Harry Hook X Reader [Discovery] [REQUEST PART TWO]

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Harry Hook x reader [Discovery] [REQUEST PART 2!]

Ok I lied. It's still too long to be two parts, and it's more fun to have it be three parts. SO IT'S NOW THREE PARTS XD
And no one knows how it ends besides me and the request-er.


    Y/N POV
    Harry was leading me through the forest of neverland. We were looking for the flower in my necklace. If my parents had the flower, they must be near it. Pretty crappy reasoning, but it's what we had. A flash of purple caught my eye.
    "Harry! Over here!" I said, walking through the plants.
    My fingers brushed over the plant and I inhaled the sweet fragrance. I glanced over my shoulder at Harry with a big smile on my face. I was about to say something, when I felt something wrap around my waist, and pull me into the air.
    "AH!" I screamed, watching the ground get farther and farther from me. I was set down in a tree and I looked around, trying to calm down.
    "Y/N? Are you ok?" I heard.
    "Yeah!" I called "I think so!"
    I felt a hand brush against my arm and I let out a small shriek. I whipped around to see . . . a boy? He was a bit older than me. He inspected my face so intently it made me shift uncomfortably.
    "Y/N?" he said, hope in his eyes.
    "Yes?" I said, very confused.
    The boy laughed deliriously. He pulled me into a hug and I tensed up.
    "I can't believe it's you! I thought I lost you." he whispered.
    "I'm sorry, but who are you?"
    "I'm Peter Pan, your father."
    My eyes widened. This kid, maybe 18 at most, was my FATHER? I opened and closed my mouth, no words coming out.
    "U-Um, can you let me down?" I managed.

    We slipped down the tree to where Harry was. He sighed in relief and pulled me into a hug. I relaxed in his arms and buried my face in his shoulder. He pulled away and I looked back at the boy.
    "Let me get this straight, you're only a few years older than me, and you're my DAD?" I asked.
    "Yeah, never aging remember?" he said in a teasing tone.
    He held the pendant in his hands, guilt in his face.
    "I was going to send you to Auradon. I had you in my arms, then something happened. I don't know what. But you were knocked out of my grasp and fell. I tried to catch you but you were . . . gone."
    I looked down at my feet, feeling tears in my eyes.
    "I fell into (city's name). I was . . . basically tortured for 16 years of my life (A/N you're 16. Deal with it.). No one liked me, I was hated. I have scars covering every inch of my body."
    I looked back up at my father. He placed his hand on my cheek, he was crying too now.
    "I'm sorry baby. This is my fault."

    Harry POV.

    I loved holding Y/N in my arms, her heartbeat was so calming. I was head over heels. I pulled away and she turned to the boy who brought her back down.
    "Let me get this straight, you're only a few years older than me, and you're my DAD?" She said.
    "Yeah, never aging remember?" he said teasingly.
    Time slowed down. There's only one person in Neverland that never ages. Peter Pan. I fell in love with the spawn of Peter Pan. I internally winced at what father would say to me.
    "DAUGHTER OF PAN?!" I heard his voice in my head. "AND YOU  L I K E  HER?!"
    I looked at Y/N. She was beautiful, smart, and amazing. But she was the daughter of Pan. This couldn't happen.

    We left Neverland. I didn't say a word to her. But I was crying and apologizing to her over and over again in my head. She looked up at me with a smile. She put her hand on my arm and I jerked it away. Hurt flickered across her face, but she quickly covered it up. We got back to Auradon and she kept trying to talk to me, but I gave her the cold shoulder. I had to end our friendship. I had no choice.
    "Harry? Are you ok?" she said at some point.
    "Fine." I spat.
    She flinched slightly, but kept walking. We had made it into the school and were now walking through the halls.
    "Harry, are you sure you're-"
    "GOD Y/N I SAID I'M FINE." I shouted, walking a little faster.
    'I'm so sorry, I have to. I don't mean it.' I thought.
    She bit her lip and kept up with my speed.
    As soon as it came out of my mouth I wanted to take it back. I was putting on an act but that was too far. I could see her heart break as tears streamed down her face.  She dropped her bag and ran off. I sunk onto the floor, crying now too.
    "I'm sorry Y/N." I whispered into the floor. "I'm so sorry."

    Y/N POV

    I was running. I was running away from him, away from Auradon. I burst into FG's office and she looked up at me, surprised.
    "Y/N! What are you doing here? Do you need something?"
    "Send me back."
    FG looked taken aback.
    "Please, I want to go back to (city's name). I can't be here anymore, please. Send me back."
    FG looked shocked, and a little sad.
    "Y/N, you were hurt there. You were bullied and ignored, why do you want to go back?"
    "I just need to Ms. Godmother. Please. Send me back." I said, sobbing now.
    FG stood up, sadness etched on her face. She grabbed her wand and tapped me on the head gently.
    "Bibbity bobbity boo."

    And poof. The author has made you suffer but they are too bored to make you wait for a week so the final part will be coming out soon!

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