Harry Hook x Siren! Reader

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Harry Hook x Siren! ReaderHELLOSchool's starting up for me so my updates might go down, sorry :(

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Harry Hook x Siren! Reader
School's starting up for me so my updates might go down, sorry :(

Oki so reader-chan is the daughter of a siren. She is very beautiful, and isn't a scary sea creature that transforms. Instead she....seduces people?

Sorry idk how to seduce ppl I'm clumsy and awkward


"Ugh I'm so bored! Why does no one come to this part of the beach!" I groaned, lying back on the rock I was sitting on.
I was a siren. Which was all well and good, but I have to wait for my prey to come to me.
"Goddamn it mom, I get this is how you used to hunt, but there are much better way to do it!"
I didn't eat people. That shits disgusting. I got favors. Money, real food, that kinda thing. I yawned and stretched, relaxing on my sunbathed rock. My stomach growled and I groaned.
"Well well~ Isn't this a sight~"
I sat up, keeping my alluring aura. There was a boy standing in the sand. He wore a red vest that showed off his well toned muscles. Next to him there was a girl, with long blue braids and a similar pirates uniform.
"God, keep it in your pants Harry, you just saw the girl."
I flipped around so I was on my knees.
"It's ok, I don't get a lot of compliments, especially from such hot guys~" I said with a wink.
The first part was a lie, but not so much the second...
I slipped down from the rock, swaying my hips. My fingers fiddled with the hem of my swimsuit, faking a shy aura.
I flicked my eyes up and stuck out my lip. He placed his hands on my hips and I giggled. Normally the giggle was fake, but this one . . . This one was different. My hands trailed up and rested against his chest.
"So what's a girl like you doing alone on the beach~"
"Doing what I have to in order to survive~"
"Ohh, and that would be?"
I opened my mouth to respond but my stomach growled, almost answering for me. I flushed red in embarrassment, which again, hasn't happened before.
"Aww~ it's ok love~"
He pulled an apple out and handed it to me. My eyes lit up as I grabbed it and took a big bite. I had forgotten how GOOD food tasted. I ate the apple and looked back up at the boy who had given me food.
I stared at the ground. He chuckled and tilted my chin up.
"It's all right love, this is the most deserted part of the beach. I doubt sirens get many people around."
I froze. No one had ever figured out that I was a siren. Even the girl next to him looked at him in slight shock.
I wanted to cry in shame. Of course, the first guy I was interested in was the first to find out who I was.
His hand brushed my hair back behind my ear. My pulse hiccuped as his face got close to mine.
"Nothing wrong with being a siren Love, you can't control who you are, right?"
I blushed, and giggled slightly.
"Of course Love, now let's get you some real food~"

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