Harry Hook x Trichotillomanic! Insecure! Reader

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Harry Hook x Trichotillomanic! Insecure! Reader

Wow long title lmao
Trichotillomania is a stress induced condition that causes a person to pull out hair in a specific area. Common places are eyebrows, eyelashes, and your hair.
I have actually have trichotillomania, so while I'm not a professional, I know what it's like, and it's not fun. Personally, I have it in my eyelashes, (maybe a little in my actual hair too) so therefore I don't have eyelashes. And because I'm feeling self conscious and in desperate need of validation, that's going to be what the reader has. (Also because that's what I know most about)
Background/useful information about this condition, (reminder that it is different for everyone and this is only based off my personal experience)
Most of the time, I don't realize I do it. So when I'm stressed during online class (*cough* you can imagine how often that is) I will just pull out my eyelashes without thinking or noticing. It probably looks pretty freaky, but it's not painful.

    So yes, it's about stress, and I already did a chapter about stress, bUT I'M WRITING THIS DURING THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION SO I'M ENTITLED TO

    Ok onto the story

    Y/N POV

    My leg bounced as I sat at my desk, typing away at my essay. It was about some shit that no one ever wanted to know about or care about. I barely had the first paragraph down before I felt a hand on my shoulder. I glanced over at my boyfriend, Harry. He pushed my wrist away from my face and I groaned.
    "I was doing it again wasn't I?"
    He nodded.
    "Yeah, don't worry too much about it though, ok?"
    I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled on it.
    "Not that either Love." He chuckled, grabbing my arms and pulling them towards him. I snuggled into his chest trying to take my mind off the essay. My alarm went off, ruining the moment. I looked at my phone and cursed under my breath.
    "I have to get on a call . . ."
    He hummed and kissed my temple.
    I closed a couple dozen tabs and opened up Zoom. I typed in the ID and sat back in my chair.
    "What's the meeting about?" Harry asked, resting his head on top of mine and wrapped my arms around my neck.
    "Some scheduling shit, it's boring and I'm stuffed into days that I don't get a say in." (A/N, I'm ignored most of the time lol)

    He unravelled his arms and trailed them down my sides instead. I shivered and tried to wave him away.
"I'll be let into the meet any second now, I can't." I muttered.
"Hmm, I don't care."
I felt him kiss down my shoulder and I blushed a bit.
"You're such a dork." he murmured against my skin. "Getting so flustered even after we've been together for so long."
I squeezed my eyes shut and shivered.
'Oh what the hell.' I thought. 'I'm practically nonexistent to them anyways, not like I'll be let into the meeting.'

I spun around in my chair and wrapped my arms around him, pulling him into me. He chuckled deeply and kissed me. It was starting to get just a LITTLE heated, before the computer went off, letting me know the computer was trying to connect. I let out a groan and spun back around my chair. My laptop was slow so it took a while to connect.
"Hey Y/N." I heard from the screen.
"Hey, audio's glitchy so I'm going to turn my video off." I said.
I muted myself and zoned out. I barely paid attention to the meeting, as they droned on. My mind wandered to the essay and I switched to split screen. I jotted down a few sentences before my name was mentioned on the zoom.
"You ok with that Y/N?" they said.
I looked at the schedule, my name was scattered all over the month. I managed to turn my mic on and tried to say it was a bit too much.

"Great! Thanks!"
I muted myself again and groaned. My hand went into my hair and pulled on it harshly.
"I get you're a masochist but you're going to rip out your hair." Harry said, pulling my hands away from my head.
"Here, give me a hair tie."
I handed him one and he tied my hair up into a ponytail. (A/N pixie cut people, you're awesome)

"There," he said. "If you get stressed pull on the ponytail. Or if you just want to pull on your hair." I could almost HEAR the smirk in his voice.
He tugged the pony and I closed my eyes. He quickly let go and I looked over my shoulder at him.
"What? It's relaxing."
"You're so weird." He laughed.
He grabbed my ponytail again and I leaned backwards, looking at him with big eyes. He frowned slightly and stared at me.
    "I just realized you don't have any eyelashes."

My eyes widened and I covered my face.
"Oh god."
"Don't worry about it, you look beautiful." he said, pulling my hands away from my face.
I let out a whine and he pressed his lips to my forehead.
"I love you." I murmured.
He spun me around in my chair, he picked me up and set me down in his lap.
"But really," he said. "Do you pull on your hair because it relaxes you, or because it turns you on?"

I smacked his head.
"Because it relaxes me dummy."
He grinned and trailed his hand up my back to the nape of my neck. He held the base of my hair tie and pulled it gently. My body relaxed and I shut my eyes. He buried his face in my neck and continued to mess with my hair.
"And that's it for the meeting, we'll send out the calendar next week." I heard from the computer. "Thanks for covering so much of the month Y/N, but make sure you turn your video off."
I froze and blushed heavily, making Harry laugh. He shut my laptop and I snuggled into his chest.
"I've got you Love."

Yay! Cute ending! I had a BF once (once lol) and he teased me when he first found out, so this me only liking fictional men. I accept no other kind of man unless they're not real ;-;
    I've recently found out that listening to Yagami Yato comfort audios (the NON 18+ ones ya nasty) is the most stress relieving thing, like ever, and it helps a lot.
    Moral of the story, make sure your video and/or microphone are off before you read wattpad.
    (I finished this after Biden was elected, so my stress went away, but dUDE WAS I READY TO MOVE TO CANADA)

    Ok wash your hands
    And love yourself

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