Harry Hook X Mute! Reader

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Harry Hook x Mute! Reader (this is at Auradon)

        I scribbled on the whiteboard aggressively as I cussed someone out. I showed Harry the board and he chuckled.
        "Woah, watch your language!"
        I smiled at him and erased the board. We were sitting on the floor of his room playing cards.  He looked at me intently before saying,
        "Aaaaaaand, GO!" I grabbed a card and switched it before placing it down.
        We were playing spoons, and Harry was kicking my butt. I sped through the cards before realizing that the one I needed, was in the trash. I scowled and picked up a fresh deck. I had three sixes (A.N: SATAN) and a queen. I kept going, but then looked up to see Harry holding back his laughter. I looked at the space between us to see no spoon! I glared and threw down my cards.
        'No more for me thanks' I wrote 'Your too good.'
        He took the white board and wrote something.
        'You're.' he had wrote.
        I scrunched up my nose and turned around. I heard him chuckle and pick me up bridal style. He stared at me before smiling.
        "I've never seen anyone so beautiful."
        I was about to deny it, but Harry moved my board out of my reach.
        "Not so fast . . . you can't deny it now." he said, smirked.
        I raised my eyebrow and signed,
'I'm denying it mother trucker.'
Harry laughed and kissed my forehead. He had learned sign language, just for me. It also proved a useful skill during class. We heard the bell thingie ring, letting us know that it was time to head to the hell hole- I mean, class. He set me down and we walked out together. (A.N: I know I keep making Audrey the bad guy, but I'll keep doing so b/c she's kinda a bish.) I bumped into Audrey who, for some reason, thought I was begging for attention and decided to point it out among other things about me.
"Ugh, it's you. Watch where you're going. Just because you don't talk doesn't mean you're the queen of the world."
'Just because you're the daughter of Aurora doesn't mean the world revolves around you.' I wrote cooly.
Audrey scoffed.
"Cut the childhood trauma bull. Everyone knows that you just want attention."
'Cut the attention bull. Everyone knows you just want someone to pick on because of your inferiority complex.' I wrote.
She gaped at me and scowled.
"Stop it with the white board! Just talk like a normal person and not like a freak!"
'Ya know how I'd like to use the white board?'
She raised her eyebrows. I hit her over the head with it and passed her. Harry laughed and followed me. I sat in FG's class next to Harry and rested my head in my hands, mentaly preparing myself for a boring class.
Time skiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip
        FG droned on about being a good Samaritan while me and Harry signed to each other behind her back. Audrey was glaring at us before raising her hand.
        "Ms. Godmotherrrrrrrrrrr," she said in that whiny tone. "Y/N and Harry are talking behind your back."
        We stopped signing as FG turned around. I then wrote,
        'We weren't talking. Obviously. I think Audrey's trying (and failing) to get us in trouble for no reason.' (A.N: Ya know what, FG's gonna b that teacher that's boring, but chill.)
        She laughed as she read my board and said,
        "Audrey, their obviously not talking. Just focus on yourself."
        See why I like sign language now? Audrey was fuming and she crossed her arms and hunched over. Class continued, with me and Harry still signing to each other. FG didn't call on Audrey anymore because she knew what was going to happen. Class ended and Harry walked out with me. He and I had a date planned and he took me out by the ocean. I sat down on a picnic blanket that was already there and he took me in his arms. We ate some food, and relaxed together on the sand. He turned to face me.
        "Y/N," he said. "You are the most beautiful and perfect girl, and I don't think I can survive without you. I love you."
        It was one of those things, where three little words, changed everything. (A.N: #cheesy)
        "I love you too." I said.
        My throat ached and my voice was a little raspy from lack of use. Harry looked shocked. He laughed and cried a bit before pulling me into a hug.
        "You did that. You fixed me."
        Harry held me tight and didn't let go.

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