Harry Hook X Reader

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He was my everything. And now I'm broken. He took a hammer and hit me in the gut. And now . . . everything seemed worthless.
"Hi Harry!" I said happily, skipping his locker.
"Hello love." he said, kissing my head.
Harry had been my boyfriend for six months, even though I was a princess, and he was a pirate. Today was our anniversary. I had fallen for him way harder than I meant to.
"What are you doing tonight? I feel like going out."
"Not tonight love, I don't feel good. I just want to curl up in bed and sleep."
"Naw, too bad. Next time then."
I was so naive . . .
I made some of my grandmother's chicken soup and put it in a sealable container. I walked to Harry's room, carefully since I didn't want to drop the soup, and knocked on the door. Jay opened it and when he saw me, he looked borderline shocked.
"Y-Y/N? Wait if you're here then . . ."
"Hi Jay, is Harry here? I have some soup for him."
"O-Oh, he already ate." he said nervously. I could hear Carlos snickering in the background
"Oh yeah, you could say that."
Confused, I walked in anyway.
I didn't pay attention to obvious signs.
I knocked on his door and accidentally pushed it open. There, on his lap, was Audrey. And they were making out. I felt the hot soup slip from my hands and spill on my legs. But I could barely feel it burn. What Harry did was burn enough. He looked up and went ghostly pale.
"Y-Y/N! Uh . . . I can explain-"
"I can do it Harry-boo. (A.N *gags*) Ya see Y/N, Harry doesn't want your gross, unladylike self anymore. His taste has refined. He came to his senses. He wants me."
"Do you know what day it is?" I said, struggling to keep my tone as tears streamed down my face.
"What?" He said.
"U-Um . . . the 16th?"
I looked at him pointedly.
"Yeah. The 16th of October. We got together on the 16th of April. 6 months ago." I grabbed a small package that I had in my purse and threw it at him.
"Happy anniversary jerk." I said, and stormed out.

After that, My life just got worse. Audrey would purposely make out with him in front of my locker, so I had to watch/interfere so I could get my stuff. After a day of being polite and asking them to move, I would just grab Audrey's hair and drag her away. I fell into a depressed state, that my friends helped get me out of, and after a bit, I recovered. Jay eventually asked me out, and he really helped me. He made me feel special, and never mentioned Harry unless I did first. After me and Jay started going out, Harry seemed more interested in me. Which was always fun to watch. Audrey screaming at him, trying to grab insults about me out of thin air, and making a scene in the cafeteria. Something about how 'he was lucky just to have her'. But he paid no attention to her and stared at me and Jay. But back to now.
I knocked on the boys dorm room door, and Harry answered.
I slipped under his arm and walked over to Jay. He scooped me up in a hug.
"Ready to go?" I asked.
"Yes, just let me get my shoes." he smiled.
I turned and Harry grabbed my wrist. He looked at me with big, sad eyes.
"Please Y/N . . . I need you."
I snorted with laughter and pulled away.
"You had your chance. You had six months. And you decided to go after Audrey. But now that I'm taken you want me back? Harry, we are over. Maybe you should've reconsidered what you were doing before you decided to make out with Audrey in front of my locker."
He opened his mouth and closed it again.
"Close your mouth you look like a fish." I said.
Jay came back down.
"Let's go . . ."
As I closed the door, I closed the door to a life with Harry.

Harry Hook x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now