Harry Hook X Reader [Orphaned] [REQUEST PART ONE]

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Harry Hook x reader [Orphaned] [REQUEST PART 1!]

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Harry Hook x reader [Orphaned] [REQUEST PART 1!]

I've been putting this off for too long. It's time to face this story.

Thank you person-who-requested this, you know who you are :P
(I did like this request, but it's really hard for me to write because of how intense it is )
I'll have to explain this a bit, because it's a little all over the place.
Reader-chan was orphaned in the human world as a child. Her father was trying to take her to Auradon, but something went wrong and she was transported to a dimension (our world) and he never found her. She DOES go to a high school. She's really shy and bullied by EVERYONE in her dimension. On that note, let's get onto the story!
I'm probably going to have a part two to this because it's R E A L L Y long, and it's a better story if it's left on a cliffhanger.


"S-stop Chloe." I said in barely a whisper.
A sharp blow to my stomach sent me flying into a wall. I would've screamed, but by now everything was numb. Once they were done playing with their toy, they left. Teachers turned a blind eye to the bleeding form on the ground. They turned a blind eye to me entirely. I couldn't move. My body refuses to work. I managed to pick myself up off the floor after ten minutes. I stumbled to the nurses office. My fingers wrapped around my necklace, the only thing I had left from my parents (A/N *pic at top* why is that every plot EVER?).
She looked at me and pointed to the back room. I grabbed the gauze from the storage cabinet, and wrapped up the injuries. I limped out of the nurses office and to my 'home.'
"WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" I screamed into nothing. "WHY DID YOU ABANDON ME?!"
I broke down in sobs. I lived in a shabby studio apartment. I've managed to avoid orphanages, don't ask how, I don't know. I kneeled by my bed and dug my fingernails into my thighs.
"Please." I whispered. "Please save me. Get me out of this horrible place." My eyes flickered up at a box of medication.
I went to reach for it, but my hand went through the box. My eyes widened as I saw my surroundings fade. My head started to feel fuzzy, as everything went black.


I let out a blood curdling scream as I sat bolt upright. I looked around and saw a small group of boys about my age. Four of them. They looked shocked, and a little scared, at the bloody teenager in the middle of the room (A/N hM wOnDer wHy? *sorry, I need SOME comic relief*). Tears poured down my cheeks as I backed up to the wall.
"Please don't hurt me." I sobbed.
A boy with a red vest and brown hair slowly moved towards me and brushed my hair out of my face.
"Why would we hurt you?"
"W-why wouldn't y-you? E-Everyone else do-oes." I said through the tears.
They no longer looked shocked, just horrified. A woman came bursting into the room, panting.
"So sorry! The spell went wrong. I meant to send you to my office."
"Ms. Godmother, who is she?" asked a boy with white hair.
"Hush now, come here Miss Y/N."
I nervously stood up and followed the woman.

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