Harry Hook X Reader [7 Deadly Sins]

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Harry Hook x reader; Seven deadly sins

I sat on the floor of Mal's room, regretting life. She was holding a bag, in which inside, there were seven glass bottles. See, Mal, Jay, Carlos, Evie, Harry, and I were playing seven deadly sins. Basically you reach into the bag and pull out a bottle of potion. The potion is labeled with which sign you got. You then drink it, and it lasts for an hour. You can't really ignore it, because you'll be in pain until your sin is satisfied. There were a few that I really didn't want. Gluttony, Lust, or Wrath. Although, I didn't want ANY of them. Why wasn't being pretty a sin?! Oh yeah, you don't know who I am. My name's Y/N. I came from the isle with Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, and Harry. I was Mal's half sister, my father being Hades. We were close. Jay was the only one who knew about my crush on Harry. He and I were really good friends. Mal and Evie didn't know because they would DEFINITELY tell him. See why I don't want the lust potion now? I'm getting off topic, back to the game!

"Cmon Y/NNNNN!" I scowled at Mal and reached into the bag.
My hand wandered around for a bit and I felt the neck of a bottle. I pulled it out and covered the label.
"Moment of truth." I said.
My hand slipped off the label and I read the print.
"Lust." (A.N. WhO eLsE sAw tHiS cOmiNG?) I said.
"NOOOOOOOOOO." I moaned and threw the bottle across the room where it 'conveniently' landed on pillows.
Mal giggled like mad and went to grab it.
"Why are you so upset about getting lust?~" Harry smirked.
"Cuz I don't wanna be like you." I giggled, sticking my tongue out.
"But you want him~" Jay whispered into my ear. I smacked him upside the head.
Mal came over and handed me the bottle. I sighed and uncorked it.
"Here's to being an innocent bean." I said, raising the bottle.
"Oh since when were you ever innocent?" Harry said, chuckling.
"Since before I met you!"
I tilted the bottle into my mouth. For a bit, I didn't feel anything. I shrugged and we continued playing. After a minute or two, my stomach began to cramp up. Like, period cramp hurt. Times five. I hugged my stomach and bit my lip. Harry glanced at me and raised an eyebrow.
"You good Y/N?"
My eyesight turned fuzzy and there was a feeling in my chest. Like a beast, dying to come out. I groaned and held my stomach tighter.
"Oh, the potions kicking in!" Mal said.
I looked up at Harry, but I only saw his faint outline. I crawled over to him and kissed him. Hard. I could barely hear the wolf whistles behind me. I was surprised as to how fast he kissed back. He pulled me onto his lap and held my back. The pain in my abdomen slowly faded, until it was gone. I pulled away gently, his hot breath fanned over my lips. He chuckled and I turned beet red. I began to crawl off him but he grabbed my hips and held me in place.
"Might want you close to me so you can control your . . . craving." I turned red and crossed my arms.
I knew he was just helping me out, we were good friends, and he probably didn't actually like me. Harry was the last one to go, and he ended up with . . .
"Two?!" I shouted when Harry drew his bottle.
"Oh yeah, I put a second bottle of lust in there, I forgot!"
Harry looked at me with a dusting of pink on his face. It had only been fifteen minutes, and I had made out with him three times. (A.N Dayum Y/N)
"Well? Drink it!"
Harry sighed and uncorked his bottle. He raised it to his lips.
"Welp. There goes Y/N's virginity." Jay said.
I laughed, and Mal went to lock the door.
"Hey!" I shouted.
Well, we gotta wade this out so we don't traumatize a stranger." I sighed.
"Alright . . ."
As soon as I said that, the pain came back. I groaned and hugged myself. I felt someone grab my shoulder and I turned to look at Harry. His eyes were a little cloudy, and his persona had darkened.
"Perfect timing!" Mal chuckled as I crawled into his lap and kissed him harshly.
Apparently, he had been holding back before, because he kissed me HARD. I fell backwards onto the floor and he pressed himself against me. I felt his hand snake up my shirt and I tangled my legs with his. I heard faint voices, that grew louder and louder as the pain in my gut drifted away.
"GET IT Y/NNNNNN!" Jay was screaming.
I broke away from him, panting harshly. But oh no, Harry wasn't done. His lips went to my neck, and he bit down. I covered my mouth to hold back a noise from escaping. After about thirty seconds, he stopped. He looked at me and turned pink. Mal and Evie were laughing their heads off while Jay was applauding. Carlos looked dead traumatized. I sat up and rubbed my neck. I stood up (with difficulty XD) and went to a mirror. There was a fat, purple and red bruise on my neck.
"HARRY WHY?!" I screamed.
Mal laughed even harder as I stole her foundation to try and hide it. I sat down and stuck my lip out at Harry. He was smirking now, probably at my crappy attempts to cover up what he left behind. I glared at him and he gave me the look that makes my body stopped working and I sat back down.
*Time skip of 45 min.*
My potion wore off, and I was a little sad that I wouldn't have an excuse to kiss him after his dosage wore off. Suddenly, he pulled me into his lap and I smiled. He pressed his lips onto mine and my eyes fluttered shut. He kissed me, but this wasn't the lusty ones I had been getting. This one was slow, and passionate. I pressed myself against him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away gently and stared into my eyes. He whispered into my ear, (A.N WOULD YOU LIKE A SPRITE CRANBERRY?! No? . . . fine)
"I never drank the potion."

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