Harry Hook X Reader [7 Minutes in Heaven]

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Harry Hook x reader; Seven minutes in heaven

Why was I here. What great sin had I done to get this punishment from god? I sat on the floor of Uma's chip shop, playing seven minutes in heaven. Everyone had put their name into the hat and one victim- I mean, participant, would choose a sheet of paper. Harry, (my boyfriend of one year) and I were forced to play because Uma just wants us to make out. (A.N All my friends tho XD)
"Your turn Uma~" I said.
She reached into the bag and pulled out a slip of paper. She unfolded it and read the name out loud.
"OH! That's me!" Gil said.
I gasped.
"Oh shut up Y/N." she said.
I grabbed her and pushed her into the pantry with Gil. I shut the door and locked it. I set the timer for seven minutes. Every so often we would hear something like,
"Shut up Gil!"
"Get away from me!"
    The timer went off and I unlocked the pantry. Uma stormed out and Gil followed her with a black eye. I laughed as Gil went to the freezer for ice.
    "Your turn Y/N~" Uma said.
    I sighed and reached into the bag. My fingers found a slip of paper and I pulled it out.
    "Jake." I read.
    I felt Harry's hand tighten around mine.
    Jake was a boy who had been lusting after me for months. He was SUCH a narcissist. And I truly hated him. But another member of the  'I hate Jakey club' was Harry. He was very protective of me, he had almost lost me once, and he didn't want that to happen again. Uma grabbed me by the arm and shoved me into the pantry. It was a walk in, but still really small. Jake walked into the tiny room, and immediately pressed up against me. I mean, it was small, but not THAT small!
    "Hello gorgeous~"
    I backed up as far as I could, accidentally trapping myself.
    "That eager are we?"
    My hands began to shake as he pressed his arm against the wall. I put my hands onto his chest and tried to push him away. He kissed me as I struggled against him.
I heard the door fly open and Jake was pulled off me. I breathed heavily and sunk down to the floor. I felt myself being lifted up by two strong arms. I rested my head against Harry's chest as he held me. He took me out of the pantry and set me down.
"You wanna keep playing?" Uma said.
"Sure . . ." I mumbled.
"Well, it's Harry's turn . . ."
Harry sighed and stuck his hand into the hat and drew out a name. He unfolded it and a smirk came onto his face as he picked me up bridal style and took me into the room. Uma was fangirling in the other room as Harry shut the door behind us.
"Ya know . . ." He whispered. "I'm the only one who should be able to touch you . . ." (A.N. WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-)
My breathing sped up again, but for a totally different reason.
"You might just have to make it up to me~"
He slammed his lips onto mine and I wrapped myself against him. After (what didn't feel like) seven minutes, Uma ripped open the door and I saw a flash. I opened my eyes to see Uma, with the biggest smile on her face, and a camera.
I stumbled out of the pantry as Harry chased her down. Unfortunately, he didn't get the film, and they were both teased for months. As of Jake, he tried to escape. But neither Jake or I would be able to walk for a while, for totally different reasons, both caused by Harry ;)

Harry Hook x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu