A/N Super Important

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A/N, I think you already know what this is about

Warning, you might not want to read this, it gets pretty serious, but I encourage you to.

I don't like giving out information on the internet, but I'm going to share a few things.

I am an american, white, woman, so I haven't had to experience the horrible racism that people are forced through. If you have, whether you're Muslim, African-American, Mexican, Asian, or any others I left out, the fact that someone did that to you, to ANYONE, just makes my blood boil.

George Floyd should not have been killed, and that police officer should have been charged with more than third degree murder. He knew exactly what he was doing. Floyd said the infamous words, 'I can't breathe.' Ahmaud Arbery (25 y/o) was shot by a white man just because he was jogging, Trayvon Martin (17 y/o) was 'armed' with skittles and an ice tea, and was shot.

I could scream my heart out for hours about the awful things in my goddamn country are, about how people are treated like lesser than because of the color of their skin.

I am so fucking embarassed to call myself an american.

I love you guys, and stay safe <3 

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