Harry Hook X Reader [The Play]

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Harry Hook x Reader [The Play]

QUICK RANT (not rly a rant..?)

Sooo hi...? It's been a while.... Sorry about that....

I have been watching a shit ton of anime with all this free time that I have, THEY NEED TO STOP MAKING THE VILLAINS SO HOT. I mean at least make the character a good person. If any of you have seen Hunter x Hunter, I got into it recently, and fRIGGEN HISOKA 😳
They shouldn't make pedos so hot.
And fricken ATTACK ON TITAN. I mean, the villains in that story are ugly AF (thank god) but wnfiygqeuyfnweqf gOD DAMN LEVI. (Ik that's what everyone says but FAK ITS TRUE)I watched the first few episodes at 1 in the morning, and I had to pause it, stuff my face in a pillow, and suffer quietly because I didn't want to wake my family up. I'm pretty smart huh?

So my last chapter was called [Behind the scenes] and @BadassXMultiQueen asked for a part two (which is a really good idea and I hadn't considered it) for the CREW'S reactions. SO BOOM HERE WE ARE

    After Uma found out, I felt infinitely lighter. She was the person I was the most scared of finding out, since she was the other half of the ship. But as it turns out, she wasn't interested in him, and liked the idea of him and I together much more. I smiled a lot more, and the shipping didn't hurt as much.

    Time skip, brought to you by my cat being a dumbass

    I walked into the shop with a bright smile, but it quickly disappeared at the looks that were shot my way. I frowned and looked around the shop feeling the intenseness of everyone's eyes. This lasted for a moment or two before everyone went back to talking and doing their job. Harry was sitting at the bar looking nervous. His right leg was jogging and his hand was clenched into a fist, rapidly tapping against the wood. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder with a confused, and slightly scared, expression.
    "I'm sorry Y/N."
    'IS HE BREAKING UP WITH ME?!?!?!?!' I panicked, the floor falling out from underneath my feet.
    Uma came out the back and bit her lip. I gave her a desperate look, begging to know just what the hell was going on. She shook her head and averted my eyes.
    "Hey Y/N?" I heard from behind me.
    I jumped and turned around to see Cress.
    "O-Oh, yeah Cress?"
    She narrowed her eyes at me and I started shaking.
    "Are you dating Harry?"
    Time slowed down. But in a good way. That's what Harry and Uma looked nervous about. I was a lot less scared of telling the crew, and I would take them finding out, over him breaking up with me any day. My body calmed down and I relaxed.
    "Y-Yeah . . ."
    Cress smiled and clapped her hands together.
    "That's great!"
    I was a little taken aback.
    "It's great, you have someone. Even if you're being selfish and taking him away from the captain, at least YOU'RE happy. That's all that matters right?" she smiled a very fake smile then left.
    I blinked a few times and stared after her in confusion. I spun on my heel to face Harry and Uma.
    "What the hell was that?" I said, laughing deliriously.
    Harry chuckled and shook his head.
    "Don't listen to them Love, they're trying to guilt-trip you."
    "Well I know THAT. She's just bad at it. You have to drop subtle hints so the person comes to that conclusion themselves. If you're that blatant about it, there's no effect." I said after my giggle fit.
    Uma looked at me and backed up a few paces.
    "Suddenly I'm very concerned to get on your bad side."
    I laughed again, a happy noise.
    Harry smiled and kissed me. It was nice to be able to kiss here, instead of pretending that we're just friends. Uma squealed and jumped up and down in happiness. I could feel glares against my back but I didn't care. I pulled away with slightly flushed cheeks, but a bright smile nonetheless. His arms were wrapped around my frame and my forehead was resting against his chest.
    "God, we get it. You're dating. You don't have to rub it in everyone's face." someone spat.
    That would probably hurt later, but at the moment, I was too happy. I brushed off the comment and kept smiling.
    "I thought you'd be more upset about this?" Harry said. "I mean, I'm glad you're not, but you're not taking it how I thought you would."
    I shrugged.
    "Give it a day or two, it might change."
    Harry frowned and kissed my forehead, resting his chin on my head.
    "Let's hope not."
    Time skip brought to you by me restraining from strangling my brother -_-
    I walked out of the shop and headed home, Uma had me stay a bit late to help her with cleaning something. I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling it back and tugging on it in certain places. I heard voices, but didn't pay it any mind. Until that is, I heard Harry's voice. I stopped walking, and my eyes darted to locate where they were coming from. I listened carefully and made out pieces of a conversation.
    "Cress, you need to cut that shit out."
    "But you two are perfect! Ditch Y/N, all she'll ever do is leave you wanting more." (A/N I know this wouldn't happen IRL, but whatever)
    I manovered my steps so they were almost silent against the concrete. The voices were coming from around the corner. I pressed my back against the wall and glanced around the corner (creepy).
    "HEAR ME OUT! You guys have perfect complimenting qualities, a-and-"
    "CRESS! You are not Uma. And you can't change my decisions. So cut the shit and LEAVE."
    There was a frustrated noise from Cress as I heard her retreating stomps.
    "You can come out now Y/N."
    I jumped and came out from behind the wall.
    "Not very sneaky huh?"
    He chuckled and rolled his eyes. He intertwined his fingers with mine as we walked down the street.
    "Not to say 'I told you so' . . . but-" I said with a smirk ghosting around my lips.
    "Give 'em a few days. They'll get used to it after a while. And if they don't, their boss is a die hard romantic who will defend this ship at all costs."
    I laughed and rested my head against his shoulder. I felt his mood change and I looked up at him, confused. He had . . . THAT . . . smirk on his face. The one that makes me dread and anticipate whatever the hell he's planning.
    "How 'bout we celebrate?~"
    I squeaked as he scooped me up bridal style and started walking towards his apartment~

    AH FUCK THIS TOOK WAY TOO LONGGGGGGGGG *slams head against desk* sorry for not posting, I'm sure it hasn't been THAT long, but it really feels like it. I just very randomly remembered that I had an unfinished story on a google doc somewhere and kinda went "OH FUCK-" and started working on it XD
    Stay safe Wattpad-addicts!

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