Harry Hook X Pregnant! Reader [REQUEST]

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Harry Hook x Pregnant! Reader [REQUEST]
(lol im right next to my mom)
So this was a lil different . . . haha. Sorry person-who-requested-this . . . different than u said (just a bit XD) I effing love these requests tho. I feel happy that i can give people something they want and make them feel good. I don't (personally) know you guys, and it may have not been intentional, but you have made me feel so good about myself. I've had it a bit rough, but yall have shown me that the world isn't always so bad. Thank you for that. Really. Omg sappy y lol
**i'm listening to a randomized nightcore playlist and descendants music came on XD**
Arite backstory, you were friends with the VK's, but you got into a fight when they left and you've resented them ever since
OK NOW TO THE STORY XD (they're 18 in this scenario k?)

'Nononononono' I thought.
I began to hyperventilate, my hands shaking with the test in hand.
"POSITIVE?!" I shouted by accident.
There was a knock on the door and I jumped.
"Y/N? What's wrong?"
I opened the door, thinking there was no way to avoid it. He was going to leave me. I knew how he felt about kids. The second he came in, my knees collapsed from under me and he caught me.
"Y/N?! What's going on?-"
He spotted the test. He picked it up from the floor and looked from it, to me. He threw it to the side and grabbed me by the back of the head, and pulled me into him. I heard his tears and I began to cry again. But when he pulled away, he had a huge smile on his face.
"It's mine?"
"Of course."
He laughed again and kissed me.
"I'm gonna be a dad." he whispered.
"I thought you'd be mad." I said, pounds of stress lifting off me.
"Mad? How can I be mad? We're having a baby!" he said.
I nodded. Pushing my head into his chest.
"We're having a baby."

T I M E  S K I P (two weeks)

I ran into work, putting my hair into a messy ponytail. Uma was leaning against the bar looking at me with a smirk.
"What is it now Y/N?"
I chuckled nervously. I was often late for work. But this time I couldn't tell her why.
"Power went out, so my alarm turned off."
"Mhm. Cmon, you're cashier."
I walked over to the machine and sat behind, counting the cash. Luckily, that was a fast job. Harry walked in from the back and smiled, kissing the top of my head (A/N im hella tall. No one does that to me DX). He had been so much happier since the pregnancy announcement. I smiled back. But my stomach didn't agree. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Uma ran in and looked at me.
"Don't come if you're sick! You'll just get worse."
"I'm not sick. I've just been . . . nauseous lately."
Uma frowned at me then left. I cleaned up a bit, then went back to my station. I was talking with Harry, and Uma at some point looked up sharply and stared at me.
"Y/N . . . are you pregnant?"
I froze. A smile slowly crept onto my face as I nodded. Uma screamed so loud I thought my eardrums were going to burst.
I laughed as she hugged me fiercely. Gil came out from behind a door and stared at me.
"You're pregnant?"
I nodded. He smiled goofily and hugged me too. But uh . . . his hand was a little too high. Harry snarled slightly and ripped him away from me. He grabbed me and held me against him. I looked up at him in amusement and he kissed me to shut me up. I didn't mean to . . . but it got a little . . . heated. Uma grabbed me and tore me away, screaming something that I couldn't understand. He playfully growled and chased us. He grabbed my wrist, and because the author decided to write us into a cliche anime, (A/N ALERT ALERT!!! THE FOURTH WALL HAS BEEN BROKEN!), he tripped and pinned me to the ground. Uma looked at me with a smirk an ran away screaming
"DON'T GET TWINS!!" before running away.
Harry smiled and kissed my forehead before helping me up. I groaned and put a hand on my stomach.
I stiffened and turned around. There was Carlos.
"Shit." I mumbled. "What do you want Carlos? Here to taunt me about your royal lifestyle?"
He sweatdropped.
" . . . are you pregnant?"
I snatched Harry's sword from his belt and held it at his throat. He backed up so fast he tripped over his own feet and fell.
"You tell the rest of the fucktards and you're so fucking dead."
Harry looked a little shocked. I usually didn't curse. But you get me pissed, and I become a vulgar bitch. (A/N me irl tho)
"Y/N . . . I swear. They didn't mean it! They feel really bad an-"
"BULLSHIT." I shouted, swiping the sword, giving him a small cut on his cheek.
Mal, Evie, and Jay ran over to where we were. Mal turned pale, it was the most satisfying thing I'd seen in a while.
"Oh yay! I can punish all the bitches!"
"Y/N-" Harry said.
"This is MY fight." I snapped.
He smirked and raised his hands in surrender.
"Look Y/N, we didn't mean to say that! It was a bad time in all our lives and we-"
I swiped the sword again, making them all back up.
"Aww, because you're SOOO much better now. With your prince boyfriend and your stupid blonde hair."
"Harry? What's going . . . on . . ." Uma had come out and spotted me.
He put a hand in front of her and pointed to the sword.
"Damn. She has that crazy pregnancy strength now."
Evies eyes lit up.
"Y/N! You're pregnant?! Cong-"
I gave her a look that made her shut up instantly. Jay bent down and grabbed a random sword.
"You're not good enough. You'll never be good enough. Worthless. Unloved. Wannabe. Whore. Slut. All shit that you've said to me. Now you're going to fucking pay."

T I M E  S K I P

"Wow. that's the first time I've seen you REALLY mad. Kinda hot." Harry said as he wrapped up my cuts.
"Shut up."
He chuckled and kissed my forehead.
    "I wasn't kidding." he whispered.
    I sighed and lied back onto the bed. He kissed my stomach and lied down next to me.
    "Night mom."
    "Night dad." (A/N dAdDy)

    Lol this went in so many directions
    Peace my fav. bitches

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