you meowed in your sleep." he said slyly.
    I turned bright red and fixated my gauze on the floor.
    "You said my name too-"
    "NOPE!" I said, speed walking away.
    Harry chuckled and followed me.

    IDEK what this was supposed to be. I'm really fucking tired, and I know I should probably go to sleep, yet I end up watching anime till 3am.

Harry Hook x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن