Harry Hook x Period! Reader {REQUEST}

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Harry Hook x Period! Reader {REQUEST}

Goddamn it the second I saw this request my ladies days started.
yOU FUCKING JINXED ME @Slitherchick!!!! (jkjk :))
I'm going to make the not-so-bold assumption that all yall are girls, but if not thank you for bearing with me lmao
So these symptoms (cuz god knows they're all different) are going to be
-food cravings (sweets like chocolate or something)
-heavy cramps (you're out of pain meds, for ✨plot✨)
-Flow is going to be medium cuz heavy flow, heavy cramps, AND no drugs is just unfair
-Mood swings consist of depressed, self conscious (that's always a fun one), but other than that you're pretty chill
(for people who aren't like this in their period, I'm not either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm usually ugly crying, yelling at someone over nothing, or just dead tired.)

Prepare to be pissed at men at the beginning of this just letting you know

I was frozen in bed, I couldn't move. I felt like Satan just popped out of the ground and started stabbing my stomach. I was simultaneously thanking god that the peak of my period came on a weekend and I didn't have to go to school, and cursing him because he made women bleed out for a solid week out of the month, every month.
I shifted slightly in an attempt to roll over, but the pain seared even worse, freezing me where I was. Everything was hot, and tight, so I was lying on top of my blankets for some sense of relief (this is sounding kinda sus-)
There was a light knock at the door, making me squeak slightly.
"Who is it?" I called.
"It's me love," came Harry's voice.
"It's open."
The door opened and he peaked in at me, in bed, dying.
"Kinda late to still be in bed isn't it?"
I shrugged half heartedly and let out a long breath through my nose.
"So, since it's saturday you wanna go on a date or something?"
"U-Um . . . maybe next week . . ." I'd known him for long enough right? He'd understand. "Uh, I'm . . . on my period."
"Ok . . . ? We can still go out can't we?" he asked.
"I-I don't think so, everything hurts and I feel like a ticking time bomb."
"Well how bad can it be?"
I blinked a few times, raising my eyebrows at him.
"Uh, what?"
"I don't know, if it's just a cramp or two, you can still get up and move and stuff right?"
I was stunned. I couldn't even get mad at him, I was too in shock at the audacity he had to say this.
"And besides, can't you just like, hold it in?"
Ok there was the anger.
"Get out." I muttered.
"I said get out!" I yelled sitting up abruptly, which made me gasp and hug myself.
"Ok, ok, jeez . . ." He muttered, shutting the door behind him.
I grabbed a stuffie and shoved it in my face, suppressing a scream.
"Damn it I over-reacted." I whispered, feeling myself cry over nothing.


Harry's POV

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, muttering to myself. I just wanted to go on a date but she had to come up with some half-assed excuse why she didn't want to go. Was she tired of me or something? I bumped into Uma in the hall, who frowned at me.
"Hey I thought you were taking Y/N out?"
I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah but she's on her period and making a big deal out of literally nothing."
I saw Uma's eyebrows shoot up.
"I know right, she refuses to ever get out of bed and-"
"Wait hold on, have you EVER dealt with a woman on their period?"
"Not that I'm aware of, but-"
"Tell me what she said. Did she say it was hard to get out of bed because of her mood or because she was in physical pain?"
"Uhh, physical pain I think, but it's just a few cramps! How bad can it really be?"
I felt my cheek sting. Uma slapped me.
"Oh you fucking IDIOT HARRY." She yelled. "When there's a woman losing enough blood to send a person to the HOSPITAL MIND YOU. And having extreme pain that is on the scale of a heart attack, YOU DONT FUCKING PATRONIZE HER AND MAKE HER FEEL LIKE SHE'S MAKING A BIG DEAL OUT OF NOTHING!!"
"Ok! But she doesn't have to be so . . ." I struggled to find the words.
"So what?" Uma said dangerously.
"Moody! She kicked me out of her dorm because of something I didn't even know!"
Uma took a deep breath, rubbing her temples.
"Someone's moods are partially swayed from a chemical balance of hormones in the body, right?" (bruh I'm all scientific literally any time besides bio wtf-)
"Ok, yeah, so?"
"Do you know the hormones that make women moody on their period?"
"Uhh, no?"
". . . what?"
"TESTOSTERONE DUMBASS!! The same thing that men are literally MADE of!! So don't be a bitch to your GIRLFRIEND, when the reason she's moody is the thing your fucking FULL OF."
    Uma pulled on the ends of her braids and took a deep breath.
    "Ya know, I shouldn't even be helping you. I should have let you spin around in circles till you got your head out of your ass and understood how hard it can get. But I care about Y/N and knowing her, she really needs food, and her BOYFRIEND. So take that however you want." She started to leave but stopped and looked at me.
    "Ibuprofen helps with the cramps, but that's the last bit of help you're getting." She said with a small smile.
    "Thanks Uma." I said quietly.
    Her smile widened.
    Y/N POV

    I had barely moved from my original position. Just curled up in a ball, lying on my side as another shock of pain rocked through me.
    "Love?" I heard from outside the door.
    "Go away!" I called, my voice cracking slightly.
    The door opened anyways and I glared up at him. My glare softened and I twisted my neck so my face was in my pillow.
    "I'm sorry I got mad at you." I whispered, feeling the pillow begin to wet.
The end of the bed sank as he rubbed my calf.
"Don't be sorry Love, I was being stupid and it was compleatly my fault. I deserved to be yelled at.''
I smiled into my pillow and winced again. Harry reached up and stroked my hair as I bit the pillow for a few seconds before relaxing a little.
"I got you some medication if that'll help . . ."
I hummed and nodded gratefully. He grabbed a glass of water and handed me a few pills (or whatever your dosage is)
"Hmm . . . thank you." I sighed as he helped me sit up.
I chugged the water and took the pills quickly before leaning against the headboard.
"I have food love." Harry said softly, brushing my hair out of my face.
I snapped up, sitting up straight with wide eyes.
"Food? Ow-" I muttered, holding my stomach from sitting up to fast.
"Of course love, what kind of person would I be if I let you go hungry." He murmured, kissing my forehead.
I giggled and rested my head in the crook of his neck. He picked me up softly and gently rested me in his lap bridal style. I hummed in his arms, feeling his fingers run through my hair, and his lips on the top of my head.
"I'm sorry I was so dense Love." He whispered in my hair. "I had no idea how hard it is."
"Mm, did Uma help you?"
I felt him tense a little, making me laugh.
"It's ok, nothing wrong in asking for help, it's one of the nice parts of having female friends."
"She DOES know you best."
"Mmm... you're warm." I muttered.
The heat and close-ness was no longer suffocating, more comforting. I felt safe, at peace.
"Is that a good thing?"
"Mmhm." I said happily.
He chuckled and kissed me affectionately, making me squeal in my head.
"Now c'mon, I got you chocolate, ice cream, and pastries."
I sniffed a little and rubbed my eyes.
"Wh- did I do something wrong?" I could hear the panic in his voice.
"N-No," I said, smacking my cheeks to try and snap out of it. "I'm just really happy that you're my *hic* boyfriend."
He flushed and rested his chin on my head.
"I'm really happy I'm your boyfriend too."

(tehehe, my hormone levels fucking SKYROCKETED while I was writing this, and I started crying for about 15 minutes over an issue that I had balled up for a month giving me a huge breakdown that was only calmed down by watching anime with my brother)
    I have never been more touch starved than I am now tbh, it sucks but at least I don't want to kill everyone in my household

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