Harry Hook X Hades! Reader

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Well I suppose I should start at the beginning. Before you fall into a deeper confusion. My name is Y/N Hades. My father is Hades. Duh. He dumped me off at the Isle because he didn't see the underworld as fit. Which makes sense. I became one of Uma's crew. I was actually her OG first mate. She and I were close. Then Harry Hook came along and I was bumped to second. Then there was Gil. All the way down to third mate. Hook, I could've dealt with. But Gil? That'll make anyone feel crappy. Anyway, me and Hook were pretty close. And because my heart decided to have no thought at all, no rational sense, it went faster every time he was near me. It was something small at first, before it grew into something slightly out of control. At some point, I confessed, and by some miracle he liked me too. Then I got the dreaded letter. I was going to Auradon. And Harry wasn't. I cried, and BEGGED for him to come too. But only five were being accepted. He told me he only wanted the best for me. And told me to leave, and that I would regret not going for the rest of my life. I then got into a bad fling with Chad, and that was the messiest break up ever. I still craved Harry. I still needed him

Rubbing my forehead as I exited FG's class on being nice and all that bull crap. I felt a pair of hands on my hips. I then turned around and punched Chad in the face.
"Keep your hands to yourself."
"You sure you want me to~"
"Very sure. Leave me alone."
I stormed off to my room and I aggressively stuffed clothes into my bag.
I ran to grab some clothes and I put a spell on my bike. I gripped the handles until my knuckles turned white. When I got to my old apartment, I grabbed my old pirate wear and slipped it on.
I left to Uma's shop and peeked in through the window. There was Harry at the bar. Hot as ever. I pushed open the doors gently. The bell blew my cover. All heads turned to me. Uma's mouth dropped.
Harry turned around. He stood up. His eyes wide, almost sad.
I smiled. I was back.

"You're back!" Harry exclaimed.
He ran to me and scooped me up in his arms. I was half sobbing as he kissed me with all the love I had missed.
"We missed you, girl." Uma said, smiling.
"I missed you too."
I had time to catch up with the crew. Harry had me sitting in his lap the whole time. I hadn't realized how much I had really needed him until I had him. I had gone for long enough without him. I felt his warm hands on my hips and for once, I didn't turn and slap the person. His hands trailed up my back and snapped at my straps. My face turned bright red. Uma chuckled.
"Keep it in your pants Harry."
"I'm good thanks." He nipped at my neck.
Gil ran screaming.
"This is our chance of freedom!" she said. "Harry, Y/N, go capture Ben. I bet you Mal's here looking for her prince boyfriend."
"Yes ma'am!" I said.
Harry laughed and left with me. I was eager to get at Mal. And everyone else in her clique. She had acted like she was on top of the world just because of her mother. They didn't even know who I was even though I was the only other villain there. We continued walking in the alley and there was Ben. He was dressed like a 'bad boy' to the point where it was funny. I snorted a little too loud. Ben looked up.
I covered his mouth with my hand and pinned his arms behind him. Harry slipped a blindfold on and tied his wrists.
"I'll take him." I said and dragged a struggling Ben back to Uma's ship.

The wand was fake. THE STUPID FREAKING WAND. WAS FAKE. I grabbed my sword and was ready for the attack Uma was about to unleash. I jumped up and went after Mal first. She whipped out a spell book and said some stupid rhyme and I started floating.
Someone hit Mal with the butt of their sword and she lost her concentration. I was grateful, until I started falling from fifty feet in the air. Harry swooped over and caught me. I struggled to catch my breath.
"Aw~ Do I leave you breathless?~"
"Yes, but later Harry." I said, jumping out of his arms and picking up my sword.
Another sword came at me, and I spun around to block it. It was Jay.
"Wait . . . aren't you from Auradon?"
"Oh wow! Now you notice me!" I said bitterly.
"Why are you fighting against us . . . um . . . what was your name?"
I scoffed. They never noticed me, and I was the only other villain kid. That was just depressing.
"Why? Because Auradon is awful. I'm forced to be there with people I don't like, with classes that teach me to be something I'm not, and I'm separated from the people I love."
I slipped my sword out and made a slice for him. He dodged quickly and ran. After a while of fighting, they retreated and I scowled after them. I saw Harry climb onto the boat, soaking wet. And dayum. He was hot.
"Are they gone?" he said, brushing his sopping wet hair out of his eyes.
"U-uh . . . y-yeah." I said, trying not to look at him.
"Am I distracting you?~"
"Yeah yeah . . ." he said.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and put his head on my shoulder. I was with him. I was with my crew. I was home.

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