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Hi guys, this is a venting post

Umm I'm writing this during an anxiety/panic attack so if you don't want to listen to me freak out you don't have to read this, it's not vital information about the book.

I won't share what it is exactly, but I have a 'test' of sorts tomorrow morning and I am absolutely terrified. I can't stop shaking and I randomly have to hole up in my room and try to calm down for like 10 minutes

I literally just want to crawl into a hole in the wall and stay there

For me, sometimes a lot of surrounding noise can make me freak out worse (I don't know why) but my brother constantly plays video games and won't shut the fuck up

So yeah. I'm not doing too well.

I just needed to put this out there in case it might make me feel better IDFK.

Thanks for listening to me be a fucked up nerd, love y'all, stay safe ❤️

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