Harry Hook X Reader •-REQUEST-•

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Harry hook x reader [REQUEST!!!]

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Harry hook x reader [REQUEST!!!]

Thank you @Arintero1568!!! I was bored and I didnt know what to write. This was a challenge but i like that!!! It may not be EXACTLY how you envisioned it so sorry. Why the fuck do i sound so polite??? Ok, on to the story!

    Harry POV

    I sat at the dinner table with only one thing on my mind. Y/N. I couldn't stop thinking about her. She and I were already dating, but I still couldn't stop thinking about her. CJ, my little sister, kicked me in the shin and I jumped and growled at her. She smirked and continued to eat her food.
    "Whatcha thinking about Harry?" Harriet said in her 'innocent' voice.
    "None of your concern." I said keeping my voice level.
    "Not even Y/N?"
    I choked on my food and threw my hands down on the table.
    CJ burst out laughing and screamed.
    "What about that boy YOU'VE been seeing Harriet? The one named MASON?"
    Harriet went beet red.
    "What happens between me and Mason is none of your business!"
Dad walked in from the kitchen.
"You should invite this Y/N over, who's her parents?"
I looked at the ground and mumbled.
"Wendy's her mom."
Dad smiled.
"So? You clearly like this girl and I'm not going to stand in the way of that. Why don't you have her over for dinner tomorrow?"
"I mean I guess-"
"Yes. She's coming over for dinner tomorrow." Harriet said.
I rolled my eyes.
"Fine, I'll invite her over."


Harry came up to me during class and kissed me on the head.
"Hello love."
I giggled.
"Hi Harry."
"So . . . my sister found out that you exist. And she was teasing me about it and my dad overheard and now they want you to come over for dinner."
I blinked.
"Your dad. Captain James Hook. Wants me, the daughter of Wendy, to come over for dinner?"
Harry laughed.
"Yeah pretty much."
"Harry I don't know if I'm physically or emotionally ready for this."
"I told him about your mom, and he's fine with it. I'm pretty sure that my sisters are MORE than fine with it."
"Okay . . ."
"How about tonight at seven?"
"Fine, but you have to pick me up, that way we'll have SOME alone time . . ."
"You're forgetting Y/N,"
He bent down and whispered in my ear
"You'll be seeing my room tonight."
I smirked and kissed him.
"See you tonight."


    **dress at top**

    "Holy shit harry. I forgot you live on a boat."
    We were walking to the docks and I immediately began to panic. What if they hate me? Why would they ask me to dinner if they KNOW who my mom is?? Harry could see the panic in my eyes and pulled me towards him. He pressed his lips to mine and I forgot about everything else. I hummed against his lips and he pulled away.
    "Nope. Let's go."
    When we walked in, two girls who looked slightly like Harry ran up to me. The older one's jaw dropped.
    "What the actual fuck?! Why the hell is someone like you dating my brother?!"
    "Thanks Harriet."
    I shrank to Harry who put a protective arm around my waist and led me forward. We went to the living room and he sat me next to him with a tiny smile on his face.
    "You're just so shy, I never knew you could be this quiet."
    I wrinkled my nose at him. Who I assumed to be Captain J. Hook himself, walked into the room and spotted me next to Harry.
    "Ah! You must Be Y/N."
    I gave a tiny nod.
    "There's no need to be shy! Come, food is almost done!" (A/N It feels weird to write captain hook like this)
    Harry led me to the dining room area and sat next to me, his hand on my thigh. Harriet sat across, with the other girl next to her, and Harry's dad sat at the head of the table. I nibbled on some food as Harry kept his hand on my thigh.
    "So Y/N, how'd you meet Harry?"
    "U-um, well I was a transfer student and my teacher assigned Harry to show me around the school, (A/N legit how every HS fanfic goes XD), and we started hanging out after that and somewhere along the way he asked me out."
    Harriet whispered something to CJ and she smiled and wrote something down.
    "What are you two doing?" Harry's dad asked.
    "Oh we're planning the wedding."
    I turned pink and Harry rolled his eyes.

    Time skip to after dinner.

    Harry had pulled me away from his family and had yanked me into a closet. I was feeling a little better now that we were alone. He looked at me against the wall and smirked.
    "And here you were, saying we wouldn't get any alone time."
    I hummed and grabbed his collar, pulling his face right to mine.
    "Well good thing I was wrong."
    He grabbed my waist and kissed me hard. He moved forward so I was pinned to the wall and moved one of his hands up my shirt. I squeaked as he squeazed my breast. I felt him chuckle as he moved his head down to my neck. He bit my neck and shoulders and I pushed him off me slightly.
    "Babe, this is a sleeveless dress. Everyone can see it if you make marks."
    "Hm, good point. I should make more UNDER your clothes~" he smirked.
He unzipped part of the back of my dress and pulled it down enough to expose my bra. He kissed me again and unhooked it. He bit the top of my breast and my breath hitched.
"You're surprisingly good at keeping quiet~ Let's see if I can change that~"
His tongue traced my cleavage and I covered my mouth. His hands grabbed my wrists and pinned them to the wall. All the sudden, the door was flung open. Harriet and CJ were standing there with a camera. I turned red and Harry stood in front of me, hiding my body.
"Guess you're on your honeymoon a bit early."

Harry Hook x Reader Oneshots [DISCONTINUED]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum