Harry Hook X Reader [WAKE UP!]

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Harry Hook x Reader

Sooo remember how in the last story i said there might be angst depending on how the book that I'm reading resolves?

My OTP broke up.

Well shit.

It actually had the opposite effect because the ending was SO BAD (and the OTP didn't get back together, so that pisses me off) and I emotionally can't take any angst right now. Like, when I finished the book, my mom found me crying on the floor. So yeah, sorry angst lovers, I just can't right now 😅

I felt a kiss on my forehead and I smiled slightly. I reached out blindly, keeping my eyes closed. I heard a deep chuckle and felt the other end of the bed sink. I felt Harry's arms wrap around me and I rolled over, so I could surrender into his warmth. He rolled over so he was on top of me and I whined.
"You can't go back to sleep you know." he said with amusement in his voice.
"Like hell I can't. I am not getting up." I muttered.
"We have class Love."
"Since when were you so concerned about missing class?"
Harry chuckled and cupped my cheek.
"Fair enough," he murmured. "I'd much rather have some alone time with you~"
The tone in his voice made my cheeks redden and I opened one of my eyes. He had a smirk on his face that made me squirm and cover my face in my hands. He chuckled and rested his head on my boobs.
"B-Babe?" I said, trying to mask my red cheeks.
He hummed, sending vibrations across my *ahem* area. I gave a light gasp and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Your boobs are comfy." he muttered into my chest. "But they'd look better bare."
I whined and tugged on his hair.
"I t-thought you said we had to get to class." I said, struggling to keep my voice steady.
"I also said I'd rather have alone time with you. We'll just make up an excuse. Right now," his hand slid down to my hip, pulling down the fabric to expose a sliver of skin. "My interest is here."
"Baka." I muttered.
He chuckled and bit my breast unexpectedly, making me jump.
"Why so touch starved?" I gasped.
"You've been ignoring me. Can't blame me for wanting you." he said, rolling over, so I was on top of him.
I was sitting up, straddling his hips. His hands firmly on my waist. I lied down on his chest, burying my face into his neck. He laughed and rubbed my lower back. I hummed in happiness as I lied there in pure bliss.
"I love being able to hold you." he said softly.
I smiled and hugged him tighter, pressing myself against him. I could feel his heartbeat against my chest. He pulled the covers so they were up to my middle back, and I fell asleep quickly, my pirate boyfriend holding me tightly.

E x t r a. You know where this is going
3rd person

Uma knocked on the door of the dorm that she shared with Y/N. She needed to ask Harry something, and she hadn't seen him all day.
'They better not be having sex.' she thought.
When no one answered the door, Uma rolled her eyes and twisted the nob. She grinned evilly when she saw the couple sleeping soundly, tangled in each other's arms. Uma forgot whatever she was going to ask Harry, and crept over to wake them.
"WAKE UP LOVE BIRDS!" she screamed, making Y/N's eyes shoot open in alarm.
"Good god Uma, what the fuck's wrong with you?" she said, pressing a hand to her heart.
Harry tightened his arms around Y/N, pulling her back down with him.
"Crist, can't you let us have the day to ourselves?" he muttered into Y/N's hair.
"Nope! And if you had sex in the dorm I am going to spray the whole thing down with holy water."
"Then you better get some~" Harry smirked.
"H-He's kidding Uma, we didn't." Y/N said with a heavy blush.
"At least not today~"

God I'm sleepy after writing this. I was sleepy before, but now I'm sleepy-er.

Why can't i have a bf that does this with meeeee!!

Arite peace!

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