Harry Hook X Reader [Desirable]

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Harry Hook x Reader [Desirable]

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Harry Hook x Reader [Desirable]

Harry POV

"Ben, why are you making me do this?"
I stood outside the school gates, waiting for some limo to bring a new isle kid. I had no idea who, but Ben put me on greeting duty.
"Because it's important for isle kids to feel at home here, and not isolated. If another isle kid welcomes them in, they should feel a little less . . ."
"Alone?" I finished.
I knew that feeling well. When I came, the only people I had were Gil and Uma. No one else. I was lucky. I sighed and tapped my foot, growing impatient. The limo FINALLY came, and the door opened. A girl with H/L, H/C hair stepped out. Her skin was a beautiful S/C and her eyes were a bright E/C. I quickly shut my mouth as this goddess walked over.
"Umm hi. I'm Y/N."
I quickly got myself together and kissed her hand.
"Hello love, I'm Harry Hook."
She smiled and turned a bit pink.
"You're a VK too huh?"
"How'd you guess?"
"They told me a VK would show me around."
I smiled and bowed.
"Well here I am~"
I led her inside, where everyone was having lunch. I noticed boys drooling over her, and girls glaring. The tour ended at her dorm room, with Mal, Evie, and Uma. Another move from Ben. She turned to look at me.
"Well . . . I guess this is the end. Will I see you again?" she asked, a small smirk playing on her lips.
"I should hope so love~"
    Her smirk widened as she turned and slipped into the dorm. I was left standing there, dazed.

    3rd POV

    Mal, Evie, and Uma loved Y/N from the start. She had this badass persona and didnt take shit from anyone. Audrey and her gang HATED her. They tried to insult her every chance they got. But always left even more pissed when Y/N proceded to roast the fuck out of them. The boys in the school drooled over her and she was subjectified to their perverted words and actions.
    Y/N POV

    I sat in FG's class, almost asleep. The bell rang and I snapped up. I left the class and walked to my locker. I opened it and shoved my stuff inside. Uma jogged up to me and I smiled.
    "Hey Uma."
    "Hey Y/N, we have (random subject) next right?"
    We walked to (random subject) and I heard some kid shout from behind me,
    "YEAH, THERE'S THAT ASS!" (A/N i have no tits and no ass, I'm legit uncooked spaghetti.)
    I rolled my eyes and kept walking. Until the kid ran by me and smacked my ass. I froze.
    'Does this kid have a death wish?' I thought.
I grabbed him by his hood and he fell. I gave him a menacing look and he shrank under my gaze. I yanked the hood back, choking the boy and throwing him behind me. I stormed off to (random class) with Uma, who looked crossed between amused and aghast.
    I slammed my books down on the desk as Harry jumped slightly. He chuckled at my expression and raised his eyebrow.
    "What happened?~"
    "Some kid decided to touch her butt." Uma said from behind us.
    "Oh shit, is he still alive?" Jay said as he walked over to us.
    "He's probably in the nurse's office." Uma laughed.
    Audrey had overheard and turned around.
    "I bet you were begging for it whore. All you do is walk in your little ass shorts."
    It WAS summer, but I was wearing jeans. She was wearing a mini skirt and button down with the first three buttons undone.
    "Oh my gosh! You're soooooo right! We should trade places so that you're the one that gets sexualy harassed, and I'm the one that no one likes."
    Harry snorted next to me as Audrey huffed and turned back around. Class started and I almost fell asleep again. Harry slipped a note to me and I shook sleep out of my system.
    'Enchanted lake after school?'
    I nodded.
    'Anyone else going?' I wrote back.
    'Jay, Carlos, Mal, and Uma.' he wrote.
    I smiled and nodded again.

    T I M E  S K I P (to 3:09)

    I put on my swimsuit under an oversized t-shirt. **swimsuit at top** and threw a towel and sunscreen into a bag. I threw on some flip flops and jogged with Mal and Uma to the enchanted lake. Harry, Jay and Carlos were already there. I took off my t-shirt and sat at the edge of the pier. Jay and Carlos jumped in and Harry squinted at the water.
    "What's that in the water?" he said.
    Jay looked around.
    "I don't see anything . . .?"
    "No, I see something . . ." Harry said mysteriously. "It looks like . . . Y/N!" He shouted, picking me up and throwing me into the water.
    "HARRY!" I screamed when I emerged from the water. Harry was laughing as I slipped out of the water and grabbed his ankle. I tugged him into the lake. He popped out of the water and took off his wet shirt. My face involuntarily turned red at the sight of his abs. He was really built. He noticed my flaming gauze and smirked at me.
    "Am I that distracting?~"
    He moved toward me and threw me over his shoulder. I could feel my legs against his bare chest and I blushed harder, if possible. His hands grabbed my waist and I knew what he was about to do.
    "HARRY NO-"
    But he had already thrown me back into the water. I swam circles around him and wrapped my arms around his torso from behind. I pulled him down into the water and opened my eyes. He was looking at me (from underwater) and I tilted my head in confusion. He grabbed me by the waist and kissed me. My eyes widened as he pulled away and swam up for air. I followed suit when I snapped out of my daze. I looked at him with big eyes and he smirked. I waded over and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him down to my height. I pressed my lips to his gently and I could literally feel his smirk. He rested his hands on my hips and pulled me closer to him.
    "FUCK OFF JAY!" I shouted back.
    "Y/N . . . will you be my girlfriend?"
    "Of course." I smirked, kissing him again.
    "YALL BETTER NOT FUCK IN OUR DORM!" Carlos shouted.
    "Bet." Harry said in a low voice, turning my face bright red.

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