Harry Hook x Reader [Woman]

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Harry Hook x Reader [Woman]

This is a long one, I'm not sorry. I got pissed while writing this so yeah be aware of that. (FG is OOC)

3rd POV

FG had made a new class. Specifically for women. Which was the most sexist, bullshittiest thing ever, and all of the girls thought so. Basically the point of the class was to learn etiquette, and skills to please your future husband, all that shit. They also told the girls not to spread their legs, and give up their v-card until they were married. There was also the fact that boys DIDN'T have this variation of class, about how to treat a woman with respect. Nope, it was up to the woman to earn their husbands respect.
But to add the cherry on top, it was working. The instructors used guilt, and shame to convince them that this was for the best. One of the lessons was about learning to hold your tongue, which unfortunately made people not fight back. On the outside at least.


"Hey, guys." Harry said, sitting with me and Uma.
I hummed and continued to doodle in my notebook.
"Wow, you two are in a bad mood."
"Can you blame us?" I said "We have our 'special class' after this."
"Oh yeah, that's why literally every woman in this school dreads when the day ends."
I snorted slightly and looked at him.
    "Yesterday we learned how to sit properly."
Harry raised an eyebrow.
"And that would be . . .?"
I straightened my back, closed my legs, and pushed my shoulders back.
"Who knew an old bat could talk about how a woman sitting like a man is 'improper' for a half hour." I muttered, relaxing my posture and uncrossing my legs.
"Oh, and last week she talked about how your husband will never want a woman without her virginity." Uma said.
"That's dumb." Harry said. "I like a woman with a little experience." he looked at me with a teasing smile.
I slapped his arm and rolled my eyes.
"I'm tempted to get pregnant just to see the look on her face." Mal said, walking over.
I laughed.
"We should just do the opposite of whatever she tells us and see what she does." I said thoughtfully.
"You should." Harry said, resting his chin in his palm. "What douchebag would want a drone for a woman?"
"Hey girls." Chad said, walking over.
"That douchebag." I said, pointing at him.
"That's not very ladylike Y/N." he said. "Just when I thought those classes were working."
"You do realize those classes are teaching us to not have sex till marrige?" Uma said.
"Yeah for you." Chad said smugly. "Men need to get off sometimes ya know? It's in our DNA."
I covered my mouth, shaking in laughter. Uma closed her eyes and held her breath, trying not to say anything.
"Who are the men gonna have sex with then? Eachother?" I said, making Uma break.
She clutched her stomach in laughter as Chad flushed a brilliant red.
"I'm not gay!"
"Clearly, even a gay man know's how to respect a woman." Uma said between giggles.
Chad scoffed and stormed off.
"Well we're screwed." Mal muttered.
"I don't care, it was totally worth it." I laughed.
"Why are you screwed?" Harry asked
"He's going to tell FG about what we said, and today's lesson will be based on how we should have behaved." Uma rolled her eyes.
"I'm guessing it's happened before?" Harry said.
I grinned and chewed on my fingernail. The bell rang, making us groan. I packed up my stuff and shouldered my bag.
"Pray for us." I said, making Harry chuckle and ruffle my hair.
We walked to FG's classroom and I sat in the back, sitting comfortably.
"Y/N, please close your legs."
    "No thanks, I'm wearing jeans, it's not a problem."
    She forced a smile and turned to the chalkboard. She grabbed the chalk and wrote in big letters,
    'Proper dress.'
    I groaned, along with a few other girls, making FG turn around.
    "I know it's not the comfortable slacking you're used to, but you must be perfect, or no man will want you. Then you will have failed your duty as a woman."

(A/N yall should have seen my expression as I was typing this, I was PISSED)
"Now the school spent a lot of money on these, so don't ruin them or they're coming out of YOUR pockets." She said, pulling out a rack of dresses.
    "God, what century is this?" I muttered, making Uma giggle.
    "Form a line and I'll fit you all."
    I sighed and stood up, running a hand through my hair. We stood at the back of the line, as girls were handed their dresses and directed to the changing rooms. When it was my turn, I had my hands thrusted in my pockets and a scowl on my face. FG told me to wait until she had fitted everyone else because she wanted a word with me. After everyone had left to change she turned to me.
    "I'm really getting sick of your attitude young lady."
    "Good for you, I'm going to be myself instead of some drone so apologies madam." I said the last bit in a honey sweet phoney british accent.
    She sighed and rubbed her temples.
    "Alright listen. I know about your crush on Harry. Do you really think he wants someone who sits, and dresses, like a man, swears like a sailor, and insults people every chance she gets?"
    "He and I are close. He wouldn't be friends with me if I wasn't myself." I retorted.
    "Ah, you're friends. You don't know who he wants in a ROMANTIC relationship. If he wanted you as is, he would have said something by now."
    That shut me up. I took pride in how I never wavered in all the classes, but this one got me. I felt her set a dress in my hands.
    "Now go get changed."
    I looked at the floor and walked to the changing room.

    Time skip

    Pants became irrelevant for the girls. If we wore something other than a dress or skirt that went against our dress code, we would get an extra hour of 'class.'
    I stopped fighting. I stopped arguing against FG, and the boys that would say some smug shit. I just shut down. I was miserable, don't get me wrong, but maybe FG was right. Maybe this would make Harry like me, as more than just a friend.

    Harry POV
    I walked into class and saw the usual sea of fabric. Dresses and skirts that were tight around the waist and went below the knees. I sighed as I walked to my usual seat with Y/N and Uma. They were both in dresses, but Uma's barely fit into the dresscode. Y/N looked stiff, in a dress with a tight corset, long sleeves, and a long skirt. She looked beautiful, but zombie-like.
    "Hey Y/N," I said softly, making her look up at me.
    She smiled warmly, making me frown.
    "Hello Harry."
    Uma and I shared a look.
    "Everything alright?"
    "Of course."
    I tentatively sat down and pulled out a notebook. We were in the middle of taking notes, when Chad walked over again.
    "It's about time you started listening to FG." he said to Y/N. "You're a lot better now that you aren't so disobedient."
    I looked at him with disgust at the word 'disobedient' and I glanced at Y/N to see her reaction. She smiled at him and nodded.
    "As long as you think so."
    That scared me. Uma looked shocked too. Chad left, and Uma placed her hand on Y/N's shoulder.
    "Are you ok?"
    Y/N looked up at her.
    "Of course I am, why wouldn't I be?"
    I frowned and wrote on a slip of paper, asking her to meet me after class.

    Y/N POV

    I felt a hand brush against mine and I looked down, Harry set a piece of paper on my desk and I looked at him. I opened the note and read it.
    'Meet me in front of the school after your 'lesson' I want to ask you something.'
I should have felt happy, but I didn't. If he was going to ask me out, he would be asking out a fake. He would love her, and not me. I took a deep breath and put the note in my bag.

Time skip

I walked out of class, and went to the front of the school, where Harry was. He was standing there with his hands in his pockets. He looked concerned as he saw me.
"Hey, Y/N."
"Hello." I said with a smile.
I had gotten better at making my fake smiles seem genuine.
"Listen, I . . ." he took a deep breath. "I don't really know how to say this but . . ."
Oh god he WAS going to confess.
"What happened?" he said suddenly.
I looked up, blinking through tears.
"What happened to you! You're all different, and-and it's really freaking me out. What did those classes do to you Y/N?"
He started to sound desperate. He grabbed my arms and looked at me dead in the eye.
"Please Y/N, I want the real you back. You think you're good at hiding it but I can tell you're miserable."
I was still frozen, not knowing how to respond. He wrapped his arms around me, and rested his chin on my head.
"I want the girl I fell in love with."
That did it. The tears started to fall as I clung to him.
"I'm sorry." I gasped. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't be." he murmured.
"I'm an idiot for ever believing her."
Harry chuckled slightly.
"If she told you that you aren't perfect the way you are, then yeah, you are an idiot for believing her."
I laughed and rested my head on his chest. He pressed his lips to mine very softly, making my heart explode.
"Tell you what." he murmured. "Come to my dorm and I'll give you actual clothes. You can dress how you want, and I'll be happy knowing you're happy."
"God I wish they taught us that." I muttered.
He chuckled and kissed my head.
"Just be yourself Love."

Lol a bit of a cheesy ending but I think this was a pretty cute one.
Moral of the story, dress how you want, act how you want, be who you want to be, and don't let any boy/girl have you sacrifice your happiness for theirs.
Alright my favorite humans,
Stay safe
Wash your hands
And love yourself <3


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