Harry Hook X Reader [I'm Sorry]

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Harry Hook x Reader [I'm sorry]Angst that turns into fluffDude i have two weeks without being able to go to the mall or hang out w/ friends (omg it sounds like i have a social life XD) So i'm going to be posting a LOT

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Harry Hook x Reader [I'm sorry]
Angst that turns into fluff
Dude i have two weeks without being able to go to the mall or hang out w/ friends (omg it sounds like i have a social life XD) So i'm going to be posting a LOT. but i'm out of ideas. Yall are great with the requests, so keep em coming!! I need shit to do!! Love yall

Ok so this is REALLY long. sorry.

    Y/N POV

I ran down the hall and banged on the dorm room door (A/N say that ten times fast, i dare you.) Jay opened up and frowned at me curiously.
"Is Harry here?"
He looked over his shoulder and shook his head. I sighed and turned to leave. Jay grabbed my arm and spun me around.
"Y/N . . .?"
I pursed my lips.
"I'm your best friend. You can talk to me."
I took a deep breath.
"Umm . . . so Harry confessed to me the other week."
Jay grinned, but it faded when he saw the look on my face.
"And I . . . looked him in the eye and said 'I know.' I didn't know how to react, so I didn't answer him. I just . . . RAN. Like the awful person I am." Tears were streaming at this point. "I just left him there! AND I HAVEN'T SEEN HIM IN WEEKS AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT."
I sunk to the floor, hugging myself.
"And I owe it to him to give him an answer."
"It's not your fault Y/N."
I looked up to see Harry behind Jay, with a sad expression on his face. I cried harder and he crouched down next to me.
"Don't give yourself so much blame Y/N . . . I'm okay, really. If someone doesn't give you an answer, it's pretty obvious what they think."
I hugged him and he seemed a little surprised.
I looked behind me to see a girl with blonde hair. Harry stood up and kissed her. My heart shattered.
"Who's this?" she asked, with genuine interest.
"Just an old friend." he said.
"Oh! I'm Sarah! Nice to meet you!"
I smiled weakly through my tears and stood up. I shook the girls hand and she kissed Harry again.
"You ready for our date babe?"
"Yeah, let's go."
The two left together and I sunk back to the floor. I watched in pain as they walked hand in hand.
"I love you Harry . . ." I whispered.
Jay helped me up and into the dorm.

Every day after that . . . I would see them together. Every kiss, every touch . . . something that I could've had. But I decided to run from him. To run from the person I loved. I would cover up my emotions when they were around. I would smile and act happy but that was a disguise. I was cracked. I was broken. I felt like nothing was worth living for. Jagged marks covered my arms. Jay was trying his best to keep me afloat in the ocean of regret and sorrow. But I just wanted to drown.
I was in Jay's dorm. He and I were talking . . . I was feeling better actually! Then Sarah and Harry walked in. Jay saw the look of happiness just leave my face, as my fists tightened. He grabbed my chin and kissed me. Out of shock and surprise I pushed him away with a red face. He turned pink and started rambling about how sorry he was.
"Oh my gosh Y/N I'm so sorry!-"
"Yay!! Congrats Y/N!" Sarah said from behind me.
I turned around to see Sarah, looking bubbly and happy as usual. Harry had a forced smile and clenched fists.
"Ow! Babe you're hurting me!" Sarah yelled.
He snapped out of it and quickly let her go.
"Sorry Sarah."
"I've got to go, bye hunny!" She kissed his cheek and left.
Harry went up to his room and Jay looked at me awkwardly.
"Look Y/N . . . I-I dont like you like that. I didn't know what to do, but you needed a distraction."
I laughed slightly.
"You're fine. I get it."
"BUT . . . did you see the look on his face? I know I keep saying how you have to get over him, but he clearly still wants you~"
I rolled my eyes and sighed.
"Yeah right . . . THAT ship has sailed."
"Hmmm I'm not so sure."
I sighed and hugged myself.
"Don't get my hopes up Jay. I've made that mistake before and it never ends well."

"Ok class, we're doing partner projects! HOWEVER. I have already chosen partners at random so don't go straight for your friends."
"Casey and Jill."
"Sarah and John."
Sarah gave her boyfriend a sad look before she went to sit next to John.
"Jaedan and Kaelab."
"Jay and Lonnie."
"Y/N and Harry."
I sighed slightly and went to sit with Harry.
"Ok, remember, these projects will be done in class, FOR THE FIRST TWO DAYS. From then on you will have to work on it outside of class."

Harry and I were in the dorm with Jay and Lonnie as we worked on the project. I was typing while Harry was brainstorming. I caught him staring a few times, but I only called him out once.
"You ok Harry?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah just staring off into space."

Jay kept sneaking glances at the two of us with a smirk on his face. I glared at him and he stopped immediately. I continued typing, and Harry started staring at me again. But this time, he was CLEARLY not 'staring off into space' his eyes were flickering around my face and he looked a bit upset.
"Harry? Is everything ok?"
He nodded and I raised an eyebrow, but continued nonetheless.

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"Hey Sarah, can we talk?" Harry asked.
Sarah's bubbly personality deteriorated and her expression was filled with worry.
"What's wrong Harry?"
I tried not to listen, but I couldn't help myself.
"I think . . . I think we should break up."
"It has nothing to do with you-"
I turned at the sound of my name on instinct and immediately regretted it. Sarah grabbed me by the shirt collar and threw me to the ground. Harry grabbed me and picked me up.
"No, it's not because of Y/N." I frowned internally at this.
Harry left a very pissed off Sarah alone with a very disappointed Y/N.

    Time skip to a few hours before the dance.

    "I don't know Evie . . . It's not ME."
    Evie had put me into a floor length red lace dress for the dance. It showed off my curves and it looked really good on me, but it felt . . . bizarre. **dress at top**
    "Are you kidding Y/N?! You look so hot!!"
    "I don't even have a date!"
'    I sighed as Evie did my hair, then dragged me to the dance. She wound her arm with mine and guided me in through the door.
    The first person I saw was Harry. He was wearing a black tux, with a red button down. Evie laughed from next to me.
    "Hey you guys match!"
    "Yeah, red and red. WHAT a coincidence." I said sarcastically.
    "Oh hush! You look sexy!"
    I looked back at Harry who was now looking at me. His face was as red as his shirt. I smiled weakly and waved. He snapped out of it and hurriedly walked away. I groaned and sunk into Jay, who had just appeared next to me.
    "Oh my god, she's already melting what happened?"
    I laughed and stood up straight. Jay grabbed me by the elbow and half dragged me onto the dance floor.
    "May I have this friend-dance?"
    I laughed
    "You may."
    He put his hands on my waist and guided me skillfully across the dance floor. We danced for a while, until Lonnie came over and asked to dance with him. In which I left the two. I stood against the wall, sipping a soda. Harry came over and scratched the back of his neck.
    "Umm . . . so . . . can I um . . . can I have this dance?"
    I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. He smiled back and rested his hands on my waist. He spun me around and made me feel like I was floating on air. I smiled as he guided me. When the song ended, he looked into my eyes. I stood on my tip toes and pressed a gentle kiss on his lips. When I pulled away, his face was pink. My smile vanished. What. Did. I. Just. DO?! He was over me!!! I took a step back and ran out.

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I hugged my knees and sobbed into my arms. I just kissed him!! And he was over me!! I just fucked everything up!!"
"Why did I do that?" I moaned.
I felt a hand on my back and I jumped. I looked over to see Harry. I wiped tears away from my face and shifted away. I shook my head and hugged myself tighter. He grabbed me and held me to his chest.
"Ya know I never got over you."
My eyes watered.
"I don't think I can ever get over you. You're this amazing, sweet, brilliant person. And my heart will forever belong to you."
"When I came to your dorm a few months ago, I was going to tell you that I was in love with you. Then I saw you with Sarah and . . . I was heartbroken. But I never got over you."
He chuckled into my ear and held me tight.
I twisted and looked at him. Our faces were centimeters apart. He grabbed me by the nape of my neck and pulled me into a kiss. When we pulled apart, he smiled.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that."
I smiled and nodded. He helped me up, and we went back to the dance. This time, hand in hand.

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