Harry Hook X Reader [Our Own Lives] {pt.2}

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Harry Hook x Reader [Our own lives]

le part 2
If you haven't read part one plz do that (it's [Enemies?] which was the previous chapter)
Explanation that I recently came up with,
You have a bracelet that your parents gave you, and you have it on at all times. It pretty much brands you as their daughter. You can only notice it if you look at it deliberately.

I was sitting at the bar with Harry next to me. He kept saying cheesy stuff like
"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"
I giggled and Uma made fake retching noises from the other side of the counter. I rolled my eyes jokingly. I felt much lighter ever since I told them who I really was. Er, accidently showed them I guess. I didn't have to hide anymore. Harry and I were together, and no one could stop us (A/N foreshadowing 100). We were talking for maybe a few minutes before I heard the bell ring. I turned to see who it was, and my stomach dropped to the floor.
"Ah! There's m'boy!" Captain Hook said, striding up to Harry.
Harry looked at me with big eyes as I tried to keep my fear under control. My hands were visibly shaking.
"And you, who are you?" Captain Hook said, looking at me.
"U-Um . . ." I couldn't get my voice under control.
I took a deep breath and steeled my nerves.
"Well go on, I asked you a question didn't I?" he said, getting in my face.
Harry glared at his dad and grabbed my hand.
"Stop, can't you see you're scaring her?" he said, pulling me away from him.
I suppressed the small smile creeping onto my face when he said this. Captain Hook glared his son down and grabbed my wrist, making my pulse hiccup.
"You like this girl. Don't you?"
Harry saw there was no point in lying. He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair.
"She's my girlfriend."
Captain Hook's attention snapped back to me.
"You look familiar," he said.
His eyes scanned my face and his hand shifted. He looked down at my wrist (that was now red from him holding it) and stared at my bracelet. Pure, raw, fear washed over me like a bucket of ice water. He looked back up at me slowly.
"You're a Pan." he said in a deadly whisper.
Harry met my gaze from behind his father's back and motioned for me to stay calm. Which was pretty fucking hard.
"You're dating. A PAN?!" he screamed, turning around to face his son, my wrist still in his harsh grasp. (A/N it sounds like he's a homophobe)
I fell to my knees next to him trying to stay strong.  Harry looked at his father, holding his ground. But he glanced down at me and looked dead scared.
"Let go of her." he said in a shaky voice.
Captain Hook snarled and dug his nails into my skin. I could feel a gentle trickle of blood run across my forearm.
"LET HER GO!" Harry shouted.
Captain Hook snarled and dragged me out the shop. I managed to stand up, not finding a point in fighting. Tears burned in my eyes as I watched Harry follow.
'I'm sorry' he mouthed.
I gave him a weak smile as I felt the hot tears drip down my face. My arm was pulled roughly and I clenched my free hand into a fist. We arrived at the Jolly Roger and I felt my heart sink. I was thrown into a cell. I tore off a bit of my shirt and wrapped up my bleeding wrist. Harry sat on the other side of the bars, looking at me helplessly. I crawled over to the bars and reached my hand through them, interlocking my fingers with his. He smiled softly and cupped my cheek.
"I'm so sorry baby." he whispered. "I didn't want you to have to deal with my psycho dad."
I bit my lip as he stood up and started walking out of the room.
"I'll be back Love." he said, eyeing my worried expression.
I nodded and hugged my knees.

Time skippo
Harry POV

"Explain yourself." Dad spat.
I blinked.
'Stay calm. Stay calm and you can save her.' I thought desperately.
"What is there to be explained?"
"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL BOY." A sharp blow to my cheek made me jump.
'Shit. Well that didn't work.'
"Dad, she might be the daughter of Pan, but she doesn't act like it. Just because you two are enemies doesn't mean we have to be."
He looked at his hook with loathing. The sun bounced off it and into my eye. I stayed very still. As if a movement would trigger him. His eyes flickered up to me and I tensed.
"She's the enemy. No matter how she acts, she's the enemy." he said harshly. "You're weak."
With that, he left the room. I reached up to rub my stinging cheek. I sighed and walked down to the cell. Y/N's head snapped up and I chuckled.
"So what're you in for?" I said teasingly.
She rolled her eyes. But they brightened quickly.
"Guess what I got~" she said, holding up a ring of keys.
"Wow, who'd you have to seduce for those?" I joked.
"Smitty." she said with a dead serious expression as she unlocked her cell.
I knew she was kidding, but the way she said it was too serious. She rolled her eyes at my expression and flicked my forehead.
"Kidding dummy."
I rolled my eyes and grabbed her hand, running out of the Jolly Roger.


There was something that happened that Harry didn't see. My wings were . . . cut. Not off, but cut so they were impossible for flight. They didn't hurt now, they weren't out. But I got ghost pains. As we were running, one hit me like a brick. I fell to the floor, screaming bloody murder. Harry caught me by my arms and looked at me with worried eyes.
"I-It's nothing."
He didn't need to know what his father did. I wasn't going to conflict him like this.
"Y/N. What happened?" his voice was stern and I felt myself shrink under his eyes.
I slowly brought out my wings. They were torn, and hurting. The tip of my left one was hanging by a thread. The second they were out, I could feel the pain that shot through them. Harry sucked in a breath and looked at the pain in my face.
"You can put them away if it hurts."
I did that exactly. He kissed my forehead and helped me up. We walked around the isle, his arm around my waist, my head on his shoulder. We could hear the shouts of anger from Captain Hook found that his prisoner and his son had escaped.

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