Harry Hook X Reader [Our Pasts]

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Harry Hook x Reader [Our pasts]

[WARNING; mention of rape]

[Always ask for consent kiddos]

I used to be in a bad relationship. I dated a boy named Niko. And he forced me to do things I wasn't comfortable with. He had forcefully taken my virginity, he had hit me, and called me horrible names. The whole nine yards. My chances of trusting another human being were pretty much obliterated. I'm Y/N. I live at the Isle of the Lost. My dad is Hans. I grew up surrounded by boys. I had three brothers, who weren't the best people ever. I mean, it's not like they were exceptionally horrible, but hey. They were brothers. And my father was always trying to find a man for me. Telling me that I needed someone to protect me. (A.N. If Anyone. ANYONE. Tells you some BS like this I swear to god, kick them in the balls.) He tried to set me up with countless men. Until I agreed to Niko. He seemed sweet enough. For the first week. After that, I saw how horrible he really was. I felt things I didn't want to feel. Heard things I didn't want to hear. And by the end of everything, my self esteem was so broken, I didn't even try to fight back. Uma broke me out of that relationship, and made me a member of her crew so she could protect me, and help me learn to protect myself. That was a month ago. Here's to now.
"Dad I gotta go." I said as he stood in front of the door with his arms crossed.
"I still don't see why you broke up with that Niko boy, he seemed so nice!"
"Dad. Those were MY reasons. Now I have to leave!"
"Dear, I don't want you walking around on the isle without someone to protect you!"
"I don't need someone to protect me! Why do you keep insisting that I need a man to protect me, when I know how to defend myself?!" I said with a raised voice. "Now I have to go! GOODBYE."
I walked out the back door and walked around to the front gate. I kicked it open out of spite and walked to the shop. When I opened the door, Harry and Uma were at the bar talking.
"There she is!" Uma said when she noticed me. "C'mere girl!"
I walked behind the bar and grabbed a glass. I filled it with water and stood next to Uma. We talked for a bit, before Harry put his hand on mine. I pulled away harshly and tripped over my back foot and hit my head on the back shelf. Uma panicked and helped me up, looking at the back of my head. She glared at Harry and put an icepack on my head.
"I-I'm sorry Y/N!" Harry said hurriedly. He came around the bar and moved the ice pack.
He held my head and I got a flashback.
"Shh Shhh, you're okay Y/N." Niko said, holding the back of my head harshly.
I stood up quickly and ran away to the other side of the bar. My legs crumbled under me and I sank to the floor, hugging my knees. Harry walked up to me and kneeled down. Another flashback hit me like a truck.
"You're okay Y/N. You'll get used to it. The blood will be gone soon my dear."
I scooted back more and Uma grabbed Harry by the ear and pulled him away.
"What did I do?!" he shouted.
She knelt down beside me and pulled me into a hug.
"You're okay now honey. I'm here to protect you." she whispered.
I nodded and leaned against her.
"But you know he wouldn't dare hurt you, right?" I nodded again as she helped me up.
"I really like him. But my life is so messed up."
Uma smiled at me mischievously.
"You have a cruuuuuuuush?~"
I blushed slightly and shook my head.
"I didn't mean to say that." I mumbled.
"Alright. You can go. I'll see you tomorrow hun."
I left the shop and started walking down the street. I hugged myself, feeling embarrassed. I had freaked out in front of my crush. When I'm supposed to be strong. I mean, I live on the Isle for pete's sake! I have to be this, badass, strong chick who can take anything!
As I was wrapped up in my thoughts, I walked in front of an alley. And an arm shot out and harshly grabbed my elbow.
"AH-" I was yanked into the alley.
I came across a face that I never wanted to see again. The face of Niko Clayton. His face had this horrible smirk on it that made me shiver.
"Why'd you leave darling?~" the 'pet' name rolled off his tongue in a way that drudged up horrible memories.
I would normally punch the guy in the face, or scream. But with HIM. I froze up. I couldn't move. I tried to move my arms to push him away, but they wouldn't move.
"Not even fighting back darling? Do you want me that bad?~"
I tried to move my legs but they wouldn't budge. It was when he started kissing down my neck that my arms started to move. I put them on his chest, trying to push him away but he was just too damn strong. He ripped my shirt off aggressively and I pushed harder. He pulled out a switchblade and cut my bra off. I started to cry even harder. Suddenly, his touch was off my skin. When I opened my eyes, Harry was there, kicking Niko on the ground. My breath shook as I sank to the floor. Niko was left on the ground with a bloody nose, a busted lip, and a shiner. Harry hesitantly put his hand on my arm and I flinched slightly.
"No no! You're okay!" He said hurriedly.
"S-sorry. Old habits die hard."
He smiled sadly and took off his shirt, giving it to me. I blushed heavily at the sight of his toned chest and put on the shirt.
"C'mon. Let's get outta here."
He stood up and reached his hand out. (A.N. CLICHEEEEE) I smiled a bit and took it. He pulled me up and we walked back to the shop. Uma looked up curiously.
"Y/N? What are you doing here? And why are you in Harry's shirt?"
"W-well, I had a run-in with . . . Niko . . ." I said softly.
Uma got a horrified look on her face, and ran to me.
"Are you okay? What did he do to you? Do I have to kill someone?" (A.N me.)
"I'm alright Uma. Harry saved me."
I stood on my tip toes and kissed him on the cheek he looked down at me with a raised eyebrow as I blushed.
"S-sorry I-"
He cut me off by leaning down and kissing me. My eyes widened before fluttering shut and wrapping my arms around his neck. Uma smiled in the background as she watched her OTP come true.
(A.N. also me. Is is sad that I can always relate to the friend in that background that's the third wheel?)

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