Harry Hook X Reader -•REQUEST #2•-

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Harry Hook x Reader *REQUEST!!*

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Harry Hook x Reader *REQUEST!!*

Same **general** idea by @Arintero1568 but different character traits. Again, a challenge but I love it!!! **Sorry it took so long, this was a bigger challenge and I didnt know what the fuck to write XD** I love the people who comment and it makes me feel so happy that people like this shit!!! I know the second I say this people are gonna jump down my throat but whatevah!! Thank you so much for reading this, and enjoy this fucking shit!!

"Wait what?"
"There are some new isle kids and they're gonna be staying in your room." Ben said.
I groaned and hugged my stomach.
"Alright . . . who are they?"
"CJ and Harriet Hook."
My gut twisted but I nodded.
"Just tell me when they're coming."
"In like twenty minutes."
I ran to my room and grabbed the crap that was on the ground. I shoved things into my closet and cleaned my laziness up. After a bit there was a knock and I opened the door breathlessly.
There were two girls standing at the door. One had to have been seventeen, and the other was maybe about fourteen. I smiled at them and let them in.
"I'm Y/N."
The older girl shook my hand and smiled weakly. The younger just eyed me. I sweatdropped at their reaction and walked over to their room.
"Um, this is where you'll be sleeping, you can fight to the death over who gets what room."
The younger girl giggled, but then caught herself and looked around. The older looked at the room that actually had stuff in it, which was mine.
"Wow, this is your room then?"
I laughed nervously.
"Yeah . . ."
"Wow I didn't think that a princess would have such good taste. I was thinking you all would have pink and tiaras and blech."
"Oh, well I guess you haven't heard that I'm not technically a princess. My mom's Wendy Darling, and I never knew my dad."
The younger girls eyebrows shot up.
"You're the daughter of Wendy?"
"U-um yeah . . . ?"
The older one looked a little surprised.
"H-hey, I just realized... I don't know your names." I said
The older one introduced herself as Harriet, and the younger was CJ. I was talking to them for a while and they started to warm up to me. At some point they started whispering to each other. Harriet smiled at me.
"Are you single?" I nodded "Looking?" I nodded again. "Well we have a brother, and we think he'd be perfect for you! His name is Harry Hook, and he's sharing a dorm with some other people, Jay and Carlos I think."
"Soo, you're setting me up?"
Harriet shrugged.
"Yeah I guess, but I really think you'd hit it off. I guess he's hot to some eyes. But he'd be drooling over you."
I laughed and nodded.
"Alright, let's do it."

Harry POV

Harriet came into the dorm and I groaned.
"I thought I'd never have to see you again."
Harriet rolled her eyes and leaned against the door frame.
"You remember that girl that me and CJ have to share with?"
"The daughter of Wendy?"
"Yes. Turns out she's cool, smart, and she's really pretty. And I asked her if she was looking, and she said yes. So because I'm such a good sister, I set you two up and you now have a date in a few weeks."
    I rubbed my temple and sighed.
    "Alright fine. Let me know information and shit."
    "Mouth." she said as she left.
    Y/N POV/ time skip
    Harriet and CJ had become really close to me, and they dismissed the fact that I was the daughter of their fathers 'enemy.' CJ had been searching her wardrobe to find something for me to wear for my date because I didn't really have any 'nice clothes.' she put me in **outfit at top** and I looked at myself in the mirror.
    "I don't know . . ."
    "You look great! Harry's gonna love it."
    I smiled as she fangirled over my looks. Harriet came back into the room and looked at me.
    "Wow you look really good!"
    I smiled nervously.
    "Okay." Harriet said. "I told Harry to meet you at the lake at seven. Remember, if you don't hit it off, that's fine. It won't make us plot to kill you."
    I laughed at this and nodded. I grabbed my mini backpack and left the dorm. I was nervous . . . I got lucky with Harriet and CJ, but what about him? What if he hated me? I groaned and pulled on my hair. I sat down at the bench by the enchanted lake. I pulled down the crop top to try and cover my midriff. It was seven thirty pm, and no matter how I looked, it was still pretty cold.
    I looked up to see a boy with a red jacket and ruffled brown hair.
    "Harry Hook right?"
    He smirked and bent to kiss my hand.
    "The one and only."
    I smiled as he sat down next to me.
    "Sorry about my sisters. They can be a bit . . ." he raked over my appearance with his eyes. "-pushy. What did CJ do?"
    I laughed and hugged myself to conserve body heat.
    "She said I needed a bit of 'sprucing up' so she gave me this."
    He chuckled and took off his jacket, placing it on my shoulders. I eyed his torn t-shirt and looked up at him.
    "You're not cold?"
    "I'm fine."
    We talked for almost three hours and I really liked him. He was sweet and funny, and he seemed to like me.
    "So the question remains, will I see you again?" Harry said.
    "I should hope so." I smiled.
    "How about another date, next Friday?"
    I nodded.
    "Then I guess I'll see you around." he said, smirking.

    Time skip of like two months

    I opened the door to see my boyfriend, Harry Hook, standing there with a smirk on his face.
    "Hello love~" he pressed his lips to mine and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
    "EWWW!!! GET A ROOM YOU TWO!!" Harriet screamed.
    "We're in a room." Harry pointed out.
    "Bet." Harry said and I turned bright red.
    Harry kissed me again and I smiled. I was happy.
    (A/N Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww cheesy endingggggggggggggg)

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