Harry Hook X Poseidon! Reader

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Harry Hook x Poseidon! Reader

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Harry Hook x Poseidon! Reader

    If you don't know who Posiden is, then A) read percy jackson and B) Poseidon is the god of the ocean in greek mythology. He can talk to ocean animals and control the sea in a nutshell. This person is the DAUGHTER of poseidon, so her powers aren't as good as his. (Poseidon is the brother of Hades, but good.)
    This one comes in courtesy of @MarieLily716

    Y/N POV

    "FUCK OFF UMA. THIS IS OUR TURF." I shouted, the sea churning behind me.
    Uma growled at me and I gripped my hands into fists. The ocean got rougher and the waves crashed aggressively against the pier. Uma eyed the ocean and backed off. I had a bit of a temper on me, and when I was near water, I became more powerful.
    "What about a truce?"
    I looked at her and the water began to calm. I gestured for her to continue.
    "Mal's here. We captured her prince boyfriend. She's coming back and . . ." Uma sighed and scowled at the ground. "We need some reinforcements."
    My eyebrows shot up. Uma never asked for help in her life.
    "So you need the amazing beautiful demi-god on your side?~" I teased.
    She glared at me.
    "Will you do it or what?"

    Time Skip
    "Wow, this place is a dump."
    Uma growled at me and I smiled mockingly. A boy was sitting at a bar, his back facing me. I eyed him as Uma called the boy over.
    "HARRY! C'MERE."
    Harry came over and looked at me dumbstruck. I felt my cheeks heat up a little. He was clearly well built, and was really hot. I looked over at Uma in confusion as she rubbed her temples. I cleared my throat.
    "I'm Y/N Posiden. You are?"
    He snapped out of his trance and kissed my knuckles.
    "I'm Harry Hook love~"
    I bit my lip to keep from smiling. Uma rolled her eyes.
    "Harry take her out back, see what she's got."
    He winked at me and led me to their ship. He pulled out his sword and swung it at my head. My sword appeared out of nowhere and blocked the attack. He knocked my sword out of my hands and kicked my feel out from under me. I fell onto my back and he pointed his sword at my throat. I made the water churn and throw the boat to the side, making Harry lose his balance. I grabbed my sword and pinned him against a pole. I looked at him for a second and pulled my sword away. I threw it up into the air and it disappeared into nothingness.
    "Holy shit you're good."
    "Those are the breaks." I smiled.

    I leaned against the boat, looking out into the ocean. I felt a breeze ripple through my hair and I smiled. I had been training with Uma and her crew for about a week, and Uma was growing on me. She and I were cautious friends. Her first mate however, I know I shouldn't have feelings, but because my heart has no fucking sense, it goes a little faster every time I see him. He walked over to where I was standing and I felt the blood rush to my face. He smirked at me and I bit my lip.
    "Oi lovebirds! They're here!"
    I blushed at this and walked to the front of the ship

    Time skip

    Harry was thrown overboard. My emotions got out of control and the ocean started moving the boat, and Harry got thrown off. If he was in the water when it was this crazy, he could drown. I was trying to calm the waves, but the fact that I could be responsible for killing Harry made everything worse. I ran off the edge of the boat and dove in. I could breathe fine underwater. I swam around until I saw a body. I grabbed Harry and pulled him to shore. I laid him on the ground and felt his heartbeat. He was alive. I pressed my lips to his (for mouth-to-mouth) and he started coughing. I placed my hand on my heart as he sat up and looked at me.
    "Did you kiss me?~"
    My face burned red.
    "Actually I gave you mouth to mouth. I don't kiss unconscious people." I said defensively
    "You sure?~"
    "I think that I, of all people, would know."
    He smirked again and grabbed the back of my head, pulling me into an actual kiss. My flaming face was nothing compared to this. I placed my hands on his shoulders and leaned into him more.
    "GOOD GOD HARRY!" Uma shouted from somewhere.
    Harry pulled away with a smirk and stood up, going over to Uma, leaving me dumbstruck.

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