Harry Hook x Reader [Separation Anxiety]

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Harry Hook x Reader [Separation Anxiety]

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Harry Hook x Reader [Separation Anxiety]

Just saying for anyone who doesn't write books on this app . . .
This is exactly what it's like.

I sorta did research on separation anxiety? It's common with clingy small children when it comes to parents, so this is obviously different. Don't rely on me for mental illness info, do your own research cuz I barely know shit :P


@genderqueer_phoenix requested that Harry gets separated from his best friend (i changed the way they get separated a bit, still same idea though, sorry :P) and he gives her a scarf to remember him by until they meet again
@fantvasia requested a reader that suffers with anxiety and Harry finds her and calms her down

    Y/N POV (you're 5, Harry's 7)

I ran around the beach with my best friend, giggling as he chased me around. I tripped in the sand, as Harry grabbed me by the arm and grinned in triumph. I pouted and he stuck his tongue out, letting me go.

"Let's go in the water!" I said happily.
We waded into our knees before I splashed him full force.
"Hey!" he said, splashing back.
    After a few minutes, Harry's big sister found us.
    "Harry, come back!" she called. "Dad needs you!"

    I said goodbye to Harry as he followed his sister.
    I walked along the waves, back home. I opened the door to my empty house. Dad was out again. I sniffed and rubbed my nose with the back of my hand. I climbed onto the counter and grabbed a box of cereal, trying not to fall. I made my 'dinner' and sat at the dinner table. As I ate, I felt myself start to cry. Something normal that happened when I was without Harry. I didn't have parents that were there for me. I was all alone when I wasn't with him. I finished my food and put myself to bed, trying to ignore the shaking and sinking feeling in my stomach.

(A/N damn this kid has some advanced inner monologues)

    Years later, (back to normal ages)

    I jogged over to Harry with a bright smile.
    "Hey Harry!"
    Silence. He stared at a piece of paper in his hands with a look on his face that filled me with dread.
    "U-Um, Harry? Is everything ok?"
    He looked up with me with tears in his eyes.
    "Y/N I . . . I'm being sent to Auradon."
    He pulled me into a hug, resting his chin on top of my head.
    "I'm so sorry, I have to leave you."
    He knew I didn't have real parents. He knew he was all I had. And he was leaving me. All. Alone. It hit me suddenly that my best friend was leaving, and the tears started flowing. I clung to him, crying softly.
    I watched him get into the limo. His eyes locked with mine for a fragment of a second. And I smiled through the tears. Something easier said than done. He smiled back, before the limo door closed, and that stupid car took all I had away from me. I walked back to my empty house. My dad was rarely home when I was awake. Always out drinking or some shit, I don't know. I opened the door.
    "I'm home ghosts." I mumbled.
    I sat down at the kitchen table and slumped forward. Resting my head against the wood.
    "Oi, Y/N."
    I jumped at the sound of my name, looking around frantically. My dad was standing in the doorway.
    "Why are you here?" I said, trying to restart my heart.
    "It's my house isn't it?"
    I wanted desperately to make a come back, but it wouldn't end well so I just bit my tongue (A/N ME ON A DAILY FUCKING BASIS).

    He tossed me a package which I hastily caught. I looked up at him as he went to his bedroom.
    I shook my head and looked down at the package.
"From Harry" it read.
I ripped it open to find a (F/C) scarf that was just about my size. I put it around my neck and smiled at the feel. I pressed the remaining length to my chest and whispered.
"I'll find you again Harry."

T I M E   S K I P (like six months. . . ?)

My breathing was heavy and ragged as I pressed by back against the wall of an alleyway. I felt like I was suffocating. I needed Harry, I needed SOMEONE! But I was alone. I had nothing, and no one. I slid down the side of the wall so I was sitting with my knees against my chest. I shook and sobbed, my breathing shallow and uneven.
"Harry . . ." I murmured between breaths.
"Yes Love?"
My head snapped up to see the pirate. MY pirate. I sat in shock for a few seconds before he chuckled and knelt down, stroking my cheek.
"I'm here Y/N."
I crashed into his arms, holding on and never wanting to let go. He held me tightly, yet softly at the same time. After a few moments, I felt him brush my hair to the side and feel the scarf between his fingers.
"You kept it?" he said, a teasing tone in his voice.
"I only took it off to wash it." I muttered into his shoulder.
After a few minutes, I looked at his face which was inches from mine.
"Can I kiss you?" He asked softly.
I blushed a little and nodded.
He gently pressed his lips to mine and I melted into him. More than I already had that is. I felt more tears drip down my face.
"What?" Harry chuckled as he pulled away.
I sniffed and wiped my eyes with my sleeve.
"Nothing, I just really missed you."
He chuckled and kissed me again.

My AC broke so now there are fans coming at me from every angle. It's over 100 degrees F (38 degrees C about?) outside for like the next few weeks. So this is fun.
Again, I'm so sorry about how late this is. I was going through old texts with me and Jackie, and I found these old requests and I went

Oki baiiii

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